The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N

2024/07/0108:14:32 education 1590
The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N - DayDayNews

The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. Medical students experienced the origin of life, the relationship between life and the environment, and the evolution of human chewing organs at a close distance at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology. and hidden scientific information.

The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N - DayDayNews

Zhan Renbin, director of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced: "It's called a conodont, and all of us specialize in studying its chewing organs called teeth. In geological history, there were already such conodonts more than 500 million years ago. Biology, the evolution of its chewing organs is used to compare the strata of different eras."

The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N - DayDayNews

Zhu Jiaye, a student majoring in oral medicine at Nanjing University, said: "This kind of field observation and exploration is close to the subject and helps us better understand the origin and origin of life. The evolution of chewing organs and understanding of the relationship between life, the earth, and the environment. "

The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N - DayDayNews

Kang Wen, a student at the School of Stomatology, Nanjing University School of Medicine, said: "Being more respectful of life has once again opened up my understanding of the richness of species in the world. "

The weather is hot, and there are more visitors to museums, science and technology museums, and aquariums. They can not only escape the heat, but also gain knowledge. Today (July 15), the Nanjing University International Oral Medicine Life Exploration Summer Camp opened. At the N - DayDayNews

In addition. In addition to on-site visits, this summer camp will also carry out many exciting lectures such as "The Cambrian Explosion of Life" and "The Origin of Fishes of Human Key Organs".

Wu Wenlei, deputy dean of the School of Stomatology, Nanjing University School of Medicine ( Nanjing Stomatological Hospital ) said: "Students can broaden their thinking through various forms of learning and communication."

From July 16 to 17, Nanjing Museum We have launched a number of parent-child activities such as "Exploring the World of Dinosaurs" and "The Beauty of Plants in Cultural Relics" to explore the mysteries of life with the audience through the exhibition of cultural relics and fossils. At the Taicang Science and Technology Museum in Suzhou, the marine life popular science exhibition was recently launched and will last until September 5. It displays more than 100 living organisms and more than 140 marine life specimens, allowing the audience to learn through physical objects, models, multimedia and other methods. Marine science and technology knowledge and enhance interest in knowledge and exploration of the ocean.

At Yancheng Port Ocean World, many parents come with their children to enjoy the dolphin show, play in the ocean children's park and enjoy parent-child time. Yancheng Port Ocean World will also launch tourism projects such as the Marine Science and Technology Museum and the Tropical Plant Museum, and provide services such as marine science popularization and marine fish viewing.

(Source: Jiangsu Public News Channel/Wang Leping Editor/Guozheng)

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