There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is

2024/07/0200:15:32 education 1670

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is - DayDayNews

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line.

is a score that is neither high nor low, neither good nor bad. If you rush, you may enter a 211 university, if you are stable, you will be admitted to a provincial college.

Zhang Hui’s parents have long told people that if their child has excellent grades, it will be no problem to get into the 211 key universities, but it really becomes a problem when applying for a volunteer. Teacher

said that Zhang Hui’s score is 211 and the university is not competitive. He may be able to get there if he rushes, but he must agree to adjust his major. You have to think about whether the school should be given priority or the major?

Zhang Hui's parents have always insisted on giving priority to school. If they want to go to school, they should go to a 985 or 211 key university. Not only will their children have a good job in the future, but their parents will also have a bright face. To others, their children will go to a key university.

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is - DayDayNews

Zhang Hui’s chosen subjects filled out in one batch are:

Zhengzhou University

Lanzhou University

Liaoning University

Inner Mongolia University

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Shihezi University

6 preferred majors are all subject to adjustment. School is given priority, major does not matter. Zhang Hui’s parents repeatedly said that as long as he can get into the 211 universities, the worst major is better than the best major that is not a 211 university. Besides, you can change your major after you get to school. There are too many opportunities in key universities. .

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is - DayDayNews

Let’s talk about Wang Yi. He knows that it is very dangerous to rush to 211 university. Even if he rushes, he may be transferred to a relatively inferior major. He thinks that electronic information majors are more popular, and he also prefers them, such as electronic information engineering and information engineering. and , information and communication engineering, , etc. He focused on filling in these majors.

Wang Yi’s first batch of volunteers are:

Henan University of Science and Technology

Henan University of Technology

Henan University of Technology

Henan University of Finance and Economics

North China University of Water Conservancy and Hydropower

Henan University of Light Industry

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is - DayDayNews

Wang Yi’s six aspirations are different from Zhang Hui’s. He gave up his pursuit of the 211 Project University. All six of his choices went to provincial universities in Henan Province, and all majored in electronic information. The final admission result of two classmates

was that Zhang Hui was admitted to 211 University, but his major was changed to Zhengzhou University bioengineering . Wang Yi’s first choice was successfully admitted to Henan University of Science and Technology, majoring in electronic information engineering, fulfilling his professional dream.

After the two classmates arrived at university, their encounters were even more different.

Zhang Hui doesn't like , majoring in bioengineering, , and wants to change his major. It turns out that changing majors is only a matter of paper talks between his parents. How easy is it? When he failed to change his major, his father gave him a big picture, saying that he would have to take the postgraduate entrance examination after graduation, and when he took the postgraduate entrance examination, he would change his major. Wouldn't it be good to switch to , information engineering, and ?

Maybe my dad is right, but I studied bioengineering in college for four years and took the postgraduate entrance exam in information engineering. What a long detour.

There are two boys in Zhengzhou, Henan, one named Zhang Hui and the other named Wang Yi. They are both science students. Zhang Hui scored 70 points above the first line in the college entrance examination last year, and Wang Yi scored 71 points above the first line. This score is - DayDayNews

Where is Wang Yi? He was admitted to his favorite major, and he felt at home like a fish in water. Studying was both tiring and joyful. His goal was determined, and he would take the postgraduate entrance examination to , Tsinghua University, and .

Filling in the college entrance examination application is actually a choice of values. School first or major first? It is also a collision of two values. You can't say who is right or wrong. The key is that the candidates should make their own choices and choose what they like. Zhang Hui's wish was replaced by his parents who took over their duties, and the result was a tragedy.

I think that instead of choosing the worst major in a 211 university, it would be better to study the best major in the province. What do you think?

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