Every time at this time, someone always throws out the argument that "going to college is useless." The argument is that in addition to the current expansion of university enrollment, it is that it is difficult to find a job in universities. There will be 10.76 million graduates

2024/07/0113:47:33 education 1328
Every time at this time, someone always throws out the argument that

1 The admission process for the 2022 College Entrance Examination is in progress.

Every time during this period, someone always throws out the argument that "going to college is useless." The argument is that in addition to the current expansion of university enrollment, it is that it is difficult to find a job in universities. In 2022, there will be 10.76 million graduates, excluding more than 1.1 million domestic students who are pursuing further studies. Except for graduate students and more than 500,000 graduates studying abroad, most of them need direct employment. Difficulty in finding a job is also a real problem.

These are of course facts, but as a rural child who changed his destiny through the college entrance examination, I have always believed that going to college is still very important, because this is an important stage for people to become talented, or a necessary condition.

2 said that going to college is important. I recently saw a piece of news that illustrates this point.

Li, the president of a bank in Binzhou City, Shandong Province. As a president, he has a high income, but unfortunately it is his daughter. Every family has difficulties. In March 2015, Li’s daughter was preparing to take the college entrance examination art exam. , but the performance of is not ideal enough for .

In order to let his children go to college, Li had a wrong idea and fell into the trap of a bad person.

Zhao from Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, met the president after being introduced by a friend. He told President Li that "this matter is not difficult to handle." He claimed that his uncle Huo was the vice president of a university in Inner Mongolia and was familiar with many leaders of the Ministry of Education. , can you help me ask, can help children go to a good university .

This is not a free question, it is not a white lip service, it requires money.


"To go to college, you first need to choose a number. This is a necessary schooling process!" In this regard, Li transferred more than 1 million yuan to Zhao without any doubt..

It costs 1 million yuan just to go to college. If a college graduate earns 5,000 yuan a month, it would take Xiao Li 17 years to earn this money after graduation. Are you still saying that going to college is useless?

1 million yuan was certainly not enough, because he needed to apply for an art exam certificate from a college in Beijing, so President Li quickly increased the funding for activities, totaling nearly 3000,000 .

In late June 2015, Zhao claimed that there was a "small database" on the internal LAN of the Ministry of Education that could check university admissions status in the background and modify college entrance examination scores, and the president spent another 6.65 million yuan.

After the sky-high price of worth 10.65 million, in July 2015, Li’s daughter entered the continuing education college of a college in Beijing to study.

This university is so expensive!

4 But that's it, this college student has no student status.

Zhao told Li that if he wanted his daughter to become a formal college student in the college, she must purchase education funds issued by the Ministry of Education and various provincial and municipal education departments. President Li once again transferred 8500,000 yuan to Zhao's designated account.

In August 2015, Zhao contacted Li by phone and said that the university was unable to file for his daughter. He had to log in to Xuexin.com and open the file file program to solve the problem. However, the file file program was associated with a total of 16 ports and needed to be opened at the same time. Only through these ports can files be filed across provinces. In order to successfully apply for a file and successfully apply for student status, a deposit of 500,000 yuan per port must be paid. Regarding this "arrangement", Li did not question it, and successively transferred the deposit and coordination fee 14.61 million to Zhao.

From September 2015 to September 2016, in just one year, Zhao successively "paid guarantee fees to the school", "changed college entrance examination scores", "opened database fees", "secondary purchase of education funds" and many more With this excuse, he took away more than .15 billion yuan from President Li.


In November 2016, Zhao called President Li and said, "In order to ensure the safety of the education fund purchased in the early stage, another deposit must be transferred." Therefore, President Li once again transferred to the account designated by Zhao.

In March and May 2017, Zhao contacted Li twice, claiming that the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency was reviewing "Dean Cao" of a college in Beijing because "Dean Cao" helped Li's daughter go to school. Being too busy, Zhao successfully defrauded Mr. Li of a total of 36.58 million yuan on two occasions.

In June 2017, Zhao pretended to be the anti-corruption director of a city’s procuratorate and contacted President Li, claiming that the purchase of education funds had been targeted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The funds in the education fund account that had been paid in advance had been frozen and characterized as bribes. Li Suspected of bribery. In order to clear away the charges for Li, "Sun" said that he needed to create false running accounts and then make new payments in order to replace the huge amount of education funds purchased in the early stage. By March 2018, Zhao had defrauded Mr. Li of more than 3.152 billion yuan.

Mr. Li, who was worried about his daughter's studies, was deceived 26 times and became a poor victim. He gradually transformed from a leading cadre into a "worm" who defrauded loans and illegally issued loans.


This university is really too expensive! Just don't know how his daughter is doing in school? If you don't study hard, how can you afford the 300 million yuan in tuition?

In order to send their children to college, some people have spent huge sums of money, while others are taking desperate risks.

According to The Paper News : The son of Xi Huisuo, the principal of Hengshui Middle School, was reported as a "college entrance examination immigrant." He studied at Hengshui Middle School for all three years of high school, but went to Tibet to take the college entrance examination in June 2021. According to reports, the Tibetan Examination Yuan has canceled Mr. Xi’s qualification for the college entrance examination.


On May 22, 2020, Tongzhuo talked about the college entrance examination in a live broadcast, saying that he had repeated the college entrance examination in order to get into the university of his choice. However, because the university only admitted fresh graduates, Tongzhuo used some means to change himself to I got the status of a fresh graduate, but in the end I still didn’t pass the exam. The remarks sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Later, the " Central Academy of Drama" informed that Tongzhuo forged his identity as a fresh graduate and revoked his diploma in accordance with the law. Tong Zhuo's stepfather and "Deputy Secretary-General of the Linfen Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee" Tong Tianfeng was placed on party probation for one year and dismissed from government affairs, and relevant personnel involved in the fraud were punished respectively.


In order to let their children go to college, some parents are cheating, some parents are taking advantage of their power, and some parents spend huge sums of money. How dare you say that going to college is useless?

obviously doesn’t make sense!

Friday, July 15, 2022

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