In recent years, not only has there been more work on epidemic prevention and control, but drowning prevention work has also been raised to an unprecedented level, from the government, to communities and villages, to schools... When students are on vacation, their guardians are p

2024/07/0210:08:32 education 1530

In recent years, not only has there been more work on epidemic prevention and control, but drowning prevention has also been raised to an unprecedented level. From the government, to communities and villages, to schools... the whole society has worked together to prevent drowning!

In recent years, not only has there been more work on epidemic prevention and control, but drowning prevention work has also been raised to an unprecedented level, from the government, to communities and villages, to schools... When students are on vacation, their guardians are p - DayDayNews

In recent years, not only has there been more work on epidemic prevention and control, but drowning prevention work has also been raised to an unprecedented level, from the government, to communities and villages, to schools... When students are on vacation, their guardians are p - DayDayNews

Students are on vacation, and their guardians are their parents. In school, teachers have the obligation and responsibility to provide safety education to students. Many drowning prevention education sessions were conducted before the vacation. Responsibility has been fulfilled!

is on holiday. According to the school arrangement, students are assigned to all teachers. One person is in charge of 7-20 people. Groups are established. They are required to be reminded twice a day, and everyone must reply and report that they are safe once in the evening. This is to divide students during the holidays. Safety is all left to the teacher!

What is more serious is to check that students and parents recite drowning prevention knowledge, and teachers volunteer to patrol the river on a mandatory basis! Under the scorching sun, you can see the most glorious professionals by the river!

Preventing drowning during holidays should be mainly the responsibility of parents. Teachers have the responsibility of education, which is completed in school. The government has the responsibility of publicity and facility safety, river and bay area repairs. Why, in the end, only teachers are doing the work of preventing drowning, and the government is all inspectors. Check whether the teacher is doing well or not. If you fail to meet the requirements, you will be criticized and punished!

Teachers are a disadvantaged group, but for the future of the motherland, it should become a respected profession in order to teach and educate people!

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