[Source: Huaibei Municipal Education Bureau_Public Education News] In order to better summarize the work highlights and successful teaching and research experiences of each teaching and research group in the past school year, on the afternoon of July 13th, Suixi County Chengguan

2024/07/0117:21:32 education 1816

[Source: Huaibei Municipal Education Bureau_Public Education News]

In order to better summarize the work highlights and successful teaching and research experiences of each teaching and research group in the past school year, on the afternoon of July 13, Suixi County Chengguan Central School was held in the large conference room of the school A final meeting on teaching and scientific research work was held. The meeting was chaired by Ren Yinchao, director of the teaching department, and attended by the leaders of the lesson preparation groups for each grade and subject in the school. At the

meeting, the heads of the Chinese group, mathematics group, English group, and political group respectively spoke about "Teaching and Research, We Are Always on the Road", "Learning to Lead Research and Research to Promote Teaching, Teaching and Research," "Working Together to Advance and Share", "Facing difficulties and moving forward with determination" was the theme speech. Afterwards, the heads of the History Group, Physics and Chemistry Group, Earth Sciences Group, and Arts and Sports Group also made keynote speeches. The heads of each subject group conducted a summary and exchange based on the actual work of the group, covering a wide range of topics: focusing on the practice of implementing the requirements of the new curriculum standards, focusing on the implementation of " double minus ", focusing on promoting the improvement of teachers' professional quality, promoting subject teaching reform, Successful practices in student management, home-school co-education, etc.; measures to improve after-school services; attempts around smart campus construction and online teaching; combined with the activities of the subject group, successful practices were summarized and existing problems were analyzed deficiencies and proposed improvements.

Finally, Zhao Shu, principal of the Central School, made a concluding speech. He pointed out that this meeting was a comprehensive summary of the school's education and teaching achievements this semester, and it was also a multi-faceted and comprehensive training for all lesson preparation team leaders and teaching and research team leaders. This major teaching and research activity was conducted across disciplines, and the exchange content covered all aspects of school education and teaching reform, such as efficient classroom construction, moral education implementation, class construction, double reduction implementation, after-school services, homework assignments, subject core literacy cultivation, and student development. There are many issues such as education and the transformation of underachievers with learning difficulties; the heads of each subject group can think and solve problems in the practice of education and teaching reform, and directly address the "new curriculum standards", "double reduction", "homework assignments", and "core competencies" "Cultivation" and other hot and difficult issues in education reform reflect the exploratory spirit of Chengguan people based on the times, looking to the future, and daring to be the first; the content of the exchange is all the real insights and real practices of each subject group in the education and teaching process, directly touching the actual teaching and scientific research of the school, It has strong guidance for subsequent education and teaching reform, and there are many good experiences and practices worthy of mutual learning.

This teaching and research group work summary meeting not only sorted out the teaching and research work content and highlights of this semester, but also played an important guiding role in the following education and teaching work, inspiring each teaching and research group to continue to strengthen teaching and research within the group, give full play to the team's advantages, and work together , work together to continuously accelerate the pace of high-quality development.

[Source: Huaibei Municipal Education Bureau_Public Education News] In order to better summarize the work highlights and successful teaching and research experiences of each teaching and research group in the past school year, on the afternoon of July 13th, Suixi County Chengguan  - DayDayNews[Source: Huaibei Municipal Education Bureau_Public Education News] In order to better summarize the work highlights and successful teaching and research experiences of each teaching and research group in the past school year, on the afternoon of July 13th, Suixi County Chengguan  - DayDayNews[Source: Huaibei Municipal Education Bureau_Public Education News] In order to better summarize the work highlights and successful teaching and research experiences of each teaching and research group in the past school year, on the afternoon of July 13th, Suixi County Chengguan  - DayDayNews

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