In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di

2024/07/0115:00:32 education 1733
In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di - DayDayNews

In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, Jiangsu Academy of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and difficulties in teacher education and scientific research, and carries out "Happy Education and Scientific Research to Make Good Teachers" A series of public welfare activities. On the afternoon of July 15, the first event of this series was held at , the No. 1 Central Primary School in Qinhuai District, Nanjing. The theme was "How to write high-quality papers."

In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di - DayDayNews

At the event site, Yang Jiujun, former vice president of the Jiangsu Academy of Educational Sciences, special teacher , and researcher gave a lecture "Several Proverbs About Educational Writing", covering the meaning of educational writing, source of materials, writing skills, etc. , shared his experience with the teachers present, and encouraged the teachers to write more and practice more.

In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di - DayDayNews

"Every teacher should be a researcher." Yang Jiujun said: "The development of teachers is a quadruple spiral, practice, reflection, learning, research, and then practice. To become a very good teacher, educational writing It is definitely very important.”

In the salon session, teacher representatives shared some of their confusions and experiences in educational writing around the theme of “The Pain and Joy of Essay Writing” and pointed out the importance and urgency of professional writing guidance for teachers. . Faced with the confusion raised by teachers, experts used micro-lectures to help everyone solve their problems. How to choose a paper topic, how to retrieve information for paper writing, how to formulate a paper abstract and keywords, how to make the paper more professional... Every micro-lecture is full of useful information.

In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di - DayDayNews

Educator Suhomlinsky said: "If you want teachers' labor to bring fun to teachers so that class every day will not become a boring obligation, then you should guide every teacher to engage in Study this road to happiness. "The Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Educational Sciences' "Happiness teaches scientific research and makes good teachers" series of activities have now formulated "How to write high-quality papers", "How to give a high-quality class" and "How to design good assignments". A series of training programs such as "How to do a good job in project research" and "How to do a good job in individualized tutoring". In addition, the Provincial Academy of Educational Sciences has also planned a series of teaching, scientific research and training activities to serve front-line teachers, such as "Happiness through teaching and research to achieve good schools" and "Happiness through teaching and research to achieve good education".

In order to better serve grassroots education and scientific research, improve teachers' scientific research literacy, and meet the scientific research needs of grassroots teachers, the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences accurately connects the key points and di - DayDayNews

"We hope to provide good services to front-line teachers, so that teachers can feel that the level of education and teaching can be improved, and education and teaching work can bring happiness." said Lu Yuexin, president of the Jiangsu Academy of Educational Sciences.

(Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television Media News Center/Yao Wei Correspondent/Lu Fang Editor/Guozheng)

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