Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhang Wen Correspondent Danxuan Danxia is full of vitality in July. The reporter learned from the Shaoguan City Danxia Mountain Management Committee on July 15 that since this summer vacation, teachers and students from pr

2024/07/0111:16:32 education 1119

Text and pictures/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zhang Wen Correspondent Danxuan

Danxia in July is full of vitality. The reporter learned from the Shaoguan City Danxia Mountain Management Committee on July 15 that since this summer vacation, teachers and students from primary and secondary schools across the country have gathered in the "nature school" of Danxia Mountain for professional internships, teaching internships, and study tours. , scientific research inspections...Danxia Mountain has become the "second classroom" for teachers and students.

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhang Wen Correspondent Danxuan Danxia is full of vitality in July. The reporter learned from the Shaoguan City Danxia Mountain Management Committee on July 15 that since this summer vacation, teachers and students from pr - DayDayNews

Students went to Danxia Mountain to carry out research activities

It is reported that since late June this year, teachers and students from nearly 30 domestic schools or research institutes have gone to Danxia Mountain to carry out various teaching activities, including Sun Yat-sen University , Southwest University Domestic university teams such as South China Agricultural University also include research teams from multiple primary and secondary schools.

A staff member of the Danxia Mountain Management Committee told reporters that each teacher-student team differs in study time and content according to their learning needs. University teams mainly focus on professional internships, scientific research and other forms, covering biology, geology and geomorphology. , management and other content topics, the duration is as long as five days or even more than a week; the teacher-student team of primary and secondary school students focuses more on practical education and outdoor experience teaching, mostly on geography , biology and comprehensive practical activities Mainly, the duration is relatively short.

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhang Wen Correspondent Danxuan Danxia is full of vitality in July. The reporter learned from the Shaoguan City Danxia Mountain Management Committee on July 15 that since this summer vacation, teachers and students from pr - DayDayNews

College team conducts study research

Various parent-child study tours organized by local community study institutions have become a "special scenery" in Danxia Mountain during the summer. Parents and children go to Danyan Rock during the day to carry out special experiences and cultural experience courses , watching insects and stars at night... Ms. He, a parent from Guangzhou, told reporters after experiencing the night insect watching course that compared with the past of taking her children out to "check in", "This way of learning is more recognized by us. It also makes us like Danxia Mountain even more.”

It is understood that Danxia Mountain has rich teaching resources, such as Danxia landforms, unique ecological environment, splendid local culture, etc., which makes Danxia Mountain’s function as a “nature school” not limited to summer vacation. is reflected, but it plays a role all year round.

Text and Photos/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhang Wen Correspondent Danxuan Danxia is full of vitality in July. The reporter learned from the Shaoguan City Danxia Mountain Management Committee on July 15 that since this summer vacation, teachers and students from pr - DayDayNews

Geological teaching course learning

In addition, the Danxia Mountain Management Committee has also built a number of indoor and outdoor teaching venues, compiled multiple sets of courses for teachers and students of different ages, and has long-term attached importance to all kinds of teachers and students who come to Danxia Mountain to carry out teaching activities. The team provides teaching assistance, such as scenic area transportation, ticket policies, tutor assignment, venue provision, etc., and provides comprehensive services to all types of teachers and students in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng School

Editor | Zhang Degang

education Category Latest News