For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t

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For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny.

In 2003, Henan girl Wang Nana took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out to work. Later she got married and had children.

In 2015, Wang Nana discovered that she had not failed the exam, but had been replaced by someone else.

Ten years of hard work have changed the fate of others.

This truth is a heavy blow to anyone.

From being an imposter to now, 19 years have passed. How is Wang Nana doing?


In 1983, Wang Nana was born into a poor family in Zhoukou, Henan.

Both of her parents are farmers. As the eldest daughter, Wang Nana not only has to go to school, but she also has to do farm work and take care of her younger siblings when she returns home.

In 1999, she was admitted to the County No. 1 Middle School with excellent results.

himself is a good role model, but he failed to influence his younger brothers and sisters better. My younger brothers and sisters were very poor in studies and dropped out of school one after another.

After that, the whole family pinned their hopes on Wang Nana, hoping that she could go to college and succeed.

Wang Nana’s dream since childhood was to be a people’s teacher. At that time, she confidently said to her family: “Don’t worry, parents, I will definitely get into college!”

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

However, it was only after Wang Nana arrived in the county that she understood What does it mean that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world?

There were too many students who had better academic performance than her, and the teaching progress in the county was very fast. At first, her grades plummeted because she could not keep up with the progress.

Wang Nana knows a truth very well, only by studying hard can you change your destiny.

Therefore, instead of being discouraged, she became more and more courageous.

But the reality is cruel.

Soon, her high school career ended. After the college entrance examination, Wang Nana failed.

There were two paths before her at this time. One was to drop out of school and go home, work and get married; the other was to repeat a year of study for her college dream.

Her parents knew Wang Nana’s ambition. Even though her family’s conditions were very poor, they still said to her:

“My child, you can repeat it if you want. Your parents support you.”

Wang Nana felt guilty and moved in her heart. As the eldest daughter in the family, She understands her family situation better.

My mother went to the market every day before dawn to buy groceries. She worked hard for more than half a year to save a year's tuition.

Wang Nana gritted her teeth and determined to compete in the college entrance examination again.

This time, she will definitely live up to her family's high expectations.

In order to study, she rarely went home. In one year, she lost seven or eight pounds.

Wang Nana felt that with her own level, it would not be a problem to get into a junior college.

So, she filled out the application form Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College , and chose Chinese language and literature as her major.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

In that era, transportation was inconvenient, and Wang Nana’s family lived in an extremely remote village, making information transmission even more inconvenient.

If you want to know whether you have been admitted to college, you can only check whether the admission notice has been delivered to your home.

Wang Nana will never forget that summer in her life.

From the beginning of looking forward to it to being helpless and confused, I felt so sad and sad that I couldn't speak.

She did not wait for her admission notice.

Her parents were frugal and frugal just to make her get ahead, but she failed so badly and once again let down her family.

There is no greater sadness than heartbreak.

Wang Nana locked herself in the room and did not eat or drink all day and night.

After being decadent for a long time, Wang Nana came out of the shadow of failure in the college entrance examination.

Looking at the worried and caring eyes of her parents, she smiled pretending to be relaxed:

"Mom and Dad, I don't want to be a teacher anymore.

I heard Yunyun (pseudonym) said that the wages given by factories in the south are very high, and I plan to go to the south to work. "

This year is 2003.


After failing the college entrance examination, Wang Nana went to the south to work.

With no education or connections, she could only do some very simple jobs at first.

She has been on the assembly line in the factory, distributed flyers on the street, and worked as a waitress in a restaurant, but these jobs did not last long.

During this process, Wang Nana’s biggest feeling was that one must have skills to be a good person, otherwise it would be difficult to survive in society.

In 2005, she took the money she saved from working and enrolled in an advertising design class in Luoyang.

In the process of learning design, she met a young man.

The young man’s name is Wang Yang (pseudonym). He is a native of Luoyang. He is down-to-earth, hardworking and capable.

The two had similar interests and learned design knowledge together. Over time, they developed feelings for each other.

A year later, Wang Nana married Wang Yang.

After getting married, the two opened an advertising design shop.

The store is not big, but it is warm and cozy.

On weekdays, Wang Yang is responsible for running business outside, while Wang Nana becomes the only designer in the store.

A few years later, Wang Nana gave birth to a son and a daughter.

From then on, she began a life of "two points and one line" from home to a small advertising store, focusing entirely on her husband and two children.

At that time, everything seemed to be "just right" for Wang Nana, and the principle she followed in life was "just enough".

Destiny always likes to play tricks on people.

If she had not gone to the bank to apply for a credit card, she would not have discovered that she had been tricked at the fork in the road of life.

In 2015, Wang Nana came to the bank to apply for a credit card.

When the bank reviewed the personal information, they only saw Wang Nana’s education column, which clearly stated her highest education:

. She graduated from Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College, which was inconsistent with the high school education she provided.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

Wang Nana was full of questions.

"Didn't I fail the exam and didn't go to college? What's going on with all this?"

So, Wang Nana, unwilling to accept it, launched a careful investigation.

After some investigation, she learned the truth.

It turns out that it was not that she failed to pass the exam, but someone stole the admission notice halfway, assumed her identity, and took away the opportunity to go to school that should have belonged to her.

The woman’s name is Zhang Yingying.

Zhang Yingying took her college entrance examination results and successfully graduated from college.

After graduation, Zhang Yingying entered the Shangshui County Education Bureau, where she had five insurances and one fund, and had no worries about food and drink.

Wang Nana thought of her original dream, to be a people's teacher.

But everything she had was taken away by others.

Wang Nana's mood could not be calm for a long time, and she was unwilling to accept any grievance.

She understood that if she asked Zhang Yingying to express her intention, it would definitely disturb her life.

"I don't want to affect her life, nor do I want to change her destiny."

But she still has to fight for her normal life.

After thinking about it, Wang Nana still made a call to the other party.

She hoped that the other party could log out the information and not have any impact on her life.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yingying said unceremoniously: "Why bother with a broken school? Even if you pass the exam, you may not be able to become a teacher."

After saying this, she hurriedly hung up the phone.

When Wang Nana called again, the phone indicated that the number was empty.

Unconvinced, Wang Nana immediately came to Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College.

Under the coordination of the Zhoukou Education Bureau, Wang Nana met with Zhang Yingying’s father.

Father Zhang was the trader back then. As soon as they met, he told Wang Nana that he wanted to have an affair.

Wang Nana didn't want any money, but just said: "You should cancel Zhang Yingying's academic qualifications first. This academic qualifications do not belong to her." When Zhang's father heard this, he immediately became furious and said angrily: "That's not possible. Without academic qualifications, how can my daughter do it? Work? "

Finally, he said arrogantly: "This is a legacy of history. I am not afraid of UN ! "

What kind of truth is this for the wrongdoer to show off his power in front of the victim?

Wang Nana couldn’t get over the tone in her heart.

"I want to defend my rights to the end."


In February 2016, Wang Nana called the Henan media.

The media published an article, and the incident was widely spread. The phrase "I'm not afraid of going to the United Nations" quickly became a hot search.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

After the media reports, zhoukou established an investigation team to thoroughly investigate the matter.

In July 2016, the investigation results of the Wang Nana incident came out:

It was true that Wang Nana was impersonated to go to college. 13 people involved in the Wang Nana incident were fined, and 3 of them were handed over to the judicial authorities.

Zhang Yingying also lost her iron rice bowl job and was fired by the Shangshui County Education Bureau.

Zhang Yingying, who had an impact on Wang Nana’s life, handwritten a 139-word apology letter.

However, there is no "sorry" in this letter, and there are quite a few typos.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

The reporter asked Wang Nana: Do you hate Zhang Yingying?

At this moment, Wang Nana thought of the college entrance examination she was repeating.

She experienced a long wait in the hot summer, from nervousness and longing to coldness and helplessness. She remembered that that day she held back tears and said to her parents: I am no longer a teacher.

It turns out that a person grows up in an instant.

Wang Nana burst into tears and said: "I can't say it, we are all victims.

I hate the participants in this matter. Have they thought about the future of the girl who was replaced? Do they know what that admission letter means to that family? Do they really know nothing? "

Every word is moving.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

In March 2018, Wang Nana submitted a civil lawsuit to the Chuanhui District Court of Zhoukou City, demanding a public apology from Zhang Yingying, Zhang's father and others, and asking Zhang Yingying to compensate RMB 13 yuan.

13 yuan It’s 13 years Loss, 13 people were punished, what an equivalent number, and how ironic.

To this day, the court has not opened a hearing on the case, and the date of the hearing is becoming far away.


While waiting for the court’s decision, Wang Nana also She did not stop moving forward.

She contacted Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College again, hoping that the school could restore her admission qualifications.

But Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College "cannot find the legal, regulatory and policy basis for reinstating her admission qualifications." Wang Nana's request was rejected.

Such a result could no longer shock Wang Nana.

She said, Zhoukou Technical Vocational College did not want me, so I could take the college entrance examination again, "I am determined to get into this university!" "

After the Spring Festival in 2017, Wang Nana began to prepare for the exam.

God will not treat anyone with real talent and learning, nor will he treat anyone who loves life badly.

On September 18, Wang Nana received the Luoyang Institute of Technology Admission notice, she was admitted to the Marketing Major of the School of Economics and Management.

Wang Nana finally realized her college dream.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

After receiving her college diploma, she obtained the teacher qualification certificate.

This year, Wang Nana was 37 years old.

She is past the age to pass the national teaching qualifications, and it is difficult to find a suitable job with only her teaching qualification certificate.

Such results still cannot affect Wang Nana.

She returns to her old job and turns on the computer every day. Design various advertisements.

She plans to take time to take the postgraduate entrance examination to further improve her academic qualifications.

She has not forgotten her original dream of working in the education industry.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

The story ends here.

friend He said that it was not necessary or worthwhile for Wang Nana to do this, but she still continued to work in her old profession. What was she trying to do?

Perhaps it can be seen from the case of compensation of RMB 13 that Wang Nana did not want money. , but the unknown and all possibilities of the 20-year-old.

She said: "If there is no punishment, people will always cycle without any cost, right? "

A great leader once said that people must have a little spirit to live.

A person cannot stand without spirit, and a country cannot be strong without spirit.

A nation must have a little spirit, otherwise it will lose its backbone and cannot be self-reliant;

a The family must have some spirit, otherwise the family business will decline, and each generation will be worse than the last;

A person must have some spirit, otherwise life will lose the value and meaning of existence.

In this article, this spirit can be simply understood as: 1. tone.

Wang Nana spent several years defending her rights in order to gain reputation. What she was fighting for was not personal stinginess, but the righteousness of the world.

It’s not worth hurting your hair for the former, and it’s not worth losing your life for the latter.

An ordinary little person can still shine if he has spiritual energy.

This is exactly what Wang Nana deserves to learn and admire.

Everyone is equal before the law.

We did not encounter such a "disaster", probably because we are slightly luckier than Wang Nana.

But who can guarantee that you will always be lucky?

"Tragedy" has happened. What we can do is to do our best to listen to the voices of the helpless and pay attention to them.

Only by facing it bravely and providing continuous support can we reduce these tragedies and save everyone from this kind of experience.

For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the best opportunity to change their destiny. In 2003, Wang Nana, a girl from Henan, took the college entrance examination. Because she did not receive the college admission notice, she thought she would fail and went out t - DayDayNews

If I don’t complain about injustice for others today, who will complain about injustice for me tomorrow?

This society needs more people with the "Wang Nana spirit" and more people who speak out for them.

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