[Source: Kunming Transportation Bureau_Traffic Technical School] In order to further improve the education and teaching level of Kunming Transportation Technical School teachers, promote mutual communication and learning between teachers, and improve classroom efficiency, the sch

2024/07/0117:17:32 education 1198

[Source: Kunming Transportation Bureau_Traffic Technical School]

[Source: Kunming Transportation Bureau_Traffic Technical School] In order to further improve the education and teaching level of Kunming Transportation Technical School teachers, promote mutual communication and learning between teachers, and improve classroom efficiency, the sch - DayDayNews[Source: Kunming Transportation Bureau_Traffic Technical School] In order to further improve the education and teaching level of Kunming Transportation Technical School teachers, promote mutual communication and learning between teachers, and improve classroom efficiency, the sch - DayDayNews

In order to further improve the education and teaching level of Kunming Transportation Technical School teachers, promote mutual communication and learning among teachers, and improve classroom efficiency, the school's automotive professional group is in classroom 203 of the practical training building An open class teaching activity was carried out. The teacher of this class was Mr. Zhang Yongqiang. The topic was "Automotive Fuel Pump Maintenance". Staff of the Quality Supervision Center and teachers from the automotive professional group observed and provided guidance. In the

class, Teacher Zhang teaches in a natural manner, taking students as the main body of teaching activities, taking car failure points as the teaching orientation, and teaching practice as an important node, allowing students to participate in teaching activities, which greatly improves students' learning enthusiasm. The atmosphere is relaxed. During the teaching process, Teacher Zhang skillfully uses multimedia to teach and adopts a teaching method that combines lecture and practice. Teachers who attended the class expressed that they benefited a lot and gained a lot.

After class, teacher Bi Dongping, the leader of the teaching and research team, organized a class evaluation. All teachers commented from multiple perspectives such as teaching design, teaching process, and after-class development, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of this class, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions. , which laid a solid foundation for the better development of open class teaching and research activities next time.

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