The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the "New Parent School" column: Since February 1, 2010, Professor Wang Renyuan, a family education e

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The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School 2014 new parent school opened

Freshman Parent School 003 Yuzhen edited

" Freshman Parent School " column introduction: Since February 1, 2010, families in Henan Province Professor Wang Renyuan, an expert in educational , has given more than 1,000 family education guidance, training and moral lectures in Shaanxi, Jilin, Sichuan, Anhui, Henan, Hebei and other places since the first time he went out to give a lecture. There are hundreds of training speeches for parents of new students. Now, some of the training sessions for parents of new students are selected to be displayed to everyone. This can be used as a reference for schools to select expert speakers when training parents of new students. Therefore, this column is named "School for Parents of New Students".

The right time, place and people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School 2014 new parent school opened

New parent school 003 Yuzhen edited

On the morning of September 13, 2014, at the invitation of Peng Hui, the principal of the No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District, Xinyang City, Professor Wang Renyuan, a family education expert in Henan Province, gave the first lesson of the parent school to all the parents of new students in the school.

The third primary school in Pingqiao District is the former Liangmiao Village Primary School. It is located at the urban-rural fringe, and the quality of parents varies. Then, during the more than three-hour meeting, the parents of new students were well organized, maintained a high level of enthusiasm for listening, and achieved a complete success.

If you think about it carefully, the success of this parent-teacher conference is the result of the right time, place and people.

This parent-teacher meeting has been decided for a long time. However, it has been raining continuously for the past few days, and it was still raining heavily on September 12. The weather forecast shows that there will be light rain on September 13. And the rainy weather will continue until September 18.

htmlCan the parent-teacher conference on September 13th still go on as scheduled?

html At 10 a.m. on September 12, Professor Wang called President Peng Hui. Principal Peng replied: The notice has been issued. Make two preparations: If it doesn’t rain, the parent-teacher conference will be held as scheduled; if it rains, it will be postponed. Many of our parent-teacher meetings were held in light rain.

html At around 5 o'clock in the morning on September 13, the sound of rain outside the window shattered my residual dream. I got dressed and thought, today's parent-teacher meeting is in vain!

After 6 o'clock, the sound of rain stopped. Hope ignited in my heart: maybe it was just the rain at the door and would not affect today's parent-teacher meeting.

html At 7:30, Principal Peng called: The parent-teacher meeting will go on as scheduled.

In the morning, although it was not sunny, there was no sign of rain. The air is calm and the temperature is pleasant. Both the lecturer and the parent audience felt very refreshed and comfortable.

is and , so good!

Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School is a closed management school, surrounded by high-rise buildings and a large plastic playground in the middle. A spacious plastic playground is used as the venue, and it is equipped with a campus broadcast with particularly good sound quality. This location is impeccable!

html On August 29, Professor Wang taught a class for all teachers at the 2014 teacher-teacher-teacher concentrated education activity at Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School, which was highly praised by leaders and teachers (see "Family Education into Teacher Training: Lectures" Qiao San Primary School 2014 Teacher Training"). Therefore, this time I came to Sanxia Primary School and felt friendly and natural. Leaders and teachers all took the initiative to greet us, and even the janitors took the initiative to promote Professor Wang to parents. We feel the advantages of and that we have never experienced before!

Of course, human factors also include one aspect: the huge changes in the children in the first half month of school, which makes parents of new students feel grateful and in awe of the school!

Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School attaches great importance to the entrance education for new students. As soon as freshmen enter school, students are trained in "four formations": formation for exercises, formation for raising the national flag, formation for physical education class, and formation for leaving school after school. After parents send their children to school, the children must say "goodbye" to their parents and say hello to the teachers when they see them. Leaving school means saying "goodbye" to the teacher. Every new student recites the school's daily routine. If they violate the "daily routine", they don't need to be criticized by the teacher. The students themselves can analyze which one they violated and make corrections sincerely.

saw that in half a month, his son became a little gentleman and his daughter became a little lady.Which parent is not grateful and in awe of the school and teachers?

With the right time, place and people, the active cooperation of the audience group of students and parents, and the fact that the principals’ speeches were full of content, meaningful and reasonable, this parent-teacher meeting achieved great results. success!

It is precisely because of the great success of Professor Wang Ren, a family education expert from Henan Province, in the 2014 Teachers' Morality Focused Education Activity of Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School and the speech at this parent school opening class that Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School has received many Professor Wang was invited to provide training for parents of students (see "Breakthrough Again: The Sixth Visit to No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District for Family Education Guidance").

Next, let us review the opening ceremony of the 2014 new parents’ school at the No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District, Xinyang City in the form of photos:

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

The gate of No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

The teaching building of No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District The rostrum of the Parents' Meeting for New Students of No. 3 Primary School

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

Peng Hui, the principal of No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District, gave lessons to the parents of new students

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

On September 13, 2014, Professor Wang Renyuan, a family education expert in Henan Province, gave family education guidance to the parents of new students at No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District. Speech

The right time, right place and right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School opened its new parent school in 2014. New parent school 003 compiled by Yuzhen Introduction to the

Parents of new students who listened carefully to the lecture at Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School

Please pay attention to the relevant reports of this event: "Small details at the parents' meeting of Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School" and "Safety Protection Function of School Uniforms".

Note 1 , " Freshman Parents School " column for more exciting content, please read the series of reports: "Getting Started: Jiaozuo City Guangming Middle School 2014 Parent School Opens", "Teachers who have no classes come to listen: Runan County "Parent Training for 2015 Freshmen of a Primary School", "Promote: Parent Training for 2018 Freshmen of Xinxian Hongqiao Primary School", "The Sound of Waves Remains: Parent Training for 2019 Freshmen of Ruzhou No. 5 Middle School", "Good Habits Start at Home: Shangcheng County Experimental Primary School 2020" New Student Parent Training Meeting", "Parents and Children Change Together: Guangshan County Zishui School Parents' Meeting for New Students Transferred to Grades 2-6", "Every New Move: Gushi Yonghe Experimental Primary School 2020 Freshman Parents' Meeting", "Being with Excellent People: Guangshan County Huiquan Middle School's 2020 Freshman Parent Training", "Tutoring First: "Pingxi School's 2021 Freshman Parents School Opening Ceremony", "From Respect to Conviction: Xixian County Nine Primary School's 2021 Freshman Parents School Opening", etc.

Note 2 . Up to now, Professor Wang Renyuan, a family education expert from Henan Province, has given 6 family education guidance lectures at the No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District, Xinyang City.

On September 25, 2015, Professor Wang went to Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School for the sixth time to give a speech on family education guidance. For details, see "Another Breakthrough: The Sixth Time to Provide Family Education Guidance at No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District."

On September 19, 2015, Professor Wang went to Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School for the fifth time to give a speech on family education guidance. For details, see "Having a Backbone: 2015 New Student Parent Training at Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School."

On October 12, 2014, Professor Wang went to Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School for the fourth time to give a speech on family education guidance. For details, see "Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School holds a parent meeting for students in grades 2-6", "Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School Principal Peng Hui: Can't bear to reject a child", "Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School and Xinxian Hongqiao Primary School ”, “Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School: Talents come out through activities and experience”, “It’s hard to find a good friend but another: getting to know Peng Hui, the principal of Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School”.

On September 26, 2014, Professor Wang went to Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School for the third time to give a speech on family education guidance. For details, see "Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School Kindergarten Holds 2014 Family Education Report Meeting" and "Parents before and after the meeting are different: Listen to the speech of Peng Hui, principal of Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School."

On September 13, 2014, Professor Wang gave a speech at Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School for the second time. For details, please see "The right time, the right place and the right people: Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School's 2014 New Parent School Opens", "Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School's Small Details at the New Student Parents' Meeting", and "The Safety Protection Function of School Uniforms".

On August 29, 2014, Professor Wang Renyuan, a family education expert from Henan Province, gave a lecture at the No. 3 Primary School in Pingqiao District, Xinyang City for the first time. For details, see "Family Education Enters Teacher Training: Lecturer at Pingqiao No. 3 Primary School's 2014 Teacher Training".

Note 3 . To this day, Wang Renyuan, a family education expert in Henan Province, has given more than 1,000 speeches across the country.Xinyang urban area (including only municipal, Shihe, pingqiao, Yangshan and other districts, excluding counties, other cities, and other provinces in this city), has given 266 lectures in 177 units.

Among them, 16 were held at the Pingqiao District Community Education Guidance Center (see "16 Lectures on Teaching and Learning: Review of Public Basic Courses at Pingqiao District Vocational Skills Training Class").

Pingqiao District Xiangyang School (see "Thanksgiving: Qizhi Xinyang Pingqiao Hudian Xiangyang School Lectures on Tutoring"), Pingqiao Xinxing School (see "Parent Training Bears Fruitful Results: Youhe Township Golden Childhood Kindergarten holds a family education report meeting") 7 games each.

Pingqiao District Primary School (see "Beautiful Gathering: Xinyang Pingqiao Primary School 2019 New Student Parent Training"), Pingqiao District Women's Federation (see "Best Meeting Records: Pingqiao District Dongpinghu Neighborhood Committee Parent School Starts") , Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School (see "Breakthrough Again: The Sixth Time to Pingqiao District No. 3 Primary School for Family Education Guidance") 6 games each.

Pingqiao District No. 2 Primary School 5 games.

There are 4 venues each in the No. 12 Primary School in Shihe District, Xinyang Dongfanghong Cultural Education Center, Minggang Town Kindergarten, and Dagonqiao School.

Shihe District Primary School, Xinyang City Library, Haotang Village Hongwei Primary School, Pingqiao District Kindergarten, Pingxi School, etc. 3 shows each.

City No. 9 Primary School, Nanwan Lake Scenic Area Middle School, Xinyang Siying Primary and Secondary School Education and Training School, Oriental Art School, Shangtianti Primary School, No. 5 Middle School, No. 1 Middle School, Yanghe Town Central School, Gan'an Yuhong Kindergarten, Minggang Primary School Wait for 2 games each.

There are 128 units that have given a speech: Xinyang "Voice of Hundreds of Flowers", Municipal Party Committee Building No. 6, Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau , Municipal Tobacco Bureau, Pingqiao District Local Taxation Bureau, Pingqiao District International Convention and Exhibition Center, Xiaodian Central School, Shanhe District Red Apple Kindergarten, Minggang Town Central School, Xingang School, Water Conservancy Kindergarten, Pingqiao District Sunshine and Rain Infant Kindergarten, etc.

Of course, with the passage of time, Professor Wang's family education philosophy has been accepted by a wider audience, solving the confusion of many parents and inspiring countless students to move forward. I believe that Professor Wang will give more and more lectures in Xinyang city.

Note 4. This article is compiled and reproduced by "Wang Renyuan Family Education Studio". "Wang Renyuan Family Education Studio" takes as its mission the promotion of advanced family education concepts, free public welfare family education guidance lectures, family education consultation, conveying positive energy, and spreading excellent culture. For more exciting content, please bookmark and follow Wang Renyuan Family Education Studio, Douyin: Wang Renyuan Family Education (91193275302). Related videos can be obtained by searching for "Teacher Education Training Speech Wang Renyuan" on .

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