Today is Friday, July 15, 2022. There are 1,693 days left before retirement. Today is the last day of online classes. I am really like the poor student in the classroom who has the best posture and listens most carefully but has learned nothing. Why do you say that? In order to t

2024/07/0205:26:32 education 1337

Today is Friday, July 15, 2022. There are 1,693 days left before retirement.

Today is the last day of online classes. I am really like the poor student in the classroom who has the best posture and listens most carefully but has learned nothing. Why do you say that?

For the online class, I set off at 7:30. After eating in the cafeteria, I turned on the computer to sign in at 8:30. I put on the headset on time and started listening to the class at 9:00. I took screenshots and recorded the screen while listening. The whole day, except for the 5-minute break required by the teacher, I stayed at the computer. My waist also hurts, my shoulders hurt, my head hurts, and my ears hurt. Yes, apart from having a little awareness in my mind of what the teacher is talking about, I have no idea what the teacher is talking about specifically. Am I the poor student who pretends to be serious? In

online classes, the teacher bombards a large area with information. People who attend the class don't even have time to digest it. It's not even a matter of swallowing it whole, because there is no time to swallow it. If you really want to learn something, you have to teach yourself all over again. Unfortunately, the organizing committee did not provide replays or PPT for this training. It’s hard to look back. I had no choice but to record the screen myself later, but I don’t know if it was recorded or not.

My peanut sprouts are growing well this time.

Today is Friday, July 15, 2022. There are 1,693 days left before retirement. Today is the last day of online classes. I am really like the poor student in the classroom who has the best posture and listens most carefully but has learned nothing. Why do you say that? In order to t - DayDayNews

still has a small plate. Blanch it with boiling water and eat it directly. It will be sweet, crunchy and delicious.

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