An online seminar on "Serving High-Quality Development and Improving Social Contribution" for higher vocational colleges across the country was held. The picture shows the venue of Hunan Railway Vocational College.

2024/06/0315:29:33 education 1861
An online seminar on

An online seminar on "Serving high-quality development of and improving social contribution" of higher vocational colleges across the country was held. The picture shows the venue of Hunan Railway Vocational College.

Red Net Moment News, July 6th (reporter Pan Jin, intern Liao Fang, correspondent Zhu Huayu) Recently, the National Joint Conference of Principals of Vocational Colleges and Universities held an online special topic on "Serving High-Quality Development and Improving Social Contribution" for higher vocational colleges. During the seminar, President Fang Xiaobin of Hunan Railway Vocational and Technical College was invited to attend the meeting. Vice Presidents Peng Xinyu and Liu Zhicheng, heads of secondary colleges and relevant functional departments attended the online meeting at the Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Center of the new campus. The

conference studied and discussed the new "Vocational Education Law", conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on improving the quality of training technical and skilled talents, demonstrating the experience and results of reform, innovation, and service development in higher vocational fronts, and focusing on "promoting higher vocational education and enhancing social contribution." At the

meeting, leaders and experts from 8 colleges including Hunan Railway Vocational and Technical College, Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology , Guangzhou Panyu Vocational and Technical College respectively focused on the integration of industry and education , and the reform and promotion of "three educations" The school’s innovative practices were shared from different perspectives such as rural revitalization and party building empowerment. Among them, Fang Xiaobin, the president of Hunan Railway Vocational and Technical College, gave a typical speech titled "In-depth integration of industry and education, intelligent manufacturing to promote high-speed railway, and compliance with Taoism to educate craftsmen".

Fang Xiaobin has developed talents from “building a community of shared future for the integration of industry and education”, “adjustment of new professional groups corresponding to new business formats”, “school-enterprise co-construction of industrial colleges”, “school-enterprise co-construction of teaching teams”, “innovation major + minor” and “internationalization” Typical experiences and practices in the integration of industry and education in schools were introduced in eight aspects, including "training model", "school-enterprise precise training of field engineers", "co-construction of technical skills talent base" and "school-enterprise cooperation to develop teaching standards".

Fang Xiaobin said that the school will continue to pursue the road of integrating industry and education, promote high-quality development with high-quality services, further strengthen cooperation with industry enterprises, jointly build large-scale industry-education integration projects, and widely attract leading enterprises and other social resources to help the school Innovate the school running model and develop high quality, give full play to the school's talent and intellectual advantages, and actively contribute more to the development of the rail transit equipment industry and regional economic and social construction.

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