As the saying goes, "Small heat is followed by severe heat, and there is no place to hide from the heat." "Small heat is followed by severe heat, and there is no place to hide." As waves of high temperatures hit, the weather will get hotter and hotter. In order for the baby to sp

2024/06/2709:37:32 baby 1655

As the saying goes, "Small heat is followed by severe heat, and there is no place to hide from the heat." "Small heat is followed by severe heat, and there is no place to hide."

As waves of high temperatures come, the weather will get hotter and hotter. In order for the baby to spend the hot summer healthily, parents and mothers should take precautions and learn some summer baby care knowledge early, so that the baby can spend the summer safely and comfortably. After

shared some tips on summer baby care with you in the last issue, there were many parents in the background urging us to share more knowledge. Junjun’s mother has arranged it for everyone!

As the saying goes, 1 Bathing

html For babies under 11 years old, it is advisable to bathe three times a week. When the weather is hot and you sweat a lot, you can also wash it once a day. Use shower gel for babies. It is recommended to use it 1 or 2 times a week, just drop a few drops each time. The order of bathing is the face, head, and other parts of the body.

It is not recommended to use powdered talcum powder after taking a bath. After your baby's bath, wipe it gently and quickly apply hypoallergenic moisturizer all over your baby's body.

As the saying goes,

Pictures come from the Internet

As the saying goes, 2 Trauma

In summer, babies wear less clothes and are more likely to be injured. When the skin is slightly scratched and there is no bleeding, no disinfectant is needed, just rinse the wound surface with cold water.

If there is bleeding, rinse it with water, dip a cotton swab into iodophor and gently wipe the wound (iodophor is not iodine, it is not irritating and does not hurt)

When the wound continues to not heal, there is redness, swelling, pus oozing, and even fever. , the wound may be infected, and you should seek medical treatment in time. Do not use red or purple potions.

As the saying goes, 3 Diarrhea

Usually, diarrhea is caused by the baby's gastrointestinal tract infection. Common viruses that cause diarrhea include norovirus , rotavirus , etc. In addition to viruses, bacteria or parasites can also cause diarrhea.

In addition, food poisoning , oral drug side effects, food or milk allergy , parenteral gastrointestinal infection, etc., may cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea caused by viral infection may be accompanied by vomiting and fever. Bacterial infection may cause blood in the stool and abdominal pain. When severe diarrhea occurs, the baby should be given oral rehydration according to the doctor's advice.

When you have severe diarrhea, do not take high-sugar liquids such as juice or salty soups, and do not take low-salt liquids such as water or tea.

When you have mild diarrhea, there is no need to restrict your diet. Breastfeed normally and massage the abdomen counterclockwise as often as possible. Babies who take complementary food should choose light food, eat small meals frequently, and don’t eat too much at one time.

As the saying goes,

Pictures come from the Internet

As the saying goes, 4 Hot prickly heat

Normally, If prickly heat is not too serious, you don’t need to take medicine. Apply liquid talcum powder to the baby to wear less clothes and cover them. Keep cool, ventilate, bathe frequently, change clothes frequently, etc. That’s it. Make sure the baby doesn't sweat due to being too hot, and the prickly heat will heal naturally and won't happen again.

If your baby is itchy and the skin is not damaged, you can apply calamine lotion to relieve itching. Avoid scratching to avoid infection. If you have prickly heat infection, you should use medication rationally under the guidance of a doctor. Use air conditioners or fans to keep the indoor temperature cool. Your baby's skin will be dry and sweat-free, so he won't get prickly heat.

As the saying goes,

Pictures come from the Internet

As the saying goes, 5 Heat stroke

The best way to prevent heat stroke is not to go out, turn on the air conditioner indoors, maintain ventilation, pay attention to hydration, etc. Even if you have to go out, take sun protection measures and use sun hats and sun umbrellas and other equipment.

If the baby has heatstroke, he should immediately move to a shaded place to rest, and provide additional moisture and ventilation. Let the baby lie on his back, unbutton his clothes or take off his clothes. After the condition improves, send him to the doctor for examination and treatment.

If you have severe heatstroke and symptoms such as listlessness, irritability, convulsions, coma, and convulsions, you need to be sent to the hospital immediately. Do not use unscientific methods such as pinching the philtrum or bleeding, as you may injure the baby.

As the saying goes, 6 Fever

When the baby’s armpit temperature reaches or exceeds 37.4; rectal temperature and ear temperature reach or exceeds 38.0℃; and oral temperature reaches or exceeds 37.8℃, it can be considered as fever.

During fever, look for the primary disease and actively treat it. When caring for a fever, the focus is to make the baby feel comfortable. Keep the environment cool and comfortable. When the weather is hot, open windows, fans or air conditioners to adjust the indoor temperature and perform physical cooling.

Methods of physical cooling :

1) Keep the indoor temperature 22-25 degrees, air circulation, open clothes to dissipate heat, do not cover sweat to avoid affecting heat dissipation.

2) Take a warm bath for about 10 minutes. If discomfort occurs during the period (cold hands and feet, chills, pain, etc.), stop (if you have a rash, do not take a warm bath to cool down).

3) Wipe your body with warm water at 37-39 degrees. Do not wipe with alcohol to avoid a sharp drop in body temperature, or even a temperature lower than 35 degrees, which is detrimental.

4) Antipyretic Patch is applied to the forehead or temple, 1-3 times/day, 8 hours/time.

5) Feed some warm water in small amounts and many times, keep the diet mainly light, and wear appropriate clothes so as not to cover sweat. Ice water ( ice pillow , ice cubes) bathing or ice compress is prohibited, and alcohol bathing is prohibited. Before using fever-reducing medicine, be sure to read the instructions carefully.

When the baby exceeds 38.5℃, antipyretics can be used moderately. Strictly follow the instructions, check the dosage, and do not overdose. If a baby under 3 months has a fever, it must be taken to the hospital for examination.

In addition, if fever is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cough, diarrhea, headache, convulsions, sore throat, , earache, body rash, repeated vomiting, conjunctival congestion, , pale complexion, listlessness, etc., seek medical attention promptly. .

As the saying goes, 7 Haircut

It is recommended that male babies can have a flat head and female babies can have slightly longer short hair, rather than shaving their heads.

Choose to get a haircut when your baby is in a good mood, and tell your baby in advance to be mentally prepared and not to suddenly start getting a haircut at home. Use a baby-specific hair clipper .

When going out for a haircut, you can ask the barber to talk to the baby first to enhance the relationship and prevent the baby from crying. If the mood fluctuates greatly during the haircut and a sense of resistance arises, the haircut can be paused to let the baby rest for a while before proceeding.

As the saying goes,

Pictures come from the Internet

As the saying goes, 8 Wash your hands

Bacteria breed in summer. Frequently washing your baby's hands with soap and maintaining good personal hygiene can resist a large number of infections.

Data shows that washing hands with soap can reduce neonatal mortality by 44%. The incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease that is spread among babies will also be greatly reduced.

As the saying goes,

The picture comes from the Internet

I hope these thoughtful and practical little knowledge can build a barrier for the child, allowing him or her to run happily in the sunny summer. Finally, I wish every child a healthy and happy holiday.

Jun’s mother warmly reminds

Baby’s summer care requires parents and mothers to pay attention. In order for your baby to have a good summer, please pay more attention to the matters mentioned above! If you have other parenting problems that you don’t understand, you can consult Junjun’s parenting team~

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