While having dinner, I talked about something with my husband: my son complained yesterday that the instructions given by the teacher at the internship unit were unclear. The age of the sample sample was sometimes asked to enter "one year old", and sometimes asked to enter "virtu

2024/06/2921:05:33 baby 1928

I was chatting with my husband about something while having dinner: my son complained yesterday that the instruction given by the teacher at the internship unit was unclear. The age of the sample sample was sometimes asked to enter "one year old", and sometimes asked to enter "virtual age". The son said that he did not respect the fruits of his labor and felt a little resentful.

Later, I learned that my son was using a calculator to do subtraction. Maybe the teacher felt that the age of the sample was not a major option and it was not important. Just do the mental calculations.

Although my son is tall, he is still a child with no social experience. It is very important to experience more things during the internship, deal with different people, accumulate experience, and handle interpersonal relationships well.

It turns out that when doing experiments in the central laboratory, you need to be fully protected, wearing protective clothing, protective masks and gloves. The field of vision is not clear, the sensitivity of the hands is reduced, and the difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Sometimes it only takes a few hours once you enter the laboratory, and it becomes uncontrollable when you leave the laboratory.

Once he experienced cold sweats and uncomfortable symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Only after experience can you understand that you must be fully prepared before entering the laboratory. Good physical strength is the prerequisite for serious work. Otherwise, "powerlessness" will often happen.

On the day when scanning specimens, your hand slipped and a column was missed. The number of samples was wrong and you had to re-verify, which caused a lot of trouble. You feel guilty.

So you work extra hard and use the calculator to do subtraction because you don't want to make mistakes, and mom understands you. Good boy, just follow the teacher's instructions. As for you, just follow your own pace and do the job right every time. Work happily, learn more skills, practice boldly during the internship, ask if you don’t understand, take notes frequently, and use your brain more.

Everyone is Homo sapiens. Didn’t everyone adopt your suggestions on the process of transmitting specimens? Isn’t there “wisdom” in your head?

Don’t doubt your abilities, be serious and persistent, remember these two words firmly, and go for it, I believe you will be able to get more!

I allow myself to have ordinary parents,

While having dinner, I talked about something with my husband: my son complained yesterday that the instructions given by the teacher at the internship unit were unclear. The age of the sample sample was sometimes asked to enter

I allow myself to be ordinary, I allow I have an ordinary son.

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