Text/Hao Pregnant Sister A while ago, the entry "Du Haitao suddenly lost 30 pounds" became a hot search topic. I clicked on it and took a look. Good guy, not only did Du Haitao not become more handsome, he also became bald, and his hairline moved back a lot visibly to the naked e

2024/06/3000:24:32 baby 1756

Text/Good Pregnancy Sister

A while ago, the entry " Du Haitao lost 30 pounds" became a hot search topic. I clicked on it and took a look. Good guy, not only did Du Haitao not become more handsome, he also became bald, and his hairline moved back a lot visibly to the naked eye.

What’s even more disturbing is that the omnipotent melon-eaters actually discovered a video: On a variety show, Du Haitao offered to lose weight, Shen Mengchen ’s reaction was to immediately stop, "Promise me not to lose weight, you are fat. Sometimes you are still cute, but when you lose weight, you are just ugly.”

These words sound like daily banter and joking between lovers, but I didn’t expect that life is unpredictable, and the big intestine wraps around the small intestine. Shen Mengchen's words turned out to be true. Du Haitao, who had lost weight, not only looked ugly, but also looked a bit fierce.

My colleague's reaction was even more interesting. She pulled out a few pictures, pointed at them and said, "It's better than these celebrities who were good-looking and cute when they were young, but turn ugly when they grow up."

Text/Hao Pregnant Sister A while ago, the entry

There's no way to refute this, but the reality is There is another phenomenon in life. Some children may be a little ugly when they are young, but as they grow older, their appearance will take a turn, which is what people often say "grows out."

Of course, not all children can counterattack, but they must have the following characteristics:

Text/Hao Pregnant Sister A while ago, the entry

Good nose shape

As the saying goes, the nose is the first of the facial features, and having a good-looking nose is definitely a plus point for appearance. Just like many celebrities in the entertainment industry, in addition to ordinary medical beauty skin care, if they choose to go under the knife, they usually start with the nose.

What kind of nose is considered good-looking? According to our traditional public aesthetics, the first thing you must have is a high nose bridge. But it is not enough to have a tall and straight nose. You also need to have narrow nasal bones, small nose wings, less nose meat, and the nostrils should not be pointed upward. Such a nose will look more delicate and compact.

However, because the nose is the most variable of facial features, and it belongs to dominant inheritance . So if your child had a flat nose when he was a child, don’t worry.

As long as neither parent has a garlic nose or a big nose, and one parent has a relatively high nose bridge and a good nose shape, then the child will have a good-looking nose when he grows up.

Tips: Some children actually have beautiful noses, but due to acquired factors, their noses become ugly.

For example, picking your nose frequently will not only cause infection, but also cause the wings of the nose to thicken, the tip of the nose and even the entire tip of the nose to become hypertrophic, and the size of the nostrils on both sides to be different.

Text/Hao Pregnant Sister A while ago, the entry

Good proportion of facial features

In daily life, we sometimes see this phenomenon: some people's facial features look very ordinary alone, with no particularly outstanding features, but when combined together, they look very pleasing to the eye, durable and comfortable. The reason why

is like this is mainly because their facial features are in good proportion to their faces. For example: from the forehead hairline to brow bone , from the brow bone to the bottom of the nose, from the bottom of the nose to the chin, each accounts for 1/3 of the face length.

Therefore, if the child does not have big eyes, double eyelids , it does not matter. As long as the child's facial features are well proportioned, he will basically become more and more beautiful in the future.

The chin is round and beautiful.

The shape of the chin will affect a person's face shape, directly determining whether you have a round face, a square face, or a tapered face. For example, the universe of Habsburg family has a long chin, which results in every generation having an awl face that would like to be stabbed to death, and the appearance is simply horrible.

Like the one below - Carlot's son, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose, he was originally considered to be a good-looking person among the royal family. But I still can't get rid of the long chin inherited from my family.

Text/Hao Pregnant Sister A while ago, the entry

Therefore, if a child has a round and good-looking chin, as he grows older, as long as he does not become too fat in the future, he will usually have a good-looking face shape.

Tips: Long chin is mostly caused by genetics. However, if the child has abnormal oral habits, such as breathing through the mouth for a long time, biting the lips, etc., the chin may protrude forward and the lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth when biting, which is commonly known as "地包天".

In the end, genetics is nonsense. No one knows what the child will look like.But at least we can help our children develop good living habits, exercise regularly, read more, and develop a hobby.

The remaining time is just to wait for the flowers to bloom. One day, you will find that your child is far more beautiful and outstanding than you imagined.

Senior nanny, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles,

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