The kids are already on summer vacation, right? In fact, for many parents, it is not a "good thing" for their children to go on summer vacation. Either there is no one at home to take care of them, or the child has either a mobile phone or a TV all day long. If you say a few word

2024/06/2703:32:32 baby 1658

The children are already on summer vacation, right?

In fact, for many parents, it is not a "good thing" for their children to go on summer vacation. Either there is no one at home to take care of them, or the child is either on a mobile phone or on the TV all day long. If you say a few words, he can support you for half a day.

Parents have a love-hate relationship with electronic products. Sometimes they are too busy or too tired. Throwing a mobile phone to their children can give them a moment of peace and rest. It is really a "magic tool" for coaxing children. However, the more children watch, the more Worry about his vision.

However, the harm of electronic products to children goes far beyond just damaging their eyesight.

The kids are already on summer vacation, right? In fact, for many parents, it is not a

The harm caused by electronic products to children is far more than just visual damage

What many parents don't know is that compared to other injuries, the visible loss of vision caused by looking at electronic products is almost the lightest.

  • damages children's brain development, affecting cognition , imagination and creativity

A test done by German psychologists proved this:

The test subjects were 5-year-old children, and the content of the test was to let them Draw little people on paper. The results showed that children who hardly watched TV drew complete and beautiful figures.

Children who watch TV for more than 3 hours a day draw simple and dull figures.

And for those children who were never restricted from watching TV, the little people they drew either had broken arms or legs, or had incomplete bodies, and some only had body parts. It is possible that the child has been influenced by some bad plots on TV.

The kids are already on summer vacation, right? In fact, for many parents, it is not a

Psychologists point out that early exposure to smart electronic products will cause irreversible damage to children's brain development, affecting cognitive ability, imagination and creativity.

  • Destroy children's attention

Children's brains are in the development stage, and playing with electronic products for too long will not only affect sleep time, but also affect sleep quality. Especially playing some exciting video games before going to bed will significantly reduce the time of deep sleep.

Deep sleep is very important for children's physical and mental development. The lack of deep sleep will weaken the child's ability to learn complex tasks. The lack of deep sleep is related to long-term memory loss , weight gain and migraines . Those tense contents will stimulate the release of in the brain and in the adrenal glands, and the adrenal glands will make children feel overly excited and restless.

The most worrying thing is that when children play video games, their brains will receive particularly strong sounds, lights, and high-frequency feedback. The brain will release dopamine . Frequent feedback will increase the stimulation threshold, and the threshold will increase. High levels will cause children to be unable to maintain attention well when faced with weak stimuli such as learning. Because they are used to quick feedback and instant gratification.

  • Losing reason and moral self-control

Psychologists say that if children are exposed to electronic products excessively, they will show anxiety, depression, irritability, apathy, autism, and even split personality and irritable behavior.

In recent years, parent-child wars caused by mobile phones have become commonplace, ranging from running away from home to injuring yourself and others in serious cases.

A 13-year-old girl from Hebei secretly played with her mobile phone at night instead of studying. Her mother threw her mobile phone angrily, and the child ran away from home in anger.

A junior high school boy in Henan, whose grades were not satisfactory, was criticized by his father for confiscating his mobile phone, and committed suicide by drinking pesticide in a rage.

A 13-year-old girl in the third grade of junior high school in Beihai, Guangxi, had a conflict with her mother because she was playing with her mobile phone. She used a utility knife to scratch her mother randomly, causing her mother to be scratched in many places such as her face, arms and wrists, and five tendons in her forearm, left elbow and wrist. Cut with a knife. How does

help children live peacefully with electronic products?

After all, the torrent of the times has brought us to today. We cannot go back to the past era without smart electronic devices. The only way to help children coexist peacefully with electronic products is to help them coexist peacefully.

The kids are already on summer vacation, right? In fact, for many parents, it is not a

  • Develop reading habits first, and then come into contact with smart electronic products

Brain scientist Hong Lan recommends: After children have developed their reading habits and interests, they can only come into contact with electronic products.

Indeed, even if a child with a reading habit is addicted to mobile phones, it is easier to get rid of them, because mobile phones and books are equally important to children. Children who have no reading habit will feel like they have nothing to do once their mobile phones are controlled.

  • Prevent children of younger ages from being exposed to too many electronic products

Children of younger ages are more likely to become addicted to electronic products. For this reason, children's agencies in many countries recommend:

It is best not to be exposed to electronic products before the age of 2.

3-6 years old can use mobile phones appropriately, but be careful to control the time of each use. The frequency should not exceed 3 minutes and the length should not exceed ten minutes.

6-18 years old, daily exposure to electronic products should be limited to 2 hours.

  • Replace mobile phones with desktop computers

The reason why mobile phones cause so much damage is precisely because of the portability advantage of mobile phones. Therefore, try to use desktop computers instead of mobile phones to solve this problem, because after all, the use of desktop computers requires certain conditions. It is best to place the desktop computer in a public space, so that you can know what your children are doing on the computer and guide them at the same time.

  • Agree on the rules of use, don’t be afraid to reject your children

From the time your children start using electronic devices, you must agree on the usage time with your children, and strictly implement them. Don’t be afraid of rejecting your children.

  • Improve the parent-child relationship

In addition, spending more time with your children, establishing a good parent-child relationship, filling the child's time and space with love and companionship, and leaving no opportunity for such beasts as mobile phones and online games to take advantage of are the only way to solve this problem fundamental.

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