During the summer vacation, some parents want to enroll their children in programming classes, but they are worried that the courses are obscure and difficult to understand, and their children will not learn anything. In the perception of many people, programming is a world of co

2024/06/2222:47:32 baby 1153

During the summer vacation, some parents want to enroll their children in programming classes, but they are worried that the courses are obscure and difficult to understand, and their children will not learn anything. In the perception of many people, programming is a world of codes that requires strong professionalism. It is difficult for adults to learn, let alone children.

In fact, children's programming is different from adult programming. Adult programming is for work. The content of learning is relatively profound and complex, and the focus is on computer programming project development. However, children's programming is relatively simple. There is no need to enter dense algorithmic text, because it is highly suitable for children's thinking, uses a method that is easy for children to understand, and uses enlightenment teaching to simplify complex problems, so even children can You can learn it.

During the summer vacation, some parents want to enroll their children in programming classes, but they are worried that the courses are obscure and difficult to understand, and their children will not learn anything. In the perception of many people, programming is a world of co - DayDayNews

Combined with the physical and psychological development characteristics of children at each stage, children at different stages have different focuses when learning programming.

4-6 years old belongs to the enlightenment stage of programming thinking, which mainly focuses on cultivating programming interest. They can complete some game tasks through visual programming tools to stimulate their interest in learning.

7-10 years old belongs to the advanced stage. After the enlightenment stage, children have already had a certain understanding of visual programming . At this time, they can use visual programming tools to complete some more complex tasks, such as scratch, python, etc.

Children over the age of 10 can truly learn a programming language and participate in some programming competitions appropriately. Reasonably dividing children in terms of age, receptive ability, etc. can virtually reduce the child's learning pressure and make it easier for the child to learn.

During the summer vacation, some parents want to enroll their children in programming classes, but they are worried that the courses are obscure and difficult to understand, and their children will not learn anything. In the perception of many people, programming is a world of co - DayDayNews

The word "programming" sounds a bit lofty, but in fact it is not mysterious at all. Nowadays, most programming courses are based on entertainment and education. After experiencing it, you will understand that this is completely different from the stereotype of and that you previously imagined as "boring and boring to write code". Many children were very interested in the experience after taking the Elephant Robot Programming class and were quite happy to attend the class. After completing the construction of their works, they even showed off to their teachers and parents with great enthusiasm, feeling full of accomplishment. Therefore, don’t worry too much about whether your children can learn programming, but be brave enough to take the first step.

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