Just like many mothers have "other people's children" in their hearts, many children also have "other people's mothers" in their hearts. Survey results show that most people feel that there is a big gap between their own mothers and their ideal mothers. Therefore, many people are

2024/06/1011:14:33 baby 1931

Just like many mothers have "other people's children" in their hearts, many children also have "other people's mothers" in their hearts.

Just like many mothers have

Survey results show that most people feel that there is a big gap between their mothers and their ideal mothers. Therefore, many people are dissatisfied with their mothers and want to exchange mothers with others. However, once their mother really changes, they will feel that their mother is better.

Just like many mothers have

Mother and daughter

This psychological state is very common and normal. The main reasons for its occurrence are as follows. First, children will always long to be recognized by their mothers. When this psychological need cannot be met, they will become defensive towards their mothers.

Just like many mothers have

Family portrait

Secondly, children always have higher expectations for their mothers and hope that their mothers are the best.

Third, children will make relatively objective evaluations of other people’s mothers, while making more subjective evaluations of their own mothers.

Fourth, when children see their own shortcomings, they will always think that they are the fault of their parents' inheritance or education.

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