Adding complementary foods is a "big deal in life"! However, mothers should be aware that some complementary foods may look good, but in fact they have limited nutrition and even contain harmful substances. Long-term consumption is not conducive to the healthy growth of the baby.

2024/05/2705:33:32 baby 1183

Adding supplementary food is a "big event in life"! However, mothers should be aware that some complementary foods may look good, but in fact they have limited nutrition and even contain harmful substances. Long-term consumption is not conducive to the healthy growth of the baby.

1. Juice can easily cause picky eating and tooth decay.

Many mothers think: "Juice is delicious and nutritious, purely natural and has no additives. It is easy for babies to drink." In fact, no, no, wrong!

Drinking juice will make you feel full easily, and the process of squeezing the juice loses the most precious minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber of the fruit. Low nutrition The juice occupies the baby's small stomach, which will inevitably reduce the intake of meals. Over the long term, this can lead to malnutrition. In addition, fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. Adding it too early will make your baby accustomed to sweet taste, which may easily cause picky eaters. Drinking large amounts for a long time will also increase the risk of tooth decay and obesity !

Adding complementary foods is a

Fruits are for eating, not for drinking.

2. All kinds of pastes: affecting chewing ability

Some parents think that the rotten food is easier to digest, so it is wrong to feed babies mushy food for a long time. In fact, as the baby's teeth develop, pasty complementary foods cannot exercise the chewing ability and will affect the child's pronunciation and language expression. Many babies speak late because of improper introduction of complementary foods.

Adding complementary foods is a

Baby food supplements should change with age.

3. Cooking water: no nutrition and contains pesticide residues.

Whether before or after adding complementary foods, giving your baby boiled vegetable water is a thankless task. Vitamins, cellulose and other nutrients in vegetables are mainly stored in vegetable leaves and stems. If your baby drinks boiled vegetable water, the nutrients he can absorb are very limited. Moreover, during the process of boiling vegetables, the pesticide residues and oxalic acid contained in the vegetables will dissolve into the water, which may be harmful to health. We can feed vegetables to children directly. If the baby is too young to chew, we can make pureed vegetables for the baby to add; during the process, we should blanch them once to reduce pesticide residues.

4, Gorgon fish have a great impact on the development of nervous system of infants and young children, such as tuna . We can give low tribute to fish, such as salmon, seabass , mandarin fish , etc.

It is very important to add complementary foods to your baby, and you should not do it randomly, otherwise it will affect your baby's growth.

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