My baby had a high fever a few days ago. As soon as the fever-reducing medicine wore off, the fever started again. It continued to drop, then rose again, rose again, and fell again. It had a high fever for three days in a row. The fever finally subsided and coughed again, just co

2024/05/2611:47:33 baby 1891

My baby suddenly had a high fever a few days ago. As soon as the fever-reducing medicine wore off, the fever started to rise again. The temperature continued to drop, then rose again, rose again, and fell again. He had a high fever for three consecutive days. The fever finally subsided and he coughed again. He just coughed. I spent one night and went to the hospital the next day to check blood routine and take chest X-ray . It was concluded that it was bronchopneumonia and I was hospitalized.

I have been accompanying my baby in the hospital for the past few days. I really can’t figure out why a cough can turn into pneumonia. The baby’s breathing is not rapid, and there are no bruises around the nose and mouth. It seems that the current pneumonia virus is also mutating and becoming different from the past. Now as soon as the baby is found to have a fever, he will immediately go to the hospital for infusion to reduce inflammation. Don't worry about the inability to use antibiotics. infusion will reduce the resistance and destroy immunity. I really can't afford the delay.

When my baby started to have a fever, I went to the hospital for a routine blood test. The doctor said that he would refuse any infusions if possible, no injections if possible, and no medicine if possible. But the baby is only one year old and has low immunity. If he waits just one day, it will become more serious and the baby will suffer too. It is better to nip the disease in the bud! Then we need to make the following plans for the baby's body.

The diet should be light, with a mix of meat and vegetables, and an appropriate amount of fruits and vegetables should be taken in. Don't be too high in protein and fat, which the baby cannot digest, causing accumulation of food and making it easy for colds and fever.

Second, to adapt to the outdoor environment, you need to dress appropriately, exercise your baby's physical fitness, exercise more, and sleep well, so that the body's immunity can be improved.

Third, we must do massage to promote blood circulation, improve immunity, and it is best to take medicinal baths to strengthen the body. This does not involve taking medicine or injections, which is beneficial to the body without any harm.

They do X-rays and chest X-rays in the hospital. They are clearly written. There is radiation, so if you don’t do it, it won’t work. Western medicine is clearly stated to harm liver and kidney function, don’t you need to worry? Therefore, you must do these three things on weekdays so that your baby can stay away from illness.

What struck me the most during these days in the hospital was that there were too many sick babies in the hospital. When a baby over one year old is given an infusion, one person carries it and walks around, while another person carries the infusion stand and in the corridor. Some mothers are even more powerful. They hold the baby in one hand and run after the baby with the infusion stand on the other shoulder. Go ahead and sway the baby around.

In the hospital, the baby is crying and making a lot of noise during the day and night. The doctors and angels in white are even busier. They are really busy day and night to care for these flowers of the motherland.

My baby had a high fever a few days ago. As soon as the fever-reducing medicine wore off, the fever started again. It continued to drop, then rose again, rose again, and fell again. It had a high fever for three days in a row. The fever finally subsided and coughed again, just co - DayDayNews

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