I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple

2024/05/2223:53:33 baby 1895

still remembers when Xiaodao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could go to and from school by themselves. Finish.

The treatment of children nowadays is much better than that of our time. There are adults in the family who drive to pick them up. They are not exposed to wind or rain, so it is not very comfortable. However, there are also disadvantages to this kind of pick-up and drop-off, the most obvious one is Even though the child is already very old, he still cannot go home alone.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

In order to train their children's independence, parents let their children go home by themselves after school.

For parents, it is necessary to cultivate children's basic autonomy. After all, as children grow up, they will have to do more in the future. Face it alone. Recently, a parent of caused complaints from netizens because he trained his children to be able to go home independently.

This parent’s child is already 11 years old , but because adults have always taken him to and from school, the child has never gone home alone. The father realized that this was wrong, so he let the child go home by himself after school to exercise the child.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

Before, the children had walked countless times on the way home, and the journey was not far. was only about 5 minutes away. I thought that the children would be able to go home smoothly, but the adults at home waited and waited for two days. It's been an hour and the child hasn't come home yet.

There is no doubt that the child was lost. The family hurriedly called the police. After repeated searches, the police finally found the tired child at an opposite bus stop.

Father is practicing his ability to go home alone but his child gets lost. Whose problem is it?

Regarding the situation of the child getting lost, it is estimated that the parents were also very anxious at the time, especially the father. If he did not want to train the child, such a thing would not happen. Although the child was found in the end, estimates that the father will not dare to let the child go out alone again in the future.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

As a parent with children, Kojima can understand how the adults in the family feel after their child is lost. worry, fear, self-blame and guilt , and many people also think that the father is really unreliable. So is this really just a father issue?

It is undeniable that this father's approach is indeed a bit eager for success, but the starting point is good, and the child is already 11 years old, and it is necessary to have basic independent abilities. Parents also work hard to do this, even if the final result is not ideal.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with cultivating children's independence. We must ensure children's safety on the premise of and we cannot give up training our children because we are afraid of danger.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

An 11-year-old child can get lost even 500 meters away, which is also a revelation to parents.

Different from the past, today’s family living conditions are generally good, and buildings and cars are standard equipment for every household. However, transportation is changing. While it brings convenience to people's lives, it seems that it also makes you gradually lose something.

htmlWhat is the concept of an 111-year-old child? Children of this age are almost in the 4th or 5th grade of elementary school. They are no longer infants, but older children. Children like these basically no longer need the help of their parents in terms of cognition and hands-on skills.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

However, the child above got lost within a distance of 500 meters, and it is the only way he has to walk every day. If it is not that the child has intellectual problems, then the parents should reflect on the reason why the child was lost.

The distance between school and home is only 500 meters. Parents have to drive their children to school every day. Why can't they accompany their children on this journey?? In the process of walking, you can not only exercise your body, but also understand the child's mentality and enhance the parent-child relationship with the child.

In this way, the child will naturally remember the way home. Compared with watching in the car, this will make him more independent, and the 11-year-old child will not be unable to find home.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

In fact, this incident has also given other parents a revelation: Accompanying children is not about being with them, but in the process, accompanying their growth and giving guidance through every node of life.

Training children to be independent does not require parents to leave completely.

There is nothing wrong with cultivating children's ability to be independent. However, for children who are exercising for the first time, no matter how old the child is, parents must follow them quietly, just to prevent the child from getting lost or getting lost. Meet the bad guys.

followed several times to ensure that the child could accurately understand the way home, and then safely let the child complete it alone.

I still remember that when Xiao Dao was a child, three or five classmates would go to and from school together, with almost no parents coming to pick them up. It was very safe at that time, and the people they met on the road were relatively familiar, so the children could comple - DayDayNews

In other words, to cultivate children's independence, parents do not necessarily have to leave their children immediately. Before exercising, necessary experience accumulation and preparation must be done, because this is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of children.

To train children to be independent, you can not be impatient. In life, you can provide various small opportunities for independence from time to time, so that children can independently participate in every detail of life as much as possible.

Today’s topic: How old do you think a child must be before he can go home alone?

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