From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress.

2024/05/2016:00:35 baby 1563

I have always been a "fan" of graded English reading.

My son’s English level is not very good, but I insist on reading to him every day. From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress.

However, what is more depressing is that my children no longer want to read the graded English picture books they have read.

Moreover, what is more embarrassing is that firstly, many foreign graded reading picture books have not been introduced, so you can only choose the "Motherland Edition" when purchasing; secondly, the imported picture books are also very expensive and prohibitive.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

Fortunately, some time ago I accidentally discovered that a well-known foreign graded reading picture book "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" was introduced.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

The original version of "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" is very famous. It was founded in 1967. Children in many countries and regions have benefited from this set of graded reading. It focuses on the characteristics of foreign graded reading picture books. There are quite a few picture books for each level. The vocabulary and knowledge are very rich, allowing children to advance slowly. At the same time, the levels and system are quite complete. After reading the content at the corresponding level, I believe children will be able to read independently.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

This time the introduced version divides the whole set of graded picture books into 9 levels, with a total of 306 volumes. It has been re-arranged and adjusted according to the characteristics of Chinese children and the new curriculum standards. It is specially designed for children 3~12 from the English enlightenment stage to primary school graduation. Years old children use it for reading. In particular, it combines the learning characteristics of natural spelling and organically combines the learning of letters and words with the advanced learning of natural spelling.

My son has had piecemeal English enlightenment experience for two years. He is currently learning phonics, has mastered the pronunciation of letters, and is advancing the learning of , vowels, , etc. Originally, I wanted to take him to start learning from levels 4 to 6, but based on my previous experience and knowing that my child was afraid of difficulties, I started with the simple ones first and purchased a complete set of graded picture books.

Then I discovered that I really made the right choice.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

is different from the Oxford tree. The first level of this set of "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" is mainly based on words, which is somewhat similar to raz's aa level. But it puts more emphasis on pronunciation and morphemes. All words in the first stage are basically gradually developed around the 26 letters of English, allowing children to understand the pronunciation of these letters through recognizing words.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

For example, in this volume of a, the beginning is about the writing of upper and lower case a, and then covers many words with a as the first letter. The volume also includes a catchy English nursery rhyme to help children further understand the pronunciation of the letter a.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

My family bought the matching reading pen . When reading, I discovered the hidden secrets. Click to read the opening chapter with special reminders of the pronunciations of letters. The sound effects of the things on the picture page are the sounds of the things themselves, or various expanded contents. Click on some page numbers, and there will be some small questions and answers carefully set by foreign teachers to interact with the children.

For example, the word F has 4 fingers drawn on it. Click on the page number and you will hear the interactive message "how many fingers?" After waiting for a moment and giving the child enough time to think, the child will also be told the answer to this question.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

And if you click on the four fingers on the picture one by one with a reading pen, the words Tall man, Ring man, Pointer, Pinky and other words will be mentioned in particular. Don't tell me, I think the naming of the four fingers in foreign countries is really interesting. They basically match the functions or styles of the fingers.

I feel that with the reading pen, simple graded reading of picture books has a greater purpose and expands a lot of content. And, it’s not that boring.

is more than just that. Even if you don’t buy a reading pen, they are very considerate. Scan the QR code at the back of the book to get foreign teachers’ lessons.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

I took a look at the content of the carefully crafted APP. It not only includes foreign teacher development, but also covers reading, assessment and scoring.Foreign teachers use bilingual explanations in Chinese and English, which is more conducive to children's understanding.

Compared with the "Motherland Edition" graded reading we use, and we can't explain it ourselves and find matching foreign teacher courses all over the world for our children, the setting of this set of "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" feels much more conscientious, and the content is also reliable.

Each level comes with two booklets, one is a Chinese translation and the other is related expansion exercises.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

I think these two booklets are quite practical. After all, my old mother, who is a poor English speaker, learned English in a different environment than today’s children. She has not used English very much after working for so many years, so she actually doesn’t know many words. Although I also have a variety of dictionary pens at home, this set of books comes with a paper Chinese translation booklet, which relatively saves me a lot of worry.

It would be even better if it comes with an exercise book. After the child has finished reading a thin booklet, I can accompany him to do two pages of exercises. One page is about the recognition of letters, and the other page is about word matching. The difficulty is not high, but it actually lays the foundation; the content is not too much, and the children will not have too much burden, but it is It plays a role in consolidating the learning content.

Not only does the first level of graded reading fully integrate the content of learning letters and sounds in the first stage of phonics, but the subsequent graded reading also consistently integrates the learning of phonics.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

Level 2 contains 40 books in total. It is somewhat similar to a decoding book, covering short vowels, long vowels, diphthongs, , consonants and other natural spelling learning content.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

The third level is larger than the first and second levels, with a total of 36 volumes. Starting from this level, children can start to learn high-frequency words, sentence patterns, grammar and some reading strategies, while making up fictional reading and non-fiction reading. Fictional reading all occupies a certain proportion. This level of cover guide is used by kindergarten classes, and it feels like it’s just right for my son to use. The level text behind

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

changes from less to more, and the story gradually begins to strengthen. The painting style is not so gorgeous, but light, interesting and very elegant.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

This is level 5 difficulty. Many story protagonists are also relatively fixed. For example, I saw Jack and Billy’s family in many volumes. This setting is also very friendly, and children will feel very familiar.

From Oxford Tree to Raz, we are not like other parents who read many books a day, but the progress is steady and we integrate reading graded picture books into our daily lives, and our children are still making progress. - DayDayNews

This is the highest level of difficulty, level 9. When children reach this level, they have almost graduated from elementary school and can read some deeper novels or other reading materials.

bought this set of "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" and I am quite satisfied. This set of graded reading:

  • has a prominent main line of design and a complete system, which also meets the age characteristics of Chinese children and the needs of in-class teaching;
  • learns natural spelling and acquires high-frequency words, sentence patterns, grammar and reading strategies. It has been organically integrated;
  • virtual reading and non-fiction reading occupy a certain proportion;
  • also has a reading pen and online courses.

All that’s left is to “roll up your sleeves and work hard”. After all, English is a tool through which we see the world. I hope that my child's childhood can be as colorful as a rainbow, and I also hope that this set of "PM Rainbow Graded Reading" can build a bridge for him to see a broader world.

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