Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects

2021/08/1622:50:04 baby 1630

Happy mother today would like to ask everyone, how many of your family members wear glasses? I figured it out to myself, our family really has a lot! Take me as an example. I was wearing glasses in the second year of junior high, and my 60-year-old father brought glass glasses before he graduated from elementary school. Looking at the children now, the degree of myopia is much higher than that of our generation. Many parents blame their children's poor eyesight on electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets, but is this really the case?

Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects - DayDayNews

The interpretation of the term "myopia" on Baidu Baike is a kind of refractive error. When the eye is in a relaxed state, parallel light enters the eye and focuses in front of the retina, which results in the inability to form a clear image on the retina, which is called myopia. Regarding the causes of myopia, it is still not completely clear. Most scholars believe that myopia is related to many factors, including genetic factors, environmental factors, and bad eye habits. Among them, it is clear that the occurrence of high myopia is autosomal recessive inheritance.

Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects - DayDayNews

Okay, then we will figure out now, what is myopia and why it forms myopia. After that, when parents blame their children for bad eyes, first think about the eyes of themselves and their parents. Push forward for decades, but there is no mobile phone or tablet in the house, and TV is also a rarity, so electronic products are not the whole reason. It may also be a very important factor.

Throwing away internal factors, let's talk about external factors—environmental factors. Long-term use of eyes at close range can easily lead to myopia. Note that there are two keywords here, "long-term" and "close distance", which can also be understood as overuse of eyes and wrong use of eyes. The era is developing rapidly. It can be said that daily learning and life are inseparable from electronic products. During the epidemic, children will be given online lessons and sign up for online tutoring. Even now children’s lessons at school are also slide multimedia teaching, so even if parents confiscated them With a mobile phone, children can't stop their contact with electronic products. In that case, it is better to develop a good habit of using eyes since childhood. Fundamentally protect children's eyesight!

Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects - DayDayNews

1. Pay attention to time and distance

When children usually read books or electronic products,Keep your eyes about 30cm away from the desk. When doing homework, keep one fist away from your desk and your hand should be one inch away from the tip of the pen. Do not lie on the table or tilt your body. Do not spend more than half an hour reading books and mobile phones at a time. Staring at something for a long time may cause eye fatigue, so it is recommended to stop for a while to look far away, or do eye exercises (after washing your hands). When reading or looking at electronic products, you should look up, preferably on a desk, and you must not let your children develop the bad habit of lying on the bed and sofa, reading a book and looking at the phone! This not only damages eyesight, but may also cause spine curvature and hunchback.

Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects - DayDayNews

2. Participate in outdoor activities often

Recall that when we were young, we didn't have mobile phones or tablets, and our friends ran wildly outside in groups. rubber band , playing sandbags, touching the blind, and sticking biscuits are quite a lot of entertainment items. In contrast, children nowadays stay in their own homes or classmates' homes besides going to school, and I don’t know what secret weapons can be developed this way! Parents should encourage their children to go out and do some outdoor activities within a safe range. Outdoors, the eyes will automatically adjust to see things at different distances, and use the eyes alternately to adjust the ciliary muscle of the eyes and relieve eye fatigue. Especially there are many green plants in nature, green light is short-wavelength light, short-wavelength light has a short focal length, which is also very beneficial for prevention and control of myopia!

Your child’s eyesight is not good, so you can’t blame the phone at all, you should also pay attention to these aspects - DayDayNews

3. Pay attention to adjusting the light

Sometimes children have to work overtime at night to do their homework. At this time, desk lamps are indispensable. Parents should also choose eye protection lamps when choosing table lamps. It is best to have multiple light positions. The light of should come from the left or front left, so that the shadow of the hand does not block the light when writing. In addition to dark places, shadows, and strong sunlight under the sun can not read, it will irritate the eyes!

4. Pay attention to the choice of paper books

Some parents proudly say that my children are very well-behaved.I don’t look at electronic products very much, I like to read books. It is of course a good thing to like to read books, and it is worthy of praise! But doesn't reading hurt your eyes? That would be very wrong. My dad accidentally said that he missed his mouth once. His shortsightedness was because he was hiding in the bed every night and watching with a flashlight when he was a child. In addition to the correct reading posture, the first article said that the reading time should also be moderate, and the eyes should be rested after reading for half an hour. Parents choose genuine books when buying paper books for their children. Pay attention to the material and layout of the book, try not to choose the copper-paper version of the book, it is easy to reflect! Don't typeset too densely, and avoid books with too small fonts.

Okay, happy mother today is very happy to share with you a few precautions for protecting children's eyesight. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the children are our future. Therefore, it can be said that it is imperative to protect children's eyesight. I hope that parents and friends can also do their part and set a good example for children in eye protection.


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