The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on.

2024/06/2214:43:33 technology 1681
The soul of

is the blockchain?

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole that enters each individual through some mechanism. After the person dies, each individual will return to the whole and wait for the next division. Reorganize the reincarnation, and so on. But when it splits into individual soul bodies, each individual does not exist independently. Instead, like human genes, each soul body has the information of the entire soul. It is also like a ball of light, and every ray of light carries light. The same attributes of the group. is also like the blockchain we are talking about now. The soul has no center and uses distributed accounting. Each soul records all the details of your life, which cannot be changed and are retained across the entire network.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Many people's near-death experiences include white light tunnels, replays of all experiences in this life, etc. So the replays of life when near death are not records of the soul (soul). This is the entire cultivation process that this soul has experienced in this life of this physical body. Of course, this record is not for aftertaste, but is equivalent to the examination answer sheet of a soul torture in this life. When the soul returns to the mother body, there should be a series of assessment mechanisms as the basis for the next reincarnation.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Zhuangzi : "The big block carries me with form, helps me with life, makes me grow old, and comforts me with death. Therefore, those who are good for my life are also good for my death." The general meaning is "This large piece gave me a body, gave me the ability to work, allowed me to grow old in life, died in rest, and took care of my life and death." What do you mean by big chunks? Combined with the "big block" mentioned in Zhuangzi elsewhere, the big block refers to some kind of spiritual consciousness other than a human being.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

The ancient Indian Upanishads earlier than "Zhuangzi" also have the term "big block", but its meaning is very clear. It refers to the highest god in ancient India, namely "Brahma" and "He". It is a A huge spiritual body is one when united and countless when divided. The human soul is injected from this "big piece" and returns to the "big piece" after death. The Indian "Manu Code" records: "These great 'originals' (that is, the original substances that constitute the soul) are united and united with each other and enter the body, so people become 'primordial people' ( That is, a person with a soul)" also means that the soul is originally an infinitely divisible whole.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Laozi described it this way in the Tao Te Ching: "When you are in a trance, there are images in it; when you are in a trance, there are things in it. When you are in a trance, there is essence in it; when the essence is very true, there is faith in it. ." Among them, "youxiang", "youwu" and "youxin" do not refer to specific things, but to the feeling in a trance.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Strangely enough, this experience is a common human experience, found among Buddhists, among Christians, and even among near-death experiences . What they have in common can be summarized in three sentences: feeling a strange great light; no self and no object, everything and I are one (integration with the universe); extreme inner peace and tranquility (no thoughts).

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

This kind of common experience can only show that there is indeed a common soul behind human beings, whether they are Easterners or Westerners, whether they are white or black, and whether they are Buddhists or Christians, in the soul levels we all have in common. You may be an Easterner in this life, and you may be a Westerner in the next life. We all come from the same "big block", and we will all return to the same "big block" in the end. Through the carrier of human beings, we practice according to the rules of the universe, achieve soul upgrade, and ultimately decide where the individual soul will go next, until the entire soul matrix is ​​finally liberated.

When we know that the soul is a "large" matrix with a constant total amount, we can think that the soul is inversely proportional to the human population, that is, the greater the population, the smaller the number of souls each person carries; on the contrary, the greater the population, the smaller the number of souls carried by each person. The less, the more souls each person carries.Perhaps we can interpret this phenomenon: when there are many people, there are few spiritual beings, so there are few virtuous people, and there are many practitioners of magic. Therefore, those who practice Taoism are relaxed but not exhausted, and those who are skilled in skills work hard but have no results. How to understand it? In ancient times when the population was small, people carried a lot of spiritual bodies and energy. People had powerful special functions and lofty spiritual realms, and many masters appeared. But now that the population is exploding, the spiritual energy carried by each person is getting weaker and weaker, which in turn makes our individual functions more and more degraded and lost, resulting in serious social problems.

I said that the operating mechanism of soul is like blockchain technology . In addition to its characteristics of digitization, decentralization and distributed accounting, it can also use the blockchain concept to conduct "transactions" like Bitcoin. When a person commits evil words and deeds, these soul substances, which are also called merit pillars or white substances, will be transferred to the other person, causing the other person to increase. The index of his own soul merit will decrease, and at the same time, the corresponding black substance of the other person will be transferred to the other person. That is to say, karma will also be transferred to ourselves, so in order to obtain more soul work index, we must continue to accumulate virtue, accumulate kindness, and be patient. There must be gains and losses. In a sense, this can be regarded as a transaction that conforms to the laws of fairness in the universe.

Dreaming of cloud computing ?

Lu Dongbin As we all know, he is a real person. He is the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, Master Wang Chongyang, and Master Qiu Chuji. He has written many poems and essays and is a god-like figure. He wrote his journey from human to god in a book " Taiyi Jinhua Purpose "). The book also mentions that "Heaven and earth regard people as floating, and the great road regards heaven and earth as nothing. Only the true nature of the Yuan Shen transcends the Yuanquan and rises above." (Heaven and earth see people as small as insects, but heaven and earth look at heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are as empty as bubbles. Only the true nature of human soul is something that transcends time and space). So what is Yuanshen? Lu Dongbin said: When a mortal is reincarnated, the Yuan Shen lives in the square inch, while the Consciousness God lives in the lower heart. (From the moment a person is reincarnated, the soul lives in the forehead and heart, perhaps the pineal gland , where the eyes of the sky are opened, and the consciousness lives in the chest).

The fleshy heart below is shaped like a big peach, with lungs to cover it, liver to support it, and large and small intestines to support it. If you don't eat for a day, your heart will feel very uncomfortable. Death makes one sad, seeing beauty makes one dizzy. The heavenly heart above the head moves slightly.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

What the consciousness reflects is the greedy nature of human beings. Greed, anger and ignorance are all present, but the soul will not move easily. It can only move when it is close to danger. It only moves when it's dead.

The soul is in the heart of the sky, which is Yang, the light and clear air. This comes from Taixu, which is the same shape as Yuanshi. Po Yin is also the turbid air attached to the tangible ordinary mind. The soul is happy to live, but the soul hopes to die. All lust and anger are caused by the soul, which means knowing the spirit.

As soon as a person is born, the soul lives in the Yuanshen. The Yuanshen is Yang and comes from Taixu. The soul lives in the Consciousness God and becomes the ordinary mind, which is feminine. The soul longs for life, while the soul longs for death. Every one of us can feel the greedy and lustful desires of the human heart.

Returning to the end of Lu Dongbin's sacred book, he said:

After death, you will enjoy blood and food, but in life you will suffer greatly, as the yin returns to yin, and birds of a feather flock together. When a student refines all his yin soul, he will become pure yang.

The pure yang advocated by Quanzhen Sect is to let the soul leave the body through practice, and then a person can become a body of pure yang, which is a god-man who can always connect with the original Taixu.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Okay, let’s get back to the topic, the relationship between dreams and the soul. This sentence from Lu Dongbin's sacred book

The soul lives in the eyes during the day, and rests in the liver at night. It dwells on the eyes and sees, and dreams while resting on the liver, and the dreamer wanders in his mind. The nine heavens and nine earths can be experienced in an instant, and when you feel it, it is dark and abyss, and it is bound to the shape, that is, it is bound to the soul.

The book says: The soul will appear in the eyes during the day, and in the liver at night. When in the eyes, the soul allows us to see things; when in the liver, the soul allows us to dream. Dreaming is a fugue, and the soul is connected to the original Taixu through the soul.In a dream, even the nine heavens and nine earths that transcend time and space can be reached in just one moment. But when you wake up, you don’t remember anything. Why is this so? Because you are restricted by the soul. The key point here is: "Dreamers also wander in the spirit." That is to say, the soul leaves the body and the soul wanders out of the body. So where does it travel to?

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Speaking of this, two famous figures will be introduced. One is a disciple of Freud, the famous psychologist Jung, and the other is Pauli, the founder of quantum mechanics. Inspired by Lu Dongbin's book and "The Book of Changes" and other Eastern thoughts, they launched the famous " collective subconscious " argument.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

We can easily understand that people have conscious and subconscious minds, so what is the third type of human consciousness, the "collective subconscious"? Jung believed that the events and emotions experienced by human beings from generation to generation will eventually leave traces on the soul, and these traces can be passed on through inheritance. .

When people dream, sometimes some strange plots and images will appear. These things cannot be explained by the dreamer's own life experience. They are more like primitive people's memories hidden in the deepest parts of our souls, which Jung called the collective subconscious. Souls, these primitive people appear in various forms in dreams. When we encounter problems, they help us think of ideas. When we face danger, they warn us. Because of his hundreds and thousands of years of life experience, his wisdom and intuition far exceed our conscious thoughts.

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

Jung believed that not all dreams are of equal value. Some dreams only involve trivial matters and are not very important, while other dreams - the archetype intervenes in the dream - are shocking, so mysterious and sacred, so strange and strange. , incredible, as if from another world, these dreams are more important.

Dreams are not the fulfillment of wishes, but revelations, predictions or predictions of the future. Therefore, we should pay attention to the wisdom of dreams.

The collective subconscious mentioned by Jung may actually be the soul matrix I mentioned above. When dreaming, the dreamer obtains information from this collective subconscious (soul matrix) and interacts with it. This behavior is also what Lu Dongbin calls "soul fugue". ". The collective subconscious is a bit like what we call the big data cloud today, or it is called the universe Wikipedia . Dreaming or meditating is equivalent to the soul leaving the body and forming a quantum router, which can download all the information of the universe from the universe Wikipedia in the cloud.

Many people have the feeling of déjà vu in their dreams, have bursts of inspiration to solve problems and write essays, and have bizarre experiences of jumping fragments. These are all your quantum routers browsing data information in the collective subconscious. Who can guarantee that it is not happening before or now in a certain universe? What about?

The soul is not like countless individuals as people imagine. It may be a whole, entering each individual through some mechanism. After death, each individual will return to the whole, waiting for the next division and reorganization. Reincarnation, and so on. - DayDayNews

The more powerful the router signal, the easier it is to "dream well" and have meaningful dreams. For example, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Tesla, Einstein, Da Vinci, as well as some prophets, inventors, artists, scientists, and thinkers.

Nowadays, human beings are becoming more and more powerful physically, but their mental power is getting weaker, and there is no longer any inspiration from dreams.

Finally, here comes the question:

1. If dreaming is a person downloading collective subconscious data from the soul mother body, then what is a wet dream? If it is not the fulfillment of wishes, is it a joke played on us by the soul?

2. If there are parallel universes , then do I have the same soul in each parallel universe? Or do I have different souls in each parallel universe? Similarly, if there are parallel universes, is the collective subconscious that we are connected to in dreams connected to this universe or the collective subconscious of all parallel universes?

can you answer?

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