At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa

2024/07/0221:58:33 regimen 1730

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company.

Of course, these are not important. What is important is to measure his blood pressure, which was as high as 170mmhg/95mmhg. After electroencephalogram and brain CT examination, the patient had cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral herniation .

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

The so-called cerebral herniation means that when a patient has a space-occupying lesion in the skull, the various intracranial cavities will have gradients due to different pressures, and the brain tissue, cerebral blood vessels, and cranial nerves will be squeezed due to pressure problems. and displacement, which occurs if brain tissue is squeezed into a cavity, such as through a hole.

All medical staff become nervous when facing patients with cerebral herniation. This is the most urgent and dangerous type of encephalopathy.

According to classification, brain hernia includes infratentorial notch hernia, foramen magnum hernia and subfalx cerebri hernia. No matter what kind of brain hernia it is, as long as it occurs, it means that the patient has entered the most dangerous state. After some understanding, the doctor knew why the patient suffered sudden cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral herniation.

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

It turns out that just the night before, the patient and a group of co-workers went to the boss's house to ask for an account. They were all senior technicians in the company, and their monthly salary was about 15,000 yuan. However, the company boss had always shied away and delayed the payment on the grounds of poor economic benefits. salary. At first everyone was understanding, but then they saw that the boss had brought a new car and it became unbearable.

The patient and his team came to the boss's house and asked for the account directly. However, the boss spread his hands and said, "Do you want any money?" This made everyone anxious. At first, the patient threatened the boss to resign if he did not pay the money, but the boss disagreed. Due to this kind of deal-making, the patient had to beg his boss, saying that he was in a hurry for money.

But even so, the boss still didn't take out the money.

The account was not paid, and the patient returned home angrily. It was already 0 o'clock in the morning. The patient opened a bottle of white wine, and then ate and drank alone. It was about one o'clock. The patient took a shower and went to bed. After a while, Just snore like thunder.

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

At about two o'clock in the middle of the night, the patient's wife was awakened by her husband's abnormal snoring. She knew that her husband had failed to collect the account, and would drink when he failed. Drinking in the middle of the night would make her thirsty, so she got up and cooked a pot of alcohol-free honey water for her husband. , just about to call her husband to get up and drink water, but his breathing suddenly stopped, and then his breathing disappeared for a long time.

The wife couldn't wake her husband up for a while, so she turned on the light. After turning on the light, she discovered that her husband's face was extremely pale and his eyes were closed, as if he was dead.

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

The wife quickly dialed 120, and the above situation occurred.

The patient's wife sat paralyzed in front of the doctor, begging us to save her husband. For so many years, he has been the only breadwinner of the family, and the children's living expenses, electricity and water bills all depended on one person's salary. If her husband leaves like this, she really doesn't know how to live.

The doctor couldn't say anything. He could only silently take a critical illness notice and informed consent form and ask them to sign. After signing, the doctor walked into the emergency room.

In the emergency room, everyone was already working in full swing. The patient's brain had been opened, and the amount of bleeding exceeded 500ml by visual inspection. The problem of brain herniation was very serious. I could only hear the calm and clear instructions of a surgeon, and nurses and doctors running back and forth one after another.

The doctor stepped forward. The patient's breathing temporarily recovered, but the heart rate was still low. The surgeon was performing a cleaning operation on the patient, and the bleeding point had been blocked. If everything goes well, the patient's life is saved, but the subsequent sequelae may be enough for the patient to drink a pot.

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

Time passed by minute by second, and suddenly, the nurse shouted: "Doctor, something is wrong, his heart rate keeps dropping, and his blood oxygen saturation is also dropping. Oops, he has heart fibrillation"!

The surgeon was anxious: "Quick, defibrillator , prepare for cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately."

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

After more than two hours of rescue, the patient finally stopped his heartbeat, and then became brain-dead and died after the rescue failed.

The doctors came out of the emergency room dejectedly. They didn’t know how to deal with the patients, wives and children, but things in this world are like this. Nine times out of ten things are going to be unsatisfactory. If you can’t even save your own life, you may not even be able to save that “10%” You can't enjoy all the "wishful things".

Why did the patient die so quickly? The three mistakes he made are crucial:

First of all, the patient suffered from hypertension and also drank alcohol for a long time. It should be known that patients who like to lose their temper, like to overeat, high-fat diet , and have a history of chronic diseases are at high risk of this disease.

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, an ambulance rushed to a comatose patient. The patient's surname was Wang. He was 42 years old and was a senior fitter in an electrical company. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that his blood pressure wa - DayDayNews

Secondly, take a shower immediately after drinking, and then fall asleep. Most cerebral infarction patients induce cerebral infarction because of this.

Third, the mood is bad. In fact, emotions are also related to health. Try to maintain a comfortable mood as much as possible, especially when you reach the lowest point, the more you must maintain a good attitude, so that you can have a healthy body to meet every challenge.

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