Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt

2024/06/2904:07:33 regimen 1314

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you how to drink two medicinal herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism and strengthen bones and muscles. Let your joints regain their youth. Hurry up, like, collect and forward it to those in need around you!

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

Rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis in Western medicine are paralysis in Chinese medicine. They are generally caused by the invasion of wind, cold and dampness into the joints and tendons of the human body.

Wind evil is good at moving around, so it wanders erratically in our joints, so sometimes the pain is at the top of the joints, and sometimes it is pain at the bottom of the joints.

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

Cold is a yin evil that invades the human body and loves to stagnate the movement of qi and blood. Traditional Chinese medicine says that blockage causes pain. Wherever the cold evil is, qi and blood will be blocked. Pain will occur wherever it is, and it will be aggravated by cold air, such as For some people, arthritis will become serious if the cold wind blows, they stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, or the weather changes.

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

Dampness evil is sticky, which means that the diseases caused by it have a relatively long course, procrastinate and repeat, but are not cured. Moreover, dampness evil also likes to stick to other evil spirits, such as wind evil, such as Cold evil, together become rheumatism, cold dampness .

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

So when the three evil spirits are mixed together, it becomes more difficult to deal with and it is very uncomfortable. We need to dispel wind and cold, and retain dampness to relieve pain. Today, the doctor recommended two kinds of medicine to drive out the wind, cold and dampness in your joints. The joints will become better, as if they were decades younger.

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

first taste, intermittent . The origin of the name "intermittent" is that ancient doctors discovered that this herb can repair broken muscles and bones, so they gave it this name. Think about it, is this herb strong in strengthening bones and muscles? Moreover, the intermittent medicinal properties are pungent and warm, the pungent energy can dissipate, and the warmth can dispel cold, so it can also dispel wind and cold. It also returns to the liver and kidney meridian intermittently, which can nourish the liver and kidneys. The liver governs the muscles and the kidneys govern the bones. The effect of strengthening the muscles and bones can be expressed not only by directly acting on the muscles and bones, but also by nourishing the internal organs. It can be said that A good medicine that treats both the symptoms and the root cause.

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

Pharmacological studies have shown that intermittent consumption can resist osteoporosis , and can also resist aging and antioxidants.

the second medicine, windproof . Just by hearing its name, we can know how powerful it is in dispelling wind. The medicinal properties of Fangfeng are also pungent and warm. It belongs to the bladder, liver, and spleen meridian . It can relieve superficial symptoms and expel wind, overcome dampness and relieve pain. The spleen governs the transportation and transformation of water, and the bladder governs the vaporization of water. The moisture in the body is closely related to these two organs. Therefore, Fangfeng travels through the bladder meridian and spleen meridian, and has a strong effect on reducing dampness. is It is a must-have medicine for dispelling rheumatism and treating paralysis.

Joint pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving are aggravated on rainy days. Friends who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis for many years should pay attention! Today the doctor will teach you to drink two herbs soaked in water to dispel rheumatism, strengt - DayDayNews

At the same time, Fangfeng also has a strong effect on dispelling wind, and its medicinal properties are still warm. It also has the effect of dispelling cold and dispelling wind evil and cold evil, and can expel all three evil spirits. The evil energy of blockage is gone, and the joints will naturally no longer hurt. Modern research shows that Fangfeng also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The two medicines are combined together, which can not only expel evil and relieve pain to treat the symptoms, but also nourish the liver and kidneys to strengthen the root cause. It treats both the symptoms and the root cause. It is very suitable for arthritis patients who have been troubled by rheumatism and rheumatoid for many years. Have you learned it?

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