In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less "3 things", which should not be taken seriously.

2024/06/2520:12:33 regimen 1427

As the old saying goes, "No disease in summer means three points of deficiency." We need to "supplement the three to nine in winter and the three ton in summer." There is a folk saying that "the summer solstice is the third day of the first month of the year," which means that the third day after the summer solstice will be the first day of the year. In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days.

Only after entering the hot summer days can we truly understand what it means to "steam the upper part and cook the lower part during the great heat and the mild heat". Even if you sit still, you will easily break out in a sweat. Such suffering lasts for more than a month. It is conceivable that the body will lose a lot of nutrients through sweat. The older generation often says that we should eat according to the seasons. What should we eat when the dog days come? The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less "3 things", which should not be taken seriously.

What are the 3 things to eat less?

No. 1: Do not eat moldy or rotten fruits and vegetables

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Although it is hot in summer, there are many fruits and vegetables, such as peaches, watermelons, yellow peel , bayberry, etc., vying to be on the market, and the prices are not high. Since it is too hot to eat, many people like to stock up on fruits and eat them when they are hungry or thirsty. Fruits are high in sugar and water, and coupled with high temperatures and improper storage, they are prone to mold and deterioration. Some people are accustomed to saving, digging out the bad parts and continuing to eat. In fact, as long as the appearance of the fruit is moldy, there will be a large amount of mold, bacteria, etc. hidden in the pulp. If you continue to eat it, there will be a great safety hazard.

No. 2: Don’t eat foods that are not in season

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

As the old saying goes, “ don’t eat from time to time” and try to eat fruits and vegetables that are in season. With the advancement of storage technology, we can see many ingredients all year round. For example, white radish, Chinese cabbage, carrots, etc., although they look fresh on the surface, their taste and nutrition are far lower than seasonal ingredients. There are countless summer ingredients, such as cucumber, loofah, bitter gourd, beans, eggplant, etc., which are all edible and the price is not high. Don’t always focus on cabbage and radish .

No. 3: Do not eat pickled food

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

As we all know, pickled products have been favored by people since ancient times. Pickling not only preserves vegetables, but also makes them more flavorful. They can increase appetite and are more convenient and trouble-free to prepare than other ingredients. We need to know that pickled ingredients have serious nutritional losses, and long-term consumption will also aggravate our taste and is not good for health. Especially the elderly and children, they are all in a stage where they need to strengthen nutrition, and eating them regularly is harmful to the body.

Eat 3 more vegetables

Type 1: Winter melon

Although it is called winter melon, it is a seasonal vegetable in summer. There is a layer of white stuff on the surface of ripe winter melon, which is similar to winter frost, so it is called winter melon. It is rich in water, low in calories, rich in minerals, vitamins, etc., and its price is also low. It is much more nutritious than eating Chinese cabbage.

Recommended recipe: Winter Melon Braised Beef Balls

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, beef balls 350 grams, millet pepper , green onions, garlic , 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, salt, cooking oil

① We peel the winter melon and rinse Clean and cut into slices. Rinse the beef balls as well and put them in a bowl.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

② Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the winter melon and stir-fry. When the surface of the winter melon is slightly transparent, pour in light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, and stir-fry over high heat for a while.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

③Pour in minced garlic and beef balls, stir-fry evenly. Add 1 small bowl of boiling water , bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for a few minutes.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

④After the winter melon is ripe, add salt to taste and continue to simmer for a while. Garnish with some chopped green onion and millet pepper and serve.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Type 2: Cucumber

As a kind of melon, cucumber may be the most popular. It can not only be eaten raw but also cooked, and can even be used as a facial mask. The old tradition says, "Eat buds in spring and melons in summer." As a seasonal ingredient in summer, cucumbers are not expensive and taste crisp, tender and delicious. It is rich in vitamin C and and vitamin E. It is also low in calories and will not make you fat if you eat it regularly.

Recommended recipe: Cucumber with oil residue

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 1/3 carrot, 50 grams of pork fat, light soy sauce, garlic, salt, cooking oil

① Cut off both ends of the cucumber and soak in light salt water for 2 minutes. Brush the surface with a brush and scrub clean. Cut the cucumber into slices and put it in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of salt, mix, and marinate for 10 minutes. Clean the carrots, garlic, and onions and cut them with a knife.

Tips: Cucumbers need to be pickled to remove excess water so that they taste crispy.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

②Put a little oil in the pot, pour in the fat and boil it. After frying the fat and oil, scoop some of it up. Add carrots and sauté for a while.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

③After the color of the carrots deepens, pour in the cucumbers that have been washed several times. Add a little salt and light soy sauce to taste, continue to stir-fry for a few more times and then serve.

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Type 3: Duck

There is a folk saying that "Chickens are eaten in the first volts, and ducks are eaten in the second volts". Both chickens and ducks are Futian's treasures. Relatively speaking, duck meat is more popular in summer because its fat content is concentrated and it is rich in niacin, vitamins, etc. The duck can be braised, roasted, or pan-fried.

Recommended recipe: Duck noodle soup

In other words, this year's ambush will begin on July 16 and end on August 24, a total of 40 days. The old tradition says that after entering the ambush, you should eat 3 more vegetables and less

Ingredients: half duck, 100 grams of noodles, green onions, salt, ginger, cooking wine

① We chop the duck into small pieces, wash it several times and pour it into the pot. Add cooking wine, green onion, and ginger and blanch the water. When there is a lot of foam on the surface of the pot, remove the duck meat and rinse with warm water.

②Pour the duck meat into the stew pot and add 1 piece of ginger. Pour in boiling water to cover the duck meat, bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over medium heat.

③ When the duck can be inserted with chopsticks, add salt to taste and simmer for 15 minutes.

④ Boil water in a pot and add a little salt. When small bubbles appear around the pot, add the noodles and cook. Use chopsticks to separate them to prevent them from sticking together.

⑤After the water boils, add 1 spoon of cold water and cook again. After adding water 3 times, you can scoop up the noodles and put them into a bowl. Pour the duck meat and duck soup into the bowl with noodles, sprinkle with some chopped green onion and serve.

Conclusion: We are about to enter the dog days, and we must learn to avoid talking. Instead of eating "three things", eat three more vegetables, eat according to the seasons, and survive the dog days safely. I am a mom, an office worker who likes to make meals. Working around the stove, pots and pans every day makes me tired but happy at the same time. All recipes are original and no transfer or plagiarism is allowed. If you like it, please like, collect, forward and follow me!

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