Regarding tea, Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Tea is bitter and cold, and is best for reducing fire... Warm drinks will cause fire to decrease due to cold air, while hot drinks will cause tea to be dispersed by fire air, and it can also relieve alcoholism a

2024/06/2220:12:32 regimen 1293

Regarding tea, Li Shizhen’s "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Tea is bitter and cold, and is best for reducing fire... Warm drinks will cause fire to decrease due to cold air, while hot drinks will cause tea to be dispersed by fire, and it is also a hangover-relieving food. "The poison of tangerine peel." Regarding tangerine peel, "Compendium of Materia Medica" has a detailed description: "The peel of tangerine peel is thick, yellow and thick, with many white films inside, and its taste is pungent and sweet... Today, it is harvested from Guangzhong (Xinhui). "

Regarding tea, Li Shizhen's

Academician Zhong Nanshan said: We use this tea and tangerine peel to significantly improve the discharge of mucus and pollutants. Why do people like it? This is a study ...

Zhong Lao's research on tea and tangerine peel The affirmation ultimately comes down to the health value of tea and tangerine peel. In tea, there are many substances that are beneficial to human health:

1.Tea polyphenols

Tea polyphenols are the general name for catechins, flavonoids, phenolic acids and anthocyanins in tea. Its main effects on the human body include: lowering blood sugar and blood lipids; activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, inhibiting arteriosclerosis; antioxidant, delaying aging; antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral; removing bad breath, etc.

In addition, because tea polyphenols can protect the brain and prevent radiation damage to the skin, tea drinks rich in tea polyphenols are known as "drinks in the electronic age."

2. Amino acids

The amino acid content in tea generally accounts for 1%-4% of the dry matter of tea. It is easily soluble in water and has a fresh and sweet taste, similar to the refreshing taste of MSG.

Among them, theanine in tea is a unique amino acid of the tea tree and is rare in general plants. This is also a characteristic substance in tea trees.

3. alkaloids

alkaloids are a type of purine derivatives containing purine rings. The alkaloids in tea are mainly caffeine. The caffeine content in tea is between 2% and 5%. After tea is brewed, more than 80% of the caffeine can be dissolved in boiling water.

Caffeine has stimulant and diuretic effects on people, so tea is a good stimulant and diuretic.

4. Vitamin

Vitamin is one of the six major nutrients necessary for the human body to maintain normal metabolism. It is very rich in tea, especially the content of B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. B vitamins can increase appetite, vitamin C can sterilize and detoxify, and increase the body's resistance; vitamin E can be antioxidant and has a certain anti-aging effect; vitamin K can increase intestinal peristalsis and secretion function.

5. Fluoride

Generally, food contains very little fluoride. Tea is rich in fluorine, with the content generally ranging from 0.002% to 0.025%. About 40%-80% of the fluoride in tea leaves dissolves in boiling water. It can strengthen teeth and make tooth enamel harder, preventing cavities and cavities.

6. Sugars in tea

The sugars in fresh tea leaves include monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and a small amount of other sugars. Monosaccharides and disaccharides are the main components of soluble sugars in tea. The polysaccharides in tea mainly include cellulose, hemicellulose, starch and pectin.

Regarding tea, Li Shizhen's

Regarding tea, Li Shizhen's

And tangerine peel is a common traditional Chinese medicine in daily life. As the saying goes "One tael of tangerine peel makes one tael of gold, and a hundred years of tangerine peel is worth gold.". Although tangerine peel is not as valuable as gold, its medicinal value is indeed amazing.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tangerine peel tastes pungent and bitter, is warm in nature, and returns to the spleen and lung meridian. It has the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, promoting the circulation of qi in the middle, lowering the inverse and resolving phlegm; it is mainly used to control qi and strengthen the spleen, dry dampness and resolve phlegm.

1. Chest and abdominal distension

Tangerine peel powder is warm and has a fragrant smell. It is good at regulating qi. It can enter the spleen and lungs, so it can spread the qi. It is used for lung qi stagnation, chest and diaphragm fullness, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, and epigastric distension. Symptoms.

2. Cough with excessive phlegm

Chenpi is bitter and warm, dry in nature, good at regulating qi and widening the middle, and can dry dampness and resolve phlegm. For those with damp phlegm, cold stagnation, and cough with excessive phlegm, the combination of different traditional Chinese medicines has a good effect.

Regarding tea, Li Shizhen's

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