Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age.

2024/06/2023:37:32 regimen 1274

The importance of sex hormones to us is self-evident. Sex hormones often affect our reproductive development, and are also closely related to our gender characteristics and physical health. Many people know that when women reach menopause , their ovaries decline and estrogen secretion is greatly reduced, and menopause and other physiological changes occur. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age.

When around fifty years old, men's testicles will also begin to age, androgen secretion will also be significantly reduced . Although men and women are different, they can produce sperm for life even after menopause, but the reduction of androgen secretion is harmful to men. The adverse effects on the body cannot be underestimated.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews

What will happen to men if male hormones decrease?

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews. Causes muscle strength to decrease and strength becomes worse.

According to research, muscles are the target organs of testosterone. Testosterone can significantly improve the growth and repair of body muscles, promote the absorption and utilization of glucose by muscles, and can also enhance muscle glucose production. original reserve. If the secretion of testosterone is strong, the size, strength, dimension, etc. of the muscles will be increased . When men reach the age of fifty, their testosterone secretion is significantly reduced and they are prone to muscle loss and weakened strength.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews. Osteoporosis

As age increases, testosterone secretion gradually decreases, and the number of osteoclasts in men is gradually greater than osteoblasts , which can easily lead to bone loss gradually becoming serious and bone loss appearing. Porosis, bone brittleness and other conditions. According to research, the increase in testosterone levels with age is the main reason why bone resorption is greater than bone formation, leading to osteoporosis.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews

. Poor mental status

Reduced testosterone secretion will disrupt the balance of the male body. Men are more likely to experience changes in mental status and may experience depression, irritability, impulsivity, etc. And it is also possible that mental factors may lead to male dysfunction. being silent and depressed may have an increased risk of developing mental illness.

4. Cardiovascular problems

When the secretion of male hormones decreases, it will lead to a decrease in the elasticity of the male blood vessel walls, the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and the risk of blood clots will also increase . And because metabolism decreases with age, blood circulation slows down, which will also increase men’s cardiovascular risk, posing a greater threat to men’s life and health.

Male hormones are crucial to male health. If there is a deficiency of male hormones, daily supplementation is indispensable. However, men often adopt some incorrect methods in life, such as taking kidney-tonifying drugs. In fact, there is no obvious effect. They must be supplemented in a scientific way.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews

html How to supplement androgen deficiency after the age of 750? 4 tricks may be used

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews. Enhance lower limb exercise

Lower limb strength training has a certain promoting effect on men's male hormone supplementation. When we perform lower limb strength training, it can better promote blood circulation in the lower limbs and can also stimulate the testicles to secrete male hormones. Hormone improves hormone levels. In daily life, men can try to do more strength training for their lower limbs. The simplest ones include squats, leap frogs, etc. Strength training itself can also promote muscle growth, and it can also improve male muscle dimensions and strength levels. help.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews. Supplement cholesterol, zinc element

Cholesterol is an important component of synthetic sex hormones, so the intake of cholesterol can promote the secretion of sex hormones. Common animal viscera in daily life generally contain relatively rich cholesterol, such as animal liver and kidney wait. However, excessive intake of cholesterol may lead to elevated blood lipids and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases risk. Zinc is an important element needed by the reproductive system. If lack of zinc it may lead to testicular shrinkage, abnormal sperm development and other problems. Therefore, zinc supplement is very important for men. You can often eat oysters, oysters, beef and mutton Help with zinc supplementation.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews

. Sleeping promotes hormone secretion

Staying up late is very harmful to our body. Our body's hormone secretion time is usually at night. If we often stay up late, it will affect the normal secretion of hormones in the body and lead to endocrine disorders. It will also be affected by Normal secretion of male hormones. Therefore, we need to maintain adequate sleep, go to bed before Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews1 every day, and ensure more than seven hours of adequate sleep time, which can improve the problem of low male hormone secretion.

4. External testosterone supplementation

External testosterone supplementation is to use hormone drugs to directly help men supplement testosterone. Under normal circumstances, it is not recommended to use drugs directly. After the age of fifty, if men obviously feel that the decrease in male hormones is causing physical discomfort, they can go to the hospital for a hormone level test. If the testosterone is too low, they can supplement the testosterone preparations according to the guidance of the doctor. resulting in physical discomfort.

Male hormones are very important for men and are also closely related to women’s muscle strength. Therefore, both men and women will suffer from insufficient secretion of male hormones, which requires timely life conditioning and treatment. However, more androgen secretion is not always better. Excessive androgen secretion will also have adverse effects on life.

Many people know that when women reach menopause, their ovaries decline, causing a large decrease in estrogen secretion, menopause and other physiological changes. However, they do not know that men will also have such problems as they age. - DayDayNews

Excessive male hormones are not a good thing and may lead to hair loss

Excessive secretion of male hormones may cause obvious Adam's apple and luxuriant hair in men, but it may also lead to hair loss. When there is too much male hormone secretion in the human body, it may lead to strong secretion of sebaceous glands and , blocking pores and affecting hair growth. There are also some hair follicle target organs that are highly sensitive to male hormones . When androgen is excessive on the scalp, it will lead to hair loss . This problem often requires anti-androgen drug treatment to improve. Androgen alopecia is not exclusive to men. Women may also suffer from androgen alopecia due to hair follicles being sensitive to androgens.


"As the name suggests, women can also suffer from androgenic alopecia " Doctor Station Skin Channel 2021-09-06

"Men are "not confused" to beware of testosterone deficiency" Health Times 2009-07-23

"Sports Research progress on improving partial androgen deficiency in middle-aged and elderly men” Jiang Ming 2011-04-07

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