Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is: "Prevention is better than cure"! Regarding missing teeth, we know that the common repair methods are: fixed dentures and artificial dental implants, but

2024/06/1813:08:32 regimen 1360

Lu Bo, Doctor of Stomatology, Deputy Chief Physician. He is keen on using simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge to the public. The key to maintaining oral health is: "Prevention is better than cure"!

Missing teeth has a negative impact on chewing, digestion, appearance, and many other aspects. Regarding missing teeth, we know that the common repair methods are: fixed (or removable) dentures and artificial dental implants, but most citizens think that dental implants are expensive.

Nowadays, an economical, effective and attractive missing tooth solution is quietly emerging - autologous tooth transplantation. Let’s talk to you today, what is autologous tooth transplantation? What are the advantages? What situations are suitable for autologous tooth transplantation?

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

1. What is autologous tooth transplantation?

Autologous tooth transplantation means: transplanting the patient's own impacted teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, misaligned teeth or supernumerary teeth from one position to another to replace the bad teeth to function.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

Use non-functioning impacted wisdom teeth to replace the affected teeth that cannot be retained: The impacted wisdom teeth and the severely decayed teeth that cannot be retained are extracted at the same time, and then the intact wisdom teeth are transplanted into the alveolar socket of the affected teeth. , through the body's own healing mechanism, wisdom teeth can be well combined with alveolar bone , and then replace the extracted teeth and perform their functions, retaining natural teeth to the maximum extent and avoiding the need for dental implants , giving patients One more choice.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

(schematic diagram of autologous tooth transplantation)

2. What are the advantages of autologous tooth transplantation?

transplants its own "idle" teeth into the vacant alveolar socket, which not only "turns waste into treasure", but also breaks the status of dental implants as "unifying the world", the price is even more "down-to-earth" ;

and Compared with removable and fixed dentures, autologous tooth transplantation has higher advantages in terms of function, treatment time and biocompatibility, and can function like other normal teeth. effect.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

It saves time and money so many patients with missing teeth must be interested!

3. What situations are suitable for autologous tooth transplantation?

Take the case of a patient that the hospital has received as an example: There is a young lady who suffers from the dual pain of wisdom tooth inflammation and molar decay. After coming to the hospital for examination, the conventional plan requires 4 teeth to be extracted and 2 teeth to be implanted. In the economic situation It costs a lot in terms of trauma.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

This young lady said: When I graduated from high school, my “wisdom teeth” started to grow and often became inflamed and painful. Because of procrastination and fear, I never dared to see a doctor. Now that I am about to graduate from college, the frequent toothache makes me unbearable, so I mustered up the courage to see the dentist.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

(before transplantation)

After the director of the dental and endodontic department of the hospital conducted a comprehensive examination on the patient, he determined the patient’s intraoral condition:

The conventional plan is : The patient has two transversely impacted wisdom teeth on the left and right mandibles, and there is no Extracted in time. Now these two wisdom teeth have caused serious caries on the front No. 7 tooth. According to the conventional treatment plan, the two wisdom teeth and the two No. 7 teeth in front of the wisdom teeth need to be removed. A total of four teeth need to be removed and two more teeth will be implanted. tooth.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

Autologous tooth transplantation plan: passed the pre-judgment evaluation and carried out autologous tooth transplantation. After the carious tooth was extracted, the wisdom tooth was used to replace the extracted tooth to function, retaining the natural tooth to the maximum extent and avoiding the risk of tooth decay. implanted teeth.

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

(Wisdom teeth are the "best substitutes" for the teeth in the oral cavity)

4. What should patients pay attention to before autologous tooth transplantation?

The director of the dental and endodontic department of the hospital emphasized that there are two key technical difficulties in the success of autologous tooth transplantation:

First, ensure the integrity of the donor tooth, control the time of the donor tooth out of the body, and ensure the maximum survival rate of the periapical ligament cells of the donor tooth. ;

2. Root canal treatment of transplanted teeth cannot introduce new infections to ensure thorough endodontic treatment;

Keen to use simple and clear words to popularize oral health knowledge for the public. The key to maintaining oral health is:

In addition, not all dental clinics or hospitals carry out autologous tooth transplantation technology, so patients must evaluate before choosing a treatment institution. The qualifications of the institution, the professionalism of the doctor, etc. are then considered before making a decision.

Summary of knowledge points at the end of the article: There is no doubt that prevention is always the best way to treat. For example, impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed as soon as possible, carious teeth need to be filled as soon as possible, brushing teeth correctly, and regular teeth cleaning are all ways to prevent premature There are effective methods for missing teeth, so we still appeal to the general public: Don’t wait until you have missing teeth before you think of going to the hospital for treatment.

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