It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a "minor illness". But some people have also raised doubts, thinking that cancer is cancer and cannot be cured. Take the well-known singer Yao Beina as an example. She was diagnosed with breast cancer

2024/06/1010:06:34 regimen 1954

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a "minor illness". But some people have also raised doubts, thinking that cancer is cancer and cannot be cured. Take the well-known singer Yao Beina, for example. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage, and after surgery and chemotherapy, her body had reached recovery targets, but she passed away in the end. What should we do?

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a

Yao Beina's breast cancer was obviously cured, so why did she die from it in the end?

When she was 30 years old, Yao Beina discovered that she had orange peel-like symptoms on the right side of her breast. She went to the hospital and was diagnosed with breast cancer. In fact, when Yao Beina was first diagnosed with breast cancer, the cancer cells had not yet spread, which was early-stage cancer. She immediately underwent cancer removal surgery and chemotherapy, and the breast cancer was finally cured. However, within less than 3 years, breast cancer recurred, youth was fixed at the age of 33.

In fact, Yao's situation does not mean that cancer cannot be cured. On the contrary, she gave us another warning - Cancer will recur. After the patient is cured, he still needs to fight against cancer to prevent recurrence.

Yao's breast cancer was cured, but in the end she died due to recurrence, which is sad. Why does cancer come back? The recurrence of cancer will be affected by many factors, such as living habits after cure, sleep conditions, emotional status, etc. After she recovered from breast cancer, she, who loves singing, participated in a singing program again. Her body had just recovered, and she was unwilling to give up her career. If you want to get good results when participating in the program, you need to exercise non-stop, open your voice, and find the rhythm.. Your body has not been rested, and you have not gone to the hospital regularly for breast cancer examinations.. Your physical fitness has become worse and worse, and your immunity has deteriorated. Poor, various reasons lead to the recurrence of breast cancer.

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a

When the cancer relapses, the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body, which means that the cancer has reached an advanced stage and the chance of cure is very slim. Cancer will not kill people, but "cancer cell metastasis" will . According to surveys, 190% of cancer patients die due to cancer cell metastasis.

After Yao Beina's relapse, her career was booming. Doctors and family members suggested that she be hospitalized for treatment. However, she rejected everyone's suggestions and still devoted herself to her music career. Her condition was not controlled in time.

Why does the hope of survival become slim when cancer cells metastasize?

There are many types of cancer. 80% of cancer cells will metastasize and spread, but it will not be completed overnight. Some cancer cells will metastasize. Just very slow. If it is discovered in time and controlled by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy and other treatments, there is hope of cure. It does not necessarily mean that the cancer cells will metastasize and we will have to wait for death.

If cancer cells metastasize, we also need to look at the scope of metastasis and spread. If you suffer from breast cancer and the cancer cells are only "causing trouble" within the breast, then through surgery, chemotherapy or direct removal, there is only the possibility of control and cure. If the breast cancer cancer cells spread to the liver or even the whole body No matter how high the medical technology is, it can only alleviate the patient's pain and life as much as possible. The hope of cure is slim, but it does not mean that you have to wait for death. Cooperation with the doctor is the most important thing.

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a

Avoid using "folk remedies". Instead of spending time and money on unguaranteed "magic medicines", it is better to find more professional hospitals and provide the best treatment.

The WHO believes that cancer is a chronic disease . Once the body suffers from cancer, the patient will have to fight a long battle with the cancer cells. In fact, suffering from cancer is not terrible. Although the current medical level is not 100% sure of curing cancer, it is possible to cure it with early detection and treatment.

The incidence of breast cancer is increasing day by day, and prevention and treatment measures must be taken.

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. There are approximately 300,000 new breast cancer patients in China every year. Like is unmarried. Women who have late childbearing, do not breastfeed, have their first menstrual period before the age of 12, menopause after the age of 55, have breast diseases, and have a history of breast cancer in their family are all high-risk groups for breast cancer.

Things like high stress in life, physical fatigue, and staying up late for a long time can lead to abnormal estrogen secretion in the body, which can lead to breast cancer . Even recovered breast cancer can recur.

In fact, Yao Beina was lucky because she noticed the abnormality in her breasts in advance and was cured quickly.

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a

In the early stage of breast cancer, pay attention to these changes!

There is a lump in the breast

According to clinical medicine survey statistics, most breast cancer patients will have a lump in the breast, which may be round, may be oval, and may not be palpable. shape. But they are all relatively hard. If you push them with your hands, they will not easily shift their positions .

Breast skin abnormalities

There are lumps in the breast. The lumps continue to grow, which will make the skin around the cancerous site red , and there will be small nodules when touched. The skin will be dimpled, like a dimple.. If the blood vessels in the breast are blocked by cancer cells, it will cause skin edema and orange peel-like symptoms.

Abnormal nipples

For women who are not breastfeeding, if the nipples will overflow with fluid, the fluid will be filled with blood and have a peculiar smell, it is best to go to the hospital for cytology examination . If there is a tumor nearby, the height will be different on both sides. The middle will be indented, which is not easy to remove by hand. It will also be eroded and the areola will be deformed.

Breast pain

In the early stage of breast cancer, there will be pain in the breast. If the tumor compresses the nerve, there will also be pain in the armpit and shoulder. Because women will also experience breast swelling and pain around menstrual period , this is also a point that makes women easily ignore breast diseases .

It is said that the earlier cancer is detected, the better. Early detection is a

In summary, breast cancer is a highly common malignant tumor in women. The earlier it is discovered, the greater the hope of survival. Even in the late stage, as long as you cooperate well with the doctor, there will be a glimmer of hope. Female friends should still pay more attention to whether there are any abnormalities in their breasts. It is best to go to the hospital regularly for breast cancer screening, especially for people with a high risk of breast cancer.


1. There are about 300,000 new breast cancer patients in the country every year. Can treatment only be "one size fits all?" 2020-04-20 21:18·Science and Technology Daily

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