Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing "raising the alarm" in advance, which manifests as tinnitus, aural closure, and even deafnes

2024/06/1003:59:32 regimen 1162

Ears not only allow people to hear and walk steadily, but also add points to their appearance. Generally speaking, hearing declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing "raising the alarm" in advance, which manifests as tinnitus , auricularia, or even deafness, which brings serious problems to life. Many inconveniences.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

As a component of the "five senses" and " seven orifices ", the main causes of problems with the ears are:

1. Long-term noise interference or exposure, damage to the inner ear, especially strong stimulating noise has a greater impact.

2. Ear diseases, such as external ear disease, or anemia, hypertension , diabetes , insufficient blood supply to the brain , etc.

3, Endocrine disorders are more common in menopausal women , with reduced estrogen and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

4. Excessive stress or loss of emotional control, sometimes caused by irregular menstruation , poor rest, and ringing in the ears.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

Traditional Chinese medicine has a lot to say about the ears. Modern exploration believes that in addition to irreversible damage to the ears, eardrum damage, etc., the crux of tinnitus, auricularia, and deafness caused by emotions, fatigue, disharmony, etc. lies in 5 items:

一It is liver fire that troubles , which worsens after getting angry. There is a feeling of tinnitus earache , accompanied by liver stagnation and qi stagnation.

The second is phlegm-fire stagnation, with cicadas chirping in both ears, difficulty hearing, dizziness, and chest tightness excessive phlegm.

The third one is weak spleen and stomach, inability to hear, or buzzing in the ears, a cold or empty feeling in the ears, and general weakness.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

The fourth is kidney essence bottoming out , ringing in the ears at night or while sleeping, insomnia, dizziness, weakness and heaviness in the waist and knees.

Fifth, wind-heat attacks , with a sense of obstruction or air leakage in the ears, and obvious cold symptoms such as headache, dry mouth , and fever.

To treat tinnitus ear stuffiness Deafness problem, we must distinguish the deficiency and excess of tinnitus, the severity of deafness, the depth of auricularia, whether it is due to malnutrition of the ear orifices, qi stagnation, internal blood stasis, surrounding uncomfortable liver qi , clearing yang If it does not rise, kidney essence deficiency will make a fuss .

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that the kidneys open up the ears . Once the kidney qi is insufficient , the ears will feel uncomfortable. Many people think that just nourishing the kidneys can solve the problem, but this is not the case. In reality, many kidney-tonifying treatments for tinnitus and ear obstruction are not effective.

But if can soothe liver qi, promote spleen qi, and raise yang qi, it can often be effective. Because the liver is responsible for dispersion and relaxation, and the spleen is responsible for transportation and transformation. One of the liver and spleen stores blood, and the other controls blood. Only when the liver and spleen are normal can the blood and gas flow normally. If the Yang Qi is sufficient, the ears and orifices can be nourished.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

There are three classic medicines:

1, Bupleurum , is the key medicine for soothing the liver and regulating qi, . It enters the liver meridian to dissipate qi stagnation, enters the lung meridian to dispel wind and heat, and enters the gallbladder meridian to treat Shaoyang heat syndrome. In particular, it has a good effect on liver qi stagnation and can also promote yang qi.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

2. Cyperus cyperus , enters the liver meridian, spleen meridian , triple burner meridian . It is a good medicine for soothing the liver and regulating qi. It mainly treats liver stagnation and qi stagnation, chest and hypochondriac distension and pain, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, and is effective for the problem of weak spleen and stomach. .

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

3, Chuanxiong has pungent and warm medicinal properties and enters the liver, gallbladder and pericardial meridian . Its medicinal power is good at channeling, which can promote blood circulation and qi, relieve wind and relieve pain. Its medicinal qi can reach the top of the head and reach the sea of ​​​​blood, which is good for dredging. Stagnation is very useful.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

The combination of Bupleurum, Cyperus rotundus and Ligusticum chuanxiong can soothe the liver, regulate qi, activate blood circulation, help the spleen, increase yang qi, and open up the liver and gallbladder meridian. If the liver and gallbladder meridian is blocked, tinnitus and auricularia will not escape; The liver and spleen are not comfortable, and ear stuffiness and deafness occur uninvited. Since the liver and kidneys are not separated, stagnation of liver qi will lead to kidney qi deficiency.

Generally, the hearing of the ears declines after the age of 50-60. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases of ear hearing

These three medicines are actually the "Tongqi Powder" created by Wang Qingren in the Qing Dynasty. It is listed in "Yilin Gaicuo" . Bupleurum and Cyperus rotunda are the king medicines, and Chuanxiong is the king medicine. Chen Yao .By soothing the liver and activating blood circulation, relieving depression and unblocking the orifices, it can treat tinnitus, auricularia, and deafness. If accompanied by symptoms of headache and blood stasis, Angelica dahurica , Pueraria lobata , and other medicines can be added.

Please follow your doctor's advice when taking medication. People with excessive liver yang, yin deficiency and excessive fire , qi deficiency are not suitable to use Tongqi powder.

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