But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a

2024/06/0709:22:33 regimen 1013

5-year-old Yezi (pseudonym) went out for drinks with some good friends as usual. But this time after Yezi finished drinking, he kept feeling stuffy in his chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb, and his whole body felt drowsy.

Yezi thought it was due to the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a shower and fell down on the sofa.

When his wife saw it, she pushed him a few times, "Just drink, drink, drink. If it doesn't kill you, don't sleep on the sofa. You will have a severe headache when you wake up tomorrow. Get up quickly and take a shower..."

However, the wife pushed Yezi. After several attempts, Yezi did not respond. The wife probed Yezi's mouth and nose and felt that her breathing was very shallow. Her face turned pale instantly and she quickly picked up her mobile phone and dialed 120.

was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The doctor performed a brain CT examination on Yezi and found symptoms of multiple cerebral infarctions in the corona radiata, which required immediate surgical treatment. Unfortunately, after 2 hours of surgery, the doctor declared that the rescue failed...

It turned out that Yezi was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia two years ago, but he didn't care about it. He drank and ate meat, and this time he drank a lot. As a result, his blood lipids increased and his blood flow slowed down, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain , which ultimately led to cerebral infarction .

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews

1. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can easily induce cerebral infarction and dementia

We sometimes see some cases of cerebral infarction in some news, many of which are due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, leading to the occurrence of cerebral infarction, then this " What exactly is "insufficient blood supply to the brain"?

Strictly speaking, insufficient blood supply to the brain is not a disease, but a common name for some symptoms. mainly refers to insufficient blood supply to the brain caused by various reasons, resulting in mild "malfunction" of the brain.

What specific causes may cause insufficient blood supply to the brain? Generally there are 4 points:

Blood flow disorder : When blood pressure decreases and cardiac stroke volume decreases, the blood supply to the brain tissue is insufficient;

Atherosclerosis : Blood vessels are narrowed and blood flow is excessively reduced, which is insufficient blood supply to the brain;

Blood lipids Elevated : results in thicker blood, slower blood flow, and insufficient blood supply;

micro-thrombosis : plaque falls off and microemboli are formed in the blood flow to block blood vessels, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews

Symptoms 2 and 7 may appear, or suggest insufficient blood supply to the brain.

When sudden dizziness, blurred vision, etc. occur, these may be symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the brain. Once or twice, it will not cause any harm to the body. However, insufficient blood supply to the brain often occurs, which has a great impact on the body.

Insufficient blood supply can cause cerebral ischemia. People with poor physical fitness can easily faint directly. Long-term insufficient blood supply to the brain can also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The brain is the commander of all organs of the human body. When the brain fails, quadriplegia may occur. People may have difficulty living independently and need to rely on others to take care of them. When the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, the body will send out early warning signals, and everyone must be more vigilant:

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews) A sudden feeling of dizziness;

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews) A sudden feeling of numbness on one side of the face or hands and feet, and sometimes numbness of the tongue and lips;

) Appearance Unexplained falls or fainting;

) Obvious general weakness and weakness of limbs;

5) Temporary slurred enunciation or difficulty in speaking;

6) Sudden but temporary blurred vision;

7) Feeling groggy all day long Feeling sleepy.

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews

If you are over 45 years old, and suffer from hypertension , diabetes , hyperlipidemia, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease , peripheral arteriosclerosis, etc. , if the symptoms last for more than 2 months, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Go to the neurology department for a detailed examination to rule out whether it is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain.

3. If you don’t want to have cerebral infarction or dementia when you are old, it is very important to do 4 things well

The brain is the nerve center of the human body, equivalent to the "core" of life. If you don't want your body to suddenly " shut down ", what should you pay attention to in your daily life? What about taking care of our brains?

Currently, treatment for insufficient blood supply to the brain mainly involves removing risk factors, such as treating high blood pressure, quitting smoking and drinking, taking drugs, or performing surgery.

But prevention is more important than treatment. How do middle-aged and elderly people prevent insufficient blood supply to the brain on a daily basis?

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews. Control three highs

Blood pressure fluctuations will affect the blood supply to the brain. For patients with hypertension, controlling blood pressure is critical. In addition to blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids should also be checked regularly to see if there are any abnormalities. If necessary, medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor for control.

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews. Insist on regular exercise

Moderate exercise can help control the three highs and promote blood flow. Exercise should not be too strenuous. You should feel your heartbeat is slightly faster, but not strenuous. The more recommended exercises are jogging, walking, Tai Chi.

. Correct bad habits

Many people like to lie down and play with mobile phones and watch TV, but these behaviors can easily affect the flow of blood. Especially the elderly should not sleep on pillows that are too high or too low . A 10 cm pillow should be used, which can effectively prevent insufficient blood supply to the brain.

. Eat a healthy diet

The nutrition of the three meals should be balanced. Eat less greasy and heavy-flavored foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, and supplement with appropriate amounts of whole grains.

But this time after Yezi drank the wine, he kept feeling stuffy in the chest. On the way home, he also felt that the base of his tongue was numb and he was feeling groggy. Yezi thought it was the hot and humid weather and the effects of alcohol. When he got home, he didn't take a - DayDayNews

When a person's blood supply to the brain is insufficient, his body behavior will be abnormal to some extent. Therefore, if you find that you have the above symptoms for a period of time, it is recommended to have a brain CT examination immediately. If you delay or don't pay attention, you may lose your life if you encounter an unexpected situation.


[1] "Elderly people should be alert to insufficient blood supply to the brain when they feel dizzy". Human Health. 2020-09-16

[2] "This phenomenon is mostly due to insufficient blood supply to the brain". Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2019-07 -11

[3] "When the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, the body will send out these 3 "signal lights", which must be received in time". Family Doctor Online.2018-05-08

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