Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom.

2024/06/1100:01:33 regimen 1426

"Suddenly the warm wind arrives, following the slight summer heat." Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu.

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, if it is a small heat or a big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. At this time, the human body is susceptible to the evils of summer heat, summer heat and dampness. Due to excessive sweating, high consumption, and excessive moisture, symptoms such as general fatigue and disharmony between the spleen and stomach are prone to occur. Therefore, experts from the Pain Rehabilitation Department of Chongqing Liangjiang Second Hospital (Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) remind you that you should pay attention to relieving heat and maintaining health during the Xiaoshu solar term.

Key points of Xiaoshu health care

First, keep the temperature appropriate. In summer, you should avoid direct sunlight and high-temperature activities. You can turn on the air conditioner appropriately, and the temperature is 26℃-27℃. You can also increase the number of baths, participate in swimming, etc. to promote blood circulation and relieve summer humidity and heat.

In addition, in terms of diet, you should eat more foods that relieve heat and strengthen the spleen. For example, using lotus leaves, lotus seeds, coix kernels, etc. to make soup or porridge can remove dampness and relieve heat, which can be said to be very suitable for consumption during this solar term.

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

Secondly, eat more fruits. As the saying goes: "Eat buds in spring and melons in summer." Melons and fruits have high water content and are prone to sweating in summer. They can not only replenish the water consumed, but also supplement vitamins. It is worth noting that people with spleen and stomach deficiency should pay more attention when eating fruits.

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

The arrival of the Xiaoshu solar term

also heralds the coming of the dog days

The heat is unbearable

But in fact, the real heat

does not come from the environment and weather

but from the impetuous heart

For example, if you are fat...

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

Walking in the streets

Wear cool clothes The ladies

have one word all over their bodies - thin!

Look at yourself again...


Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

In addition to envy, I am still envious!

lose weight! lose weight! lose weight!

without delay!

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

For the sake of you and me,

let me tell you a little summer weight loss secret!

The acupoint catgut embedding therapy carried out by the Pain Rehabilitation Department of Chongqing Liangjiang Second Hospital (Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

makes thinning and beauty no longer a dream!

What is acupoint catgut embedding

Acupoint catgut embedding is based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. Absorbable surgical sutures are pushed into acupoints through disposable syringe needles. When the threads soften, decompose, liquefy and absorb in the body, they cause damage to the acupoints. A slow, gentle, long-lasting and benign "long-acting acupuncture effect", which plays a long-term role in dredging the meridians and achieves the effect of "deep absorption and long-term retention to cure stubborn diseases".

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

Acupoint catgut embedding therapy. The thread is like a needle. The thread is buried on the acupoint. It cannot be seen or touched, but it perfectly integrates needle insertion, needle retention , needle operation, needle removal and treatment course. This is the acupoint. The unique features of thread embedding therapy.

Advantages of catgut embedding

acupoint catgut embedding saves time, effort, convenience, and has no toxic or side effects. It is a healthy weight loss therapy that treats both the symptoms and root causes. When the body moves, relative movement of threads and tissues occurs, and the patient feels soreness, numbness, and swelling, just like acupuncture. It has a long-term and sustained stimulating effect. By stimulating the meridians and passing them into the body, it can "thicken the blood and regulate it." purpose, the effect is more significant.

The role of acupoint catgut embedding

Acupoint catgut embedding has obvious effects on obesity, chronic gastritis , chronic pelvic inflammatory disease , chronic urticaria , etc. ; cervical spondylosis , shoulder periarthritis , chronic lumbar disease, etc. Patients with back and leg pain such as dorsal myofasciitis and lumbar disc herniation can be significantly improved; for neurological diseases and gynecological diseases, such as facial paralysis, tension headache, stroke sequelae, vertigo, insomnia, It has obvious effects on symptoms such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and leucorrhea.

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

Precautions for acupoint catgut embedding

Acupoint catgut embedding treatment is generally performed once every 7 to 10 days. A course of treatment only requires 3 to 4 treatments. Reducing the number of visits can greatly improve the patient's compliance, and the effect is obvious. is mostly suitable for patients who are unable to adhere to the acupuncture course of treatment due to time constraints, limited mobility, or unbearable pain caused by acupuncture every day.

Experts remind

that there are no side effects to acupoint catgut embedding. However, due to the stimulation of acupuncture and heterosexual protein , local soreness, numbness, swelling, and pain may occur in about 3 to 5 days. This is normal and generally does not require treatment. Do not expose the thread to water or strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

Thread embedding is an invasive treatment, and professional qualifications are very important. It should be noted that although thread-embedding weight loss is a minimally invasive operation, it also has certain risks. The operator must have a clear understanding of the anatomical structure of human acupuncture points.

Xiaoshu is a preview of midsummer, meaning the weather is getting hotter. This is not the hottest time of the year yet, so it is called Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, when it comes to small summer heat or big heat, steam it at the top and boil it at the bottom. - DayDayNews

Therefore, if you choose to embed acupuncture points to lose weight, you must go to a regular medical institution and have it performed by a doctor with medical qualifications, to avoid non-standard institutions causing a lot of trouble to patients due to lax disinfection and irregular operations.

The Pain Rehabilitation Department of Chongqing Liangjiang Second Hospital (Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) can provide you with standardized and professional acupoint catgut embedding services, and the results are remarkable. If necessary, you are welcome to go to the Pain Rehabilitation Department outpatient clinic on the first floor of our hospital for consultation and treatment. Medical staff will Protect your health and beauty!

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