Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in "The Analects of Confucius" of "not withdrawing from ginger food", and there are also sayings among the

2024/06/2112:24:32 regimen 1462

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

Eating ginger in summer

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

Eating ginger has a long history in our country. There is a record in "The Analects of Confucius" of "not withdrawing from ginger food", and there is also a saying among the people that "taking three slices of ginger in the morning is better than drinking ginseng soup" and "eating radish eating ginger in summer will not bother the doctor to prescribe medicine". However, because ginger has a pungent taste, many people do not like to eat ginger. However, in the hot summer, it is the right time to eat ginger often.

The multiple effects of eating ginger in summer

Enhance appetite and promote digestion

There is a folk saying that "if the rice is not fragrant, eat ginger". In summer, affected by the heat, our gastrointestinal function will decline, and many people will suffer from loss of appetite. The gingerol in ginger can stimulate gastric juice secretion, excite the intestines, and promote our blood circulation, which is good for The secretion of gastric juice plays a positive role in improving appetite and promoting digestion. In particular, ginger soaked in vinegar is particularly useful for increasing appetite and promoting digestion.

Qufeng and cold

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger has three major functions: sweating, relieving the surface, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting, and detoxifying. Eating ginger is a good way to resolve moisture in the body. People in air-conditioned environments should drink ginger regularly. Decoction can effectively prevent and treat " air-conditioning disease ".

Prevent heatstroke, cool down, and promote perspiration

Ginger is a warm spice that has the effect of sweating and dehumidifying. It can dilate blood vessels in various parts of the body, improve the body's heat dissipation efficiency, promote perspiration and cooling, and prevent the human body from getting sick due to heat.

Effectively prevents nausea and vomiting

Especially when traveling long distances by car, it is easy to cause nausea and dizziness, leading to motion sickness. Eating ginger can prevent nausea and vomiting. For example, people use ginger to prevent motion sickness and seasickness, or apply it to the Neiguan point, which has obvious effects, so it is known as the "sacred medicine for nausea".

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

Various ways to eat ginger in summer

Ginger soaked in vinegar can strengthen the spleen and stomach and promote digestion

Hot weather causes many people to have no appetite for meals or have indigestion. In fact, taking a piece of ginger soaked in vinegar every day can alleviate the above symptoms. Ginger has a unique spicy flavor, which can stimulate taste buds, strengthen the spleen and stimulate the appetite, while vinegar has the effect of stimulating the appetite and activating blood circulation. Ginger soaked in vinegar can better regulate the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and indigestion.

The specific method is to slice fresh ginger, soak it in rice vinegar, add a small amount of sugar and salt, and it can be eaten after three days.

In addition, ginger and tangerine peel tea also has the effect of stimulating appetite and promoting digestion. The method is also very simple. Take 2 to 3 slices of ginger and 2 to 3 slices of tangerine peel and brew them with boiling water. Ginger also has the effect of relieving nausea. If you feel nauseous, you can chew a few slices and eat them raw.

Ginger is used in cold dishes, it is antibacterial and antioxidant

Cold dishes are a must-have dish for many people on the summer table. It is recommended that you add some grated or shredded ginger to the cold dishes. Because ginger is mild in nature, it can neutralize the coldness of cold dishes and expel the cold in the human body. It also has a certain antibacterial effect and helps prevent food-borne diseases.

Ginger tea , resists air-conditioning disease

It is easy to catch cold if you stay in an air-conditioned room for too long. In addition, if you don't sweat all the time, you will have headaches, stuffy head, nausea, low appetite, diarrhea and other symptoms. Making tea with ginger is very effective in preventing and treating "air conditioning disease". The preparation of ginger tea is very simple. Just take 3 to 5 slices of ginger and brew it with boiling water. It should be reminded that ginger tea must be drunk while it is hot, because "air conditioning disease" is caused by coldness in the lungs and stomach. You must drink hot ginger tea to dispel the cold in the body, help the body sweat, and effectively detoxify.

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

Precautions for eating ginger

Do not eat rotten ginger

Rotten ginger will produce a highly toxic substance that can cause degeneration and necrosis of liver cells, inducing liver cancer , esophageal cancer and so on. The saying that "rotten ginger doesn't taste rotten" is unscientific.

Do not consume too much

Generally speaking, the amount of ginger consumed by each person should be controlled at 5-10 grams per day. Excessive consumption of ginger can cause stomach burning, nausea, dryness and other discomforts. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat too much "ginger in summer".And because ginger peel is slightly cool, it is beneficial to water.

It is not advisable to take fresh ginger juice

From the perspective of treatment, ginger brown sugar water is only suitable for wind-cold cold or patients who have stomach cold or fever after being exposed to rain. It cannot be used for summer heat cold or wind-heat cold. patients cannot be used to treat heatstroke. Taking fresh ginger juice can cure vomiting caused by cold, but it should not be used for other types of vomiting.

People who are not suitable for long-term consumption

belong to Yin deficiency and fire , red eyes and internal heat, or suffer from carbuncle, pneumonia, gastric ulcer , cholecystitis , lung abscess , tuberculosis , renal pelvis People with nephritis , diabetes , hemorrhoids should not consume ginger for a long time.

It is best to eat ginger in the morning

The best time to eat ginger is between 7 and 9 in the morning. Eating some ginger at breakfast can increase your appetite. Drink a cup of ginger and jujube tea and you will be full of energy all day long. It is not suitable to eat ginger at night. This is mainly related to a substance called gingerol in ginger. This substance can make people excited. At night is when our body rests. Ginger is spicy and warm, which will make you feel excited after eating it. Makes the body hot and dry, which is not conducive to sleep.

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

And because ginger peel is slightly cool, it is beneficial to water.

It is not advisable to take fresh ginger juice

From the perspective of treatment, ginger brown sugar water is only suitable for wind-cold cold or patients who have stomach cold or fever after being exposed to rain. It cannot be used for summer heat cold or wind-heat cold. patients cannot be used to treat heatstroke. Taking fresh ginger juice can cure vomiting caused by cold, but it should not be used for other types of vomiting.

People who are not suitable for long-term consumption

belong to Yin deficiency and fire , red eyes and internal heat, or suffer from carbuncle, pneumonia, gastric ulcer , cholecystitis , lung abscess , tuberculosis , renal pelvis People with nephritis , diabetes , hemorrhoids should not consume ginger for a long time.

It is best to eat ginger in the morning

The best time to eat ginger is between 7 and 9 in the morning. Eating some ginger at breakfast can increase your appetite. Drink a cup of ginger and jujube tea and you will be full of energy all day long. It is not suitable to eat ginger at night. This is mainly related to a substance called gingerol in ginger. This substance can make people excited. At night is when our body rests. Ginger is spicy and warm, which will make you feel excited after eating it. Makes the body hot and dry, which is not conducive to sleep.

Wang Xiaohong, Laboratory Department, Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eating ginger in summer has a long history in my country. There is a record in

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