For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this?

2024/06/1810:04:33 regimen 1661

Whenever people hear physical weakness , they will think of dietary supplements, hoping that some supplements can improve their physical weakness. For example, some people insist on using astragalus and ginseng to make tea, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this?

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews

Many people often take Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. Does it really work?

Many men always keep Liuwei Dihuang Pills at home. They think that taking them for a long time can nourish the kidneys and regulate their own kidney deficiency . Almost none of the patients I see are able to treat themselves well, and when they become seriously ill, they seek help from a doctor. Some people can gain a stronger body, improve sleep quality, and relieve discomfort caused by kidney deficiency in the past. For many patients, regular consumption of Liuwei Dihuang Pills makes them feel more uncomfortable. Ignored the problem of spleen and stomach .

From the perspective of medicinal efficacy, Liuwei Dihuang Pills are mainly aimed at regulating Yin deficiency. The medicinal properties include three laxatives and three tonics. If you have kidney yin deficiency , insisting on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills can indeed nourish the yin deficiency. Of course, if is deficient in kidney yang and is taken, it will be troublesome. The consequences will be that the yang is more deficient and the person is more tired. This treatment can only be used as a basic prescription. According to the health prescription, it is also necessary to identify the physical constitution before using it.

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews

Before replenishing the kidneys, first distinguish whether it is yin deficiency or yang deficiency

In order to avoid the situation where the deficiency is not supplemented or the medicine is not suitable for the disease, people with kidney deficiency or physical weakness should also understand clearly whether they are weak before replenishing the kidneys. Whether it is yin deficiency or yang deficiency, finding the corresponding conditioning method can better protect health.

The so-called "yin deficiency" means that the yin qi in the body is insufficient. In the human body, essence, blood, , and body fluids belong to yin. When the loss of body fluids is large and the essence and blood are insufficient, it may cause yin deficiency, leading to Come "fever". The kidneys can help the human body mobilize water and dampness, and use water and dampness to metabolize waste in the human body. However, when kidney yin deficiency appears, it may also lead to loss of yin fluid, which often occurs in people who have been ill for a long time and have not recovered.

" Yang deficiency" is just the opposite. Yang Qi in the body is weak, which may lead to a heavier Yin Qi in the body. It can also be clearly found in physical perception that under the same environment, people with Yang deficiency may be more likely to suffer from symptoms of Yang Qi deficiency such as chills and coldness. People who usually suffer from qi deficiency, poor spleen and stomach, overwork, etc. are more likely to suffer from yang deficiency.

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you 4 points. Dialectical treatment of yin and yang deficiency

In fact, it is not recommended for personal use of medicine. I have seen a lot of medicines without foundation and have no effect. On the contrary, my physical condition is getting worse and worse. I look like I am in my 70s. He is less energetic than an old man in his 80s. Excessive nourishment will also affect the operation of the body. If it cannot function, it will form a blockage. This is a bit off topic. Let’s look back at how to identify your own constitution. If you want to truly identify whether you are Yin or Yang deficiency, we can use the following points. Get started.

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews) Mental state:

People with yin deficiency are mainly deficient fire , restless and prone to anger .

People with yang deficiency are often listless and depressed. People with yang deficiency are lazy and talk less, and their voices when talking nonsense are weaker and weaker than normal people. .

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews) Observe the tongue:

People with Yin deficiency constitution are prone to have red tongue and thin tongue coating, which are the effects of deficiency and excess of fire in the human body. However, for people with yang deficiency constitution , the tongue coating will be thick and white, the tongue will be fat, and a series of "swollen" symptoms will occur.

3) Observe the situation of urine:

Because Yang Qi is strong, it is often said to be hot. If Yin is deficient, fire will evaporate and lose its own body fluids, and the urine will smell and turn yellow.A lot of this affects the liver. People with kidney yang deficiency will have long and clear urine and loose stools.

4) Look at the body's changes in heat and cold:

People with insufficient yang energy are more sensitive to changes in external temperature, and are more likely to develop symptoms when the temperature drops. Changes in cold hands and feet and chills. Moreover, in the same environment, problems such as catching cold and cold sweats are more likely to occur. If you also suffer from it, it is probably due to yang deficiency. On the contrary, people with yin deficiency will develop fever because their yang energy is too strong, and they are prone to , five upset, hot, and the feeling of being burned.

By comparing these four aspects, the symptoms of physical weakness can be treated dialectically and targeted adjustments can be made.

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews

In the face of yin deficiency and yang deficiency, how should we supplement each?

People with yin deficiency can not only regulate their bodies through the aforementioned Liuwei Dihuang Pills, but taking too much of Liubiti Dihuang Pills may not necessarily cure the disease. After all, nourishment requires regulating qi, blood and yin, and nourishing qi and blood is also indispensable. , here you have to use Astragalus, Angelica . Those of us with poor gastrointestinal problems should not take Liuwei Dihuang Pills. There are three herbs in them that relieve water and stimulate menstruation, which can easily affect the spleen and stomach.

And to regulate yang deficiency you can try dietary supplements. Eating some warm foods or medicines at ordinary times can also nourish Yang Qi. For example, ginger, Morinda , wolfberry and other medicinal materials can be used both as medicine and food. When placed in the daily diet, they can also nourish the body.

For example, some people insist on making tea with astragalus and ginseng, while others insist on taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidneys. But only a few people can really benefit from it. Why is this? - DayDayNews

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the foundation of innateness. However, due to the influence of some living habits and disease factors, kidney deficiency may occur. Whether kidney deficiency is yang or yin deficiency, I suggest you start with the essence, qi, and spirit. Random supplements will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

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