Although modern people always talk about cancer in a negative light, they may not really know much about it. Many people think that cancer cells, like viruses and bacteria, are foreign "invaders", but in fact, cancer cells are hidden in various organs of the body. The human body

2024/06/1106:08:32 regimen 1043

Regarding cancer , although modern people always talk about it, they may not really understand it. Many people think that cancer cells, like viruses and bacteria, are foreign "invaders", but in fact, cancer cells are hidden in various organs of the body.

The human body itself has the proto-oncogene , but in most cases, it will not be expressed. Only special environmental influences, external material interference, genetic information expression, etc. can cause cells to become cancerous , and multiply and spread rapidly until they are life-threatening.

Therefore, it can be said that cancer is a disease that is “raised” by oneself and cannot be blamed on others. If you are often in these three states in life, don’t blame cancer for the invasion. I advise you to correct it as soon as possible.

1. Unreasonable diet and eating habits

Many people are aware of the impact of diet on the body. For example, frequent consumption of pickled foods, high-sodium foods, , and irritating foods will have adverse effects on the body, and in severe cases can induce cancer and tumors.

However, the harm of unhealthy eating habits is not necessarily smaller than the diet itself. For example, eating at irregular times or eating one meal when you are hungry and one meal when you are full may lead to a decline in gallbladder and liver function, and induce liver cancer conditions. And if you often eat hot food, it will also cause considerable harm to the throat and esophagus, and may also induce corresponding cancer symptoms.

Therefore, adjusting your diet requires not only changing the recipes, but also paying attention to your eating habits.

2. Smoking and drinking are always with you, and you can’t quit even if you want to.

Smoking and alcoholism are bad habits that everyone knows, but because they are not harmful to society and have certain effects of soothing the spirit and enhancing feelings, they still have value and significance. . However, for health reasons, you should still quit smoking and drinking as they are strong carcinogens and their harm to the body should not be underestimated.

However, many people have become dependent on tobacco and alcohol, and they seem to feel uncomfortable after just two puffs. This type of people need to follow the guiding ideology of gradual and long-term success. They should treat quitting smoking and drinking as a positional battle. They should gradually reduce the degree of dependence and constantly give themselves positive feedback, so that they may be able to quit successfully.

3. Feeling depressed and unable to relieve stress

Emotional state is also closely related to the occurrence of diseases. According to analysis, people with negative emotions, impatience, and sensitive people are more likely to suffer from hormone disorders, endocrine disorders, conditions, and the probability of occurrence of various diseases will be obvious. Improved, including many types of cancer.

Negative emotions are not conducive to the body's self-repair, nor are they conducive to the role of drugs. They can also have an adverse effect on one's own immunity, causing many harms. Therefore, maintaining a positive and happy inner state may also be a powerful guarantee for maintaining physical health and stability.

Anyway. Although cancer is scary, it is not difficult to prevent. In fact, the formation of most cancers is a long, slow process, and the body often gives many warnings before the cancer actually arrives. If you can pay more attention to your own health and seek medical treatment in time when abnormalities first appear, you may be able to detect and treat them early, and then detect major health risks. Please pay attention to it.

[This picture and text are exclusively produced by "Panda Medicine" new media. Author Mian Mian, please do not reprint or copy without authorization】

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