There has been a high incidence of "flu" recently, and many people have been infected. But some people have a cold and fever for a week, but a runny nose that lasts for more than half a month...and they also have headaches, brain fever, and low-grade fever from time to time, and

2024/06/1102:38:32 regimen 1621

There has been a high incidence of

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" influenza " has been on the rise recently, and many people have been infected.

But some people had a cold and fever for a week, had a runny nose but it lasted for more than half a month...

And they also had headaches, brain heat, low-grade fever from time to time, and their heads were always dizzy.

If you have encountered this situation recently, you should be more vigilant to see if you have " sinusitis "!

Sinusitis refers to purulent inflammation of the sinus mucosa.

There has been a high incidence of

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Sinuses are four pairs of cavities located in the skull, which have the functions of reducing the weight of the skull and producing sound resonance.

"Sinusitis" often occurs after a cold, because mucus in the nasal cavity increases during a cold and remains in the sinuses, causing obstruction, inflammation and bacterial growth.

So, how to distinguish between a cold and sinusitis? Mainly look at three points:

1. Look at the color and shape of the nasal mucus


If the nasal mucus is clear watery at first, and after a few days, the nasal mucus gradually turns yellow and thick, it is a cold.


If the mucus is thick and yellow-green , it is most likely sinusitis.

2. Check whether there is pain and the location of the pain


When you have a cold, you will often have the symptoms of dry nose, sore throat, , and in severe cases, you will feel general weakness.


When you have sinusitis, you will feel swelling and pain around the forehead, eyes and cheeks. Sore throat is rare, and there will be no "whole body discomfort" feeling.

3. Look at the onset and duration of the disease


Colds may occur at any time, and generally lasts about and will be cured.


Sinusitis occurs over a longer period of time. Acute sinusitis lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months , and chronic sinusitis lasts for more than 3 months.

Based on the above factors, if your symptoms of runny nose, nasal congestion, and cough are not relieved after more than 10 days after having a cold, and you also have a headache, you should highly suspect sinusitis!

How to treat it?

To deal with sinusitis, priority is given to the classic medication for treating rhinitis - Qianbai Rhinitis Tablets . Its ingredients include Senecio japonica, Selaginella , Qianghuo , Cassia seed , ephedra, Chuanxiong , Angelica dahurica , which is a pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation. This drug was rated as a high-quality product by the State Administration of Medicine in 1985, and it is also the compulsory control drug for every new product on the market.

Qianbai rhinitis tablets Clinical efficacy analysis

Rhinitis (chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis , sinusitis, rhinitis) clinically verified by 16 medical units including the Second and Sixth People's Hospital of Guangzhou and Huiyang District People's Hospital of Guangdong Province 413 patients with pharyngitis took Qianbai Rhinitis Tablets orally, three times a day, 3 tablets each time, with a two-week course of treatment. The treatment results showed that Qianbai Rhinitis Tablets were effective, safe to use, and had no obvious side effects. react.

——Guo Zhaoguang, Zeng Xianchun. Analysis of clinical efficacy of Qianbai Rhinitis Tablets[J].

There has been a high incidence of

▲ For reference use by medical professionals only

In addition, sinusitis is mostly caused by delayed colds, so colds should also be treated with symptomatic medicine in time. If you have symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, yellow tongue coating, body heat, dry throat, fever, headache, dry stools, etc., you should also consider heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs, such as Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid. .

Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid has both antibacterial and antiviral effects, and is a household medicine. It has been included in the national essential medicine catalog and the national medical insurance catalog for many times, and has been recommended by the country and provinces in the process of preventing and treating influenza: √ 2022 "Fujian Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment of Influenza Expert" Consensus (Trial)" Recommended Medications

√ 2019 "Chinese Adult Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Standards Emergency Emergency Expert Consensus Guidelines" Recommended Medications

√ 2019 "Henan Province Children's Influenza Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment Plan" Recommended Medications

√ 2018 "Epidemic" Sexual Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (2018 Revised Edition)" Recommended Medications

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