Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes

2024/06/2222:19:32 regimen 1420

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. I asked him what was wrong. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak clearly, so his wife could only describe his condition.

It turns out that Mr. Zeng is an code farmer of an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. "stay up all night with red eyes" every night.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

But about 10 days ago, when he was brushing his teeth in the morning, he noticed a slight itching sensation in his mouth, but there was no bleeding. He thought it was because he brushed his teeth too hard and bruised his gums, so he didn't take it to heart.

But in the next 2 days, this itching feeling gradually started to be accompanied by a slight pain. Mr. Zeng thought it was because he got angry due to staying up late. As a native of Cantonese, he naturally has a way to solve such small problems as getting angry.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

So based on his past experience, Mr. Zeng went to a herbal tea shop and bought a few bottles of honeysuckle and mung bean soup.

I thought that drinking these heat-clearing and fire-removing drinks would solve the pain in my mouth in one fell swoop, but strangely, after drinking it for several days, the pain in my mouth didn't improve at all.

Moreover, when eating, as long as the food touches the painful area, it will cause a stinging pain.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

What can I do? It seemed that it was oral ulcer . Mr. Zeng took a mirror and looked at the painful area carefully. Sure enough, he found several ulcer spots side by side on the mucous membrane, with small blisters growing on them.

If Chinese medicine doesn't work, then try Western medicine. Mr. Zeng went to the pharmacy this time and talked to the pharmacist about his condition. The pharmacist suggested that he could take some mouthwash, which not only can sterilize and disinfect, but also accelerate the inflammation of the ulcer.

So, on the recommendation of the pharmacist, Mr. Zeng bought a bottle of compound chlorhexidine mouthwash, twice a day in the morning and evening.

However, what Mr. Zeng didn’t expect was that even after using mouthwash containing antibacterial ingredients, his stubborn oral ulcers only became less painful, but did not subside significantly.

Not only that, the ulcers and blisters in the mouth gradually spread from the mucous membrane to the tongue, and even the inside of the lips began to hurt.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

The more Mr. Zeng thought about it, the more strange it became. Could he be suffering from some strange disease?

So he followed the picture and looked for various information on the Internet that were similar to his ulcer. Suddenly he saw on the Internet that late stage cancer reduced immunity can cause oral fungal infection, commonly known as thrush, which looked similar to his ulcer. picture. Is

really suffering from cancer ? The more Mr. Zeng thought about it, the more anxious he became, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

He explained his worries to his wife, so he went to the hospital for treatment accompanied by his wife.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

I looked carefully at the characteristics of Mr. Zeng’s ulcer. It was papules and blisters distributed in clusters. The redness and swelling were severe, but they were all concentrated on the right side. They don't look like ordinary canker sores, which tend to be slightly sunken in the middle, white or yellow.

I also found a varying number of similar papules and blisters on the right side of my tongue, some of which had ruptured. However, no abnormalities were found on the left side of the tongue.

Mr. Zeng’s wife said that the day before he came to the hospital for treatment, his blisters burst and the pain was so severe that he could not even drink water. Let me check quickly to see if something is seriously wrong, maybe it's cancer.

I put down the flashlight and tongue depressor. After asking about recent weight changes and some cancer-related symptoms, said: "Your disease is oral herpes zoster, and the possibility of cancer is unlikely."

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

"But I I heard many people say that in the late stage of cancer, oral thrush can occur." Mr. Zeng's wife asked.

"It is true that oral thrush will occur when the immunity is low, but it usually occurs after long-term use of hormones and immunosuppressants . Your husband does not have this condition."

After hearing this, Mr. Zeng and his wife finally felt relieved. Come. I prescribed antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs to Mr. Zeng. One month later, Mr. Zeng came for a follow-up visit. The rash in his mouth had basically subsided and he could finally have a safe meal.

Experts remind:

1. Herpes zoster is caused by the varicella-herpes virus, which is usually hidden in the spinal ganglia. When fatigue leads to a decrease in immunity, the varicella-herpes virus will be activated, leading to herpes zoster.

2. Shingles often occurs on the waist and chest, affecting only one side of the body and will not cross over to the opposite side.

Mr. Zeng, 32 years old, kept covering his mouth when he walked into the consulting room. It turns out that Mr. Zeng is a coder in an Internet company. Recently, the company has been very busy in order to rush for the 618 promotion. He has to stay up late every night with red eyes - DayDayNews

3. There are some special types of herpes zoster, including the oral herpes zoster that Mr. Zeng encountered. This is caused by the virus invading the oral branch of the trigeminal nerve, resulting in the development of papules and blisters on the oral mucosa. It is easy to be misdiagnosed as oral ulcers.

4. Because the nerves are damaged, oral herpes zoster is much more painful than ordinary oral ulcers.

5. If you have recurring oral ulcers or pain, go to the hospital as soon as possible and do not delay treatment.

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