When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav

2024/05/2608:55:33 regimen 1595

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose, etc. Owners need to pay more attention when they find that their parrots have a cold. , we should also take some measures as soon as possible to care for the parrot with a cold and help the parrot recover as soon as possible.

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav - DayDayNews

1. Pay attention to cold protection and warmth

If you have multiple parrots at home, and if one of them catches a cold, it is recommended to isolate it and raise it in a single cage. During this period, pay attention to measures to prevent cold and warmth. You can add a shawl outside the birdcage. An appropriate amount of cotton wool, sawdust and other thermal insulation materials can be added to the bird's nest. If conditions permit, you can purchase a cotton nest or place the parrot in an incubator to keep it warm.

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav - DayDayNews

2. Internal and external care

A parrot with a cold needs careful care from the owner. During this period, the parrot's eyes and nose will be uncomfortable and there will be more secretions. The owner can use a clean wet cotton swab to clean it up. Secretions around the eyes and nostrils, and then instill Geyinnia eye drops into the parrot’s eyes for care to help keep the eyes clean. During the

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav - DayDayNews

period, clean feed and water should also be provided to the parrots. You can feed them millet , millet and other feeds. Sesame oil seeds, fruits and vegetables, etc. should not be fed first. You can feed parrot milk powder such as Geyin milk powder. Food Or mix some Gequsen in drinking water to help replenish vitamins and electrolytes, which will help adjust the parrot's condition and gradually restore its physical strength.

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav - DayDayNews

3. Pay attention to environmental hygiene

Parrots with colds are relatively weak. Owners should also pay attention to the hygiene of the environment, clean the cage frequently, clean and disinfect the utensils in the cage, and clean up feces and food residues in time to avoid allowing bacteria and viruses to take advantage of them. This is because if the parrot's cold is severe and cannot be treated in time, it may turn into pneumonia, which is relatively difficult to treat. Therefore, owners must pay attention to the parrot's condition and take good care of it. .

When the seasons change, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is relatively large. Parrots may catch cold and catch a cold, resulting in symptoms such as fried hair, lack of energy, sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms. After discovering that their parrots hav - DayDayNews

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