Modern people's lives are busy and "fulfilling" - but behind the fullness and busyness, the body will honestly feedback to you those deep-seated problems. For example: when you are getting ready to fall asleep after a tiring day, you are obviously very tired but can’t fall asleep

2024/05/2521:33:38 regimen 1536

Modern people’s lives are busy and “fulfilling” -

Modern people's lives are busy and

But behind the fullness and busyness, the body will honestly feedback to you those deep-seated problems.

For example: When you are preparing to fall asleep after a tiring day, your body is obviously very tired but you can’t fall asleep. Your mind is thinking about things as if you are watching a movie, or you are wondering why you can’t fall asleep.

The more I lie down, the more tired I become. The more I lie down, the more tired I become.

You must be able to realize it yourself: "I may be a little anxious"? !

High-functioning anxiety like this is affecting your quality of life without you even knowing it. Are you a high-functioning anxious person? How can we get out of the shadow of high-functioning anxiety?

Modern people's lives are busy and

High-functioning anxiety is not a diagnostic term. It is a word created by psychologists to describe the state of a certain type of people.

refers to those people who are obviously living in anxiety, but think that their lives and careers are very good. They just seem to be running "normally", but something not quite right always happens. What are the performances of

Modern people's lives are busy and


1. Inexplicable pressure

If your leader issues a work instruction, you need to complete it in a week.

Under normal circumstances, the pressure will increase day by day as the deadline approaches, which is in line with the laws of psychological development.

But for someone with high-functioning anxiety, his or her brain kicks into overdrive right from the start, and the stress continues to torture and push him over the course of a week.

Isn’t this great? Does it mean you have enough enthusiasm for your work?

Of course not. Being tense all the time does not mean that you can complete the work well.

During this week, countless ideas and plans will pass through your mind, distracting your action and attention, and will also produce a series of negative thoughts about time management and work results.

Even if the work task is submitted perfectly, it does not mean that the anxiety is over. The cycle of stress continues -

  • Have I done enough?
  • Am I really suitable for this job?
  • What problem will the leader find for me?
  • If I do well, will my boss assign me more work?

People with high-functioning anxiety often appear to have strong mobility to outsiders, and often find that anxiety really pushes them forward. However, if allows hormones and adrenaline to dominate their attention, they will only focus on With the goal ahead, it is easy to miss life itself, and conflicts will naturally arise in the psychological world.

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Just in terms of psychological feelings, high-functioning anxiety will undoubtedly have a negative impact.

In addition to stress, high-functioning anxiety will also be reflected in social life...

2. Excessive social restrictions

Paying too much attention to your social image will consume your energy that is not abundant:

. It’s possible to skip an event or party that you’ve been looking forward to at the last minute because you’re worried about not performing well.

. Even if you are not shy or introverted, you don't like to be too active in social situations. Because you are afraid of leaving a bad first impression on others, you are cautious about your words and actions.

Modern people's lives are busy and . If the other party does not immediately reply to your WeChat or text message, the longer it goes, the more anxious you will become, and you will start to think about why and whether you have done something wrong.

Modern people's lives are busy and . Pay special attention to changes in other people's voices and facial expressions, or consider their words, and spend a lot of time thinking about why others say or do what they do.

Modern people's lives are busy and

If you care too much about the opinions of others, you will easily ignore your own feelings, and your anxiety and restlessness will become more and more intense.

Life is ultimately a journey to please yourself. Learning to pay attention to yourself is the beginning of change.

3. Passive busyness

It is normal to feel anxious or stressed because of one thing.

But for people with high-functioning anxiety, they will feel nervous and uneasy even when they have nothing to do, so they will try to do anything to enrich themselves.

You may become "obsessed" with work, school, or hobbies to distract yourself from your thoughts and worries.

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4. Fear of the future

The future represents hope and more possibilities, but if you feel fear and resistance every time you think about what will happen in the future, this may be a clear sign of high-functioning anxiety.

People who struggle with anxiety are often mistaken for being pessimists because they tend to think of the worst-case outcomes instantly. It makes you think that you have done a lot of things wrong, so it is difficult to let go and enjoy the present, unable to look forward, and unable to continue your life.

There are other manifestations of high-functioning anxiety:

Modern people's lives are busy and

Although most people may not realize the harm these manifestations cause to their emotions and lives, they must also feel that living with high-functioning anxiety is not easy.

If you start to feel overwhelmed by anxiety, you can contact your doctor and get the help you need.

Modern people's lives are busy and

What are some good ways for doctors to deal with high-functioning anxiety?

As mentioned above, this is not a conventional psychiatric diagnosis and is not included in the category of disease. Naturally, it does not require systematic drug and psychological treatment.

However, appropriate clinical psychological consultation can often make a huge difference in improving these problems.

Modern people's lives are busy and

Step 1: Allow yourself to make mistakes

Desensitization therapy is a special therapy for allergic diseases . By giving patients gradually increasing amounts of allergic stimulation, it improves the tolerance of allergic patients and makes them more adaptable. Come stronger and stronger.

This concept has also been applied by clinical psychologists in psychotherapy. For example, for people with compulsive mysophobia, appropriate exposure to "dirty things" in behavior can increase their adaptability.

The same is true for high-functioning anxiety. Since you are thinking so hard to avoid making mistakes, you should do the opposite and allow yourself to make mistakes.

even took the initiative to make some minor mistakes.

After you miss a few times, you will gradually adapt to the reaction after making mistakes, and you may suddenly realize: It turns out that this is not a big deal.

Modern people's lives are busy and

Of course, you cannot simply become a "mistake machine" directly.

It is equally important to seek help appropriately after making a mistake. You must slowly understand that you are not omnipotent, and collaboration can produce better results.

Step 2: Adjust your expectations

Excessive expectations will not only affect the results, but also lead to a frustrated mood. More importantly, it will affect the state of the process.

In life, especially at work, our expectations should not be set too high or too low.

  • A goal that is too high breeds anxiety and self-blame
  • A goal that is too low has no sense of accomplishment

You should find a apple that you can get by jumping.

requires effort to get it, but it won't result in nothing. Such a goal can satisfy your spirit and material at the same time.

Step 3: Learn to enjoy the moment

Even if you are under high-functioning anxiety, you are still very good:

  • Have enough energy and action to have high standards and strict requirements for yourself
  • Be aware of your own lack of psychological energy

If you can accept your imperfection, the impact of anxiety on your life will be lessened.

When you no longer worry about anxiety, you will find that anxiety disappears naturally.

The political and business elites who advocate mindfulness around the world are very likely to be high-functioning anxious people. People with full mobility are often more likely to create career success.

Modern people's lives are busy and

The picture comes from the Internet

Modern people's lives are busy and

Let’s go back to the question at the beginning of the article, why can’t sleep even though it’s so tired?

Now we know one of the answers. Perhaps high-functioning anxiety is at work - Your body wants to rest, but your mind and brain are still running.

This is how physical and mental asynchrony appeared.

Your brain misunderstands fatigue!

Even when going to sleep, the brain is always preparing for what is about to happen. Just like being in a stress state, it "mistakenly believes" that the body's muscle tightness, nerve sensitivity, and fatigue are all in the body. To prepare for something.

Modern people's lives are busy and

Why is this happening?

Think back to your life during the day. When you are free, waiting for the bus, sitting in a chair and feeling bored...

You subconsciously choose not to rest, but to open your phone to browse more information.

  • Is anyone talking in the work group?
  • What kind of updates are posted by good friends
  • How far has the hot event developed?
  • ...

You think you have made good use of these fragmented time, but in fact you have not Keep your brain functioning. The price of

saturated operation is that the brain receives a series of wrong instructions: you must be ready to take action anytime and anywhere to deal with things that make you anxious - 's work schedule for the week, gatherings agreed by friends, busyness anytime and anywhere, Fear of the future...

As a result, sympathetic nerves are excited , and adrenaline surges. This state of excitement will last until night, causing the brain to not think that it should rest no matter how tired the body is.

Just like children who play too much during the day and have difficulty falling asleep at night, the same is true for adults.

Think about it, haven't you been doing nothing during the day for a long time, sitting in the sun, blowing the breeze, and being in a daze in front of the flowers, plants and trees.

Do you want to rediscover the occasional slow pace in life?

Modern people's lives are busy and

Reviewing doctor: Peng Xu

Responsible editor: Haiyu

Illustration: Miss Li


Purpose of popular science article It provides general health information and cannot replace anyone’s medical diagnosis and treatment plan. Please seek medical treatment promptly if necessary. As a popular science article, if extreme words appear in this article, they represent the personal understanding of doctors in clinical experience or the consensus of the academic community. It is an expression that hopes readers can understand its objective importance. There is no subjective marketing effect.

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