However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect.

2024/05/2521:31:32 regimen 1653

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. People who exercise regularly not only look well-proportioned, but also have relatively stronger immunity.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews

1. Exercise can maintain health but also harm the body

Regular and appropriate exercise can improve the body's blood circulation, promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity , and can also delay aging.

Although exercise brings many benefits, you must pay attention to the method and moderation. It is more important to choose sports that suit you based on your age and physical condition.

In addition, exercise should be done step by step, and the amount of exercise should be increased or decreased in a planned way. Warm-up exercises should be done before each activity to give the body an adaptation process.

Because inappropriate exercise may endanger your health and accelerate aging. Excessive exercise may cause the body to be too tired, damage the immune system, worsen blood circulation, etc. It may even induce neurosis , causing the body's own harmony to be destroyed.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews

2. Don’t do any of the following exercise methods, it will be useless.

Correct and appropriate exercise methods may enhance immunity and have a health-preserving effect. However, if the exercise method is wrong, it will not do any good to the body.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews. Do morning exercises at dawn

Many people choose to do morning exercises at dawn, thinking that the air quality is good at this time, but in fact, not only is the light dark in the morning, but the temperature is also relatively low, making it easy to trip or catch a cold. , gastrointestinal discomfort, and even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other unexpected situations, so it is not recommended to go for morning exercise at dawn.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews. Blind fasting exercise

is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach, especially for patients with diabetes, heart disease, people with poor gastrointestinal function, the elderly, etc. , and it is even more unsuitable to exercise on an empty stomach.

It is best to eat some easily digestible food before exercise to avoid fainting from hunger. Of course, it is not recommended to eat too much before morning exercise, as long as you feel no longer hungry after eating.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews

. Start exercising without fully warming up.

No matter when you exercise, proper warm-up preparation is necessary. Starting exercise without fully warming up is likely to induce sports injuries and lead to excessive burden on the heart and lungs.

recommends that the warm-up speed should be from slow to fast, and the strength should be gradually increased, with slight sweating and slight shortness of breath. The time should be about 15 minutes.

. Running is omnipotent

Although running is a relatively popular sport, it is not omnipotent, cannot replace other forms of exercise, and cannot meet all exercise needs. It is best to combine it with other exercises for cross-training.

5. It is effective if you sweat profusely.

The most important thing about exercise is persistence, not intensity or speed. If you don't consider your own situation and exercise too hard for the sake of exercise, you may be exhausted, your heart rate will be too fast, your blood pressure will rise, and your body may be harmed.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews

3. How should adults exercise?

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Longde suggests that adults must pay attention to some things when exercising. In terms of exercise frequency, it is recommended to maintain more than three times a week and not to stay still or exercise too much at one time.

Some people do not exercise on weekdays, but exercise for several hours at a time on weekends. This is not right. Good exercise should be done regularly.

In terms of exercise time, it is recommended to exercise for about half an hour on average every day. In terms of exercise intensity, try to ensure that heart rate value can reach 170-age value.

Proper exercise can enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, etc. However, you must pay attention to choosing an exercise method that suits you. After all, wrong exercise methods are of no benefit. It is best for adults to exercise more than three times a week, every day. The average exercise time is controlled at about half an hour.

However, exercise can not only maintain health, but it may also harm the body. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be detrimental to physical health, but also have the opposite effect. - DayDayNews


【1】Can exercise actually harm your body? ! I advise you to give up these 8 ways.CCTV Life Circle.2022-05-10

【2】How should adults exercise? Academician Wang Longde gave the following three suggestions. Medical Microvision.2021-06-24

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