Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the "tendons" in the human body will gradually age and shorten, causing people to suffer from shoulder, neck, back pain, leg pain, and the i

2024/05/2222:09:33 regimen 1129

A newborn baby can easily pick up its own feet and chew on them, but many elderly people find it difficult to even bend down.. As age increases, the "tendons" in the human body will gradually age and shorten, causing people to suffer from shoulder, neck and low back pain, leg pain , and the inability to squat or bend over .

Many old people say "One inch of muscle growth can extend your life by ten years.", Lajin has gradually become a mainstream way of maintaining health in recent years. So, does Lajin really have the miraculous effect of extending life?

Is it true that if a muscle grows one inch, your life will be extended by ten years?

The Chinese people have a long history of loving the sport of Lajin. The word "jin" first appeared in the "Huangdi Neijing" more than 2,500 years ago, which clearly records: "The bones are straightened and the tendons are soft, and Qi and blood flow naturally".

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there are three main physiological functions of tendons: first, "binding bones" , which has the function of connecting and constraining bone joints.

Secondly, "tendons are rigid" and belong to one of the "five bodies", which means tendons are an important part of the human body and have the function of protecting the internal organs of the human body.

Third, the functions of tendons and liver are closely related . " Nei Jing " believes that the internal organs of the human body are closely connected with the limbs through the meridian system. The normal function of the liver can cause changes in the hands and nails. Therefore, there is a saying that "the claws are the spare parts of the tendons".

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

In modern medicine, tendons refer to the tendons and fascia tissues of the human body. Lajin is to stretch fascia. The essence of fascia is a kind of connective tissue , including tendons, ligaments and muscle fascia, which plays an important role in maintaining the stability and sensitivity of the body. Moreover, various types of nerves run through the visceral fascia, which play an important role in the human body.

As for the phrase "one inch of muscle growth, ten years of life extension", it mainly talks about the role of Lajin . It does not mean that if the tendons grow one inch, the life span will be extended by ten years. Rather, it can be understood that in order to judge a person's health, the softness of his or her body is also a very important aspect..

However, although Lajin cannot extend your life by ten years, it still has many benefits for the body.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

What are the benefits to the body of insisting on Lajin?

When we are in the park, we often see many elderly people playing Tai Chi and square dancing, including broadcast gymnastics done by students, and yoga, which is currently very popular among young women. In fact, these sports are There are steps for stretching. Doing more of these exercises can relieve tension in muscles and soft tissues and increase the body's flexibility and flexibility.

From the perspective of modern rehabilitation science, Lajin is flexibility training movements, or stretching exercises . During the stretching process, not only the tendons are stretched, but also soft tissues such as joint capsules, muscle membranes, ligaments, and the muscles themselves will be stretched.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Proper stretching has many benefits. It can be used as a warm-up exercise before exercise to make the joints more flexible, thereby reducing the risk of joint damage ; it can also be used as a relaxation exercise after exercise to promote the absorption of lactic acid between muscles and avoid post-exercise Muscle soreness occurs.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tendons are the peripheral parts of meridians, and tendons and qi and blood circulation complement each other. Healthy tendons will smooth qi and blood, and the internal organs will be healthy. Therefore, Lajin is a health management method.

Correct Lajin can dredge meridians and strengthen qi and blood circulation , thereby improving the symptoms of various diseases, such as hypertension , diabetes , gynecological diseases, heart disease, prostate disease and bone dislocation And muscle contraction causes pain.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

In our body, healthy fascia is arranged in a two-way cross grid, which is full of elasticity and flexibility. If you are a person who sits for a long time and lacks exercise, the fascia will be arranged disorderly, resulting in reduced body flexibility. This is also one of the reasons why the elderly are prone to falls.

Therefore, regular stretching exercises can enhance the body's flexibility and prevent falls.

Many desk workers are prone to symptoms of neck and shoulder pain and low back pain . Under the guidance of a doctor, stretching exercises after work can relax the ligaments and muscles of the body, thus Great for relieving pain symptoms.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Among the many stretching movements, take leg press as an example. Leg press is a good warm-up or relaxation exercise, which can relieve body stiffness before exercise and improve the coordination of the nervous system and muscle tissue.

When pressing the legs, it will stretch the muscles on the back of the thighs and buttocks, thereby promoting blood circulation in the lower limbs, increasing the flexibility of the joints. Leg pressing for children can promote the growth of muscles and bones, leg pressing for young people can make their legs slender, and leg pressing for the elderly can move their muscles and bones, prevent the aging of joints and tendons, and delay aging.

When pressing the legs, it can also stretch the ligaments and increase the flexibility of the body. 's good flexibility can promote physical health and perfect body shape, and reduce sports injuries.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

After understanding some of the benefits of Lajin, let’s talk about the precautions for Lajin. If stretching is done improperly, it may have the opposite effect. Not only will it not exercise the body, but it may also harm the body.

Improper stretching, be careful of harming the body

If stretched too much, it will bring many adverse effects to the human body, so some overstretching and adverse reactions that may occur during stretching exercises cannot be ignored.

Lajin should not be stretched for too long. Normal stretching exercise can be continuous or intermittently performed. Intermittent stretching, for example, tightens the tense muscles and soft tissues for 15 seconds, relaxes for 10 seconds, and then repeats. Continuous stretching can be maintained for 3 to 5 minutes, and then do relaxation exercises.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

And if the stretching time is extended to Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the 0 minutes or even more than half an hour, or the pulling force is relatively strong, it will easily cause the soft tissues around the joints to relax.

This is mainly because the main components of human body's joint capsules, tendons, ligaments and other tissues are fibrous connective tissue . Although they have a certain elasticity, are adaptable to external forces . After the force is too high or the time is too long, these soft tissues will experience stress relaxation, and the muscles may also experience a decrease in muscle strength due to long-term stretching.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Loose soft tissues around joints and decreased muscle strength will weaken the protective effect of joints, making joints more susceptible to damage. If the area around the spine is stretched too much, it may lead to cervical spondylosis or lumbar spondylosis.

In addition, you should keep your breathing smooth during the stretching process. If you cannot breathe smoothly, please stop the movement and rest in time to avoid holding your breath and increasing the burden on the heart and lungs.

People tend to hold their breath when stretching the whole body, which should also be paid attention to during stretching exercises. During stretching, the peripheral soft tissues and ligaments are tightened, causing the peripheral resistance of blood vessels to increase, diastolic blood pressure to increase, and the heart load to increase accordingly. Especially for the elderly who suffer from diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, etc., holding their breath is even more detrimental.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Before stretching, you can do some aerobic exercise to warm up, such as jogging, jumping, gymnastics, etc. On the one hand, it promotes the internal organs to adapt to exercise, and on the other hand, it increases body temperature. The lower the temperature, the greater the viscosity of soft tissues such as human ligaments and tendons. Increased body temperature can reduce the viscosity of soft tissues, making it easier for soft tissues to be stretched during stretching and less likely to be injured.

When stretching, the movements should be slow and the range of joint movement should be increased gradually. Do not move suddenly too fast or use too much force. Moving too fast and too hard can easily cause tendon and ligament strain. Once the injury is formed, scar tissue will appear in the future, which is not conducive to the maintenance of soft tissue elasticity, which means it may be counterproductive.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

No matter which part of the body is stretched, it is normal to experience soreness and slight tingling during the stretching process. The more tense the soft tissue, the more obvious the discomfort will be during stretching.But you can't feel severe pain. This is a sign that the small fibers of the soft tissue are torn.

It is unscientific to require unconditional endurance of pain during stretching. Severe pain often indicates damage to soft tissues and muscle fibers. Continue to stretch regardless of pain, which may cause swelling after local stretching, causing continuous pain. . The correct approach for

is to hold on a tolerable action for a period of time, and then move to with a wider range of activities.

Newborn babies can easily pick up their feet and chew on them, but many elderly people have difficulty even bending down. As age increases, the

Doctors recommend

Lajin although it cannot achieve the effect of growing an inch of muscle or extending life by ten years, correct Lajin exercise has many benefits to the body. Lajin exercise is suitable for a wide range of ages and has a certain effect on improving the functions of the motor system and visceral system. It is a good way of fitness practice.

When stretching, you should pay attention to the degree and time of stretching to avoid sports injuries. If you make good use of it, it can become an essential skill for strengthening your body.

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