As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un

2024/05/2019:32:33 regimen 1344

As soon as summer comes, watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether you eat them cut into pieces or scooped out with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after a day of unloading. After being exhausted, eating a big watermelon when you get home will make your whole body feel very comfortable.

However, Uncle Wang’s face was full of sadness because of eating watermelon. Uncle Wang is a diabetic patient. Since he was diagnosed with diabetes, he has paid great attention to his diet. However, a few days ago, Uncle Wang’s daughter said that the weather It’s hot, and eating watermelon can relieve the heat, so I bought a basket of watermelon for him.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

At first, Uncle Wang insisted not to give it. Later, his daughter said that after checking the information, the sugar content of watermelon is not high, and even diabetics can eat it. Uncle Wang refused and accepted it, but he was still a little worried, after all, he is diabetic. The patient is afraid that eating watermelon will affect his blood sugar, and if he doesn't eat it, he is afraid that his daughter's good intentions will be wasted.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews1

First, let’s take a look at what benefits eating watermelon brings to the body?

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Relieve summer heat and remove dampness: Watermelon is rich in water and contains various nutrients. Eating watermelon can relieve summer heat. Watermelon is a cold food that can reduce fire after being eaten. The effect of producing fluid and relieving heat can also improve sore throat.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Lower blood pressure: When the weather is hot or angry, people's blood pressure will always soar. You can relieve the symptoms by eating watermelon at this time, because watermelon contains some nutrients that can lower blood pressure. Eat watermelon appropriately. Can control blood pressure.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Diuresis: Many people go to the toilet after eating watermelon. This is because watermelon is rich in water and can play a diuretic effect. Eating some watermelon appropriately in life can expel excess water from the body. In vitro, it can also reduce the production of bile pigments, which can very well improve the symptoms of constipation.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Eliminate fatigue: Many people like to doze off in summer and always feel exhausted. At this time, you can eat some watermelon. Because the fructose contained in watermelon can help relieve physical fatigue and instantly eliminate fatigue.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews2

Will watermelon raise blood sugar? Can diabetics eat watermelon? The doctor tells you the truth

Before analyzing whether watermelon produces blood sugar or lowers blood sugar, we must first understand What is the definition of blood sugar increase and decrease? Blood sugar is simply the glucose in the blood, and blood sugar is maintained at a normal level. level to maintain the normal needs of the body.

Before eating food, we need to know the glycemic index of the food. Assume that the glycemic index of the food glucose is set to As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews00%. This index can know the speed and extent of the increase in blood sugar by the food. The glycemic index of watermelon is 72%, which exceeds 70% and is a slightly higher value.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

After seeing this value, people usually mistakenly think that watermelon is a fruit that raises blood sugar based on the value. In fact, eating watermelon correctly will not cause blood sugar to rise. , the blood sugar production index is not only the value of its own In addition, it is also an effective indicator to measure the postprandial blood sugar response caused by food. The glycemic index has a great relationship with the composition of food carbohydrates and the processing method.

In life, you cannot think that this food will increase blood sugar based on a single value. The blood sugar of watermelon contains about 6 grams of carbohydrates per As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews00 grams. Therefore, the blood sugar load of watermelon is equal to the glycemic index (72) multiplied by The ratio of carbohydrates (6/100), the result is about 4.32, Therefore, watermelon’s impact on raising blood sugar is actually not high.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

Everyone needs to pay attention to the fact that although diabetic patients can eat watermelon, they are particular about how to eat it and its portion. When eating watermelon, it is best not to squeeze the juice or peel it. Eat the strips cut into pieces directly. The weight of skinned watermelon should not exceed 500 grams. This is just right for the body and will not consume too much sugar.

You need to pay attention to eating a certain amount of watermelon. Although it will not increase blood sugar, eating too much watermelon will also affect the increase in blood sugar. For diabetic patients, after eating a large amount of watermelon, some people will inject enough Too much insulin is wrong.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

It is unclear how much watermelon raises blood sugar, and doctors do not recommend patients to change the amount of insulin injected. This may affect blood sugar fluctuations. Blindly increasing or decreasing the amount of insulin injection may cause ketosis. Acidosis or hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews3

Will you get diabetes if you eat too much sugar? Don’t forget these four “culprits”!

Diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. Diabetes is divided into type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes . Type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent diabetes, mainly caused by genetic factors.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

Type 2 diabetes is mainly characterized by insulin resistance. It is a non-insulin-dependent diabetes . It is a problem of lifestyle and diet structure. It is caused by hypermetabolic syndrome, hyperlipidemia and overeating.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Genetic factors: Heredity is also one of the main causes of diabetes, but genetic causes are generally type 1 diabetes, which is congenital insufficient insulin secretion, or abnormal insulin secretion function .

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Bad living habits: Nowadays, many people are thirsty and use drinks instead of boiled water. This leads to excessive sugar in the body, and the secretion of insulin cannot keep up with the increase in sugar.

For example, often stay up late and work too hard , which can lead to disorders of body system functions or overeating, which can lead to obesity and excessive accumulation of fat in the body, thereby interfering with heart, kidney, lung, liver and blood vessel functions . These factors lead to pancreatic function Slowly depletes, resulting in less insulin secretion, and over time, diabetes develops.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Mental state: Some people are often in a state of high tension or excitement due to work, study or living under pressure for a long time. This causes a large increase in the secretion of some stress hormones in the body, which interferes with the secretion of insulin and also increases over time. , the human body's endocrine and metabolic regulation becomes disordered, causes hyperglycemia, and ultimately leads to the occurrence of diabetes.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Insufficient exercise: Generally speaking, appropriate exercise can increase the body's sensitivity to insulin , improve the body's metabolism so that people are less likely to gain weight, and reduce the secretion of insulin resistance hormones, thereby maintaining the body's blood sugar at normal levels. , less likely to suffer from diabetes.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews4

6 dietary details for diabetics

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Appropriate amount of protein: Eating an appropriate amount of meat, fish, and protein products can effectively help control diabetes and stabilize blood sugar. Protein and vegetables have similar effects. They can increase the sense of protection. , so that the body will not feel hungry . It should be noted that protein will affect kidney function. If there is a problem with kidney function, excessive intake of protein should be avoided.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Eat more vegetables: Vegetables are an indispensable substance in food. Because they are rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals, most vegetables will not cause blood sugar to rise. It is recommended that diabetics eat more leaves of dark vegetables. , stem or fruit.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Appropriate amount of fruit: Fruit is rich in fiber and vitamins , but the fruit itself is rich in sugar. If consumed in large quantities, blood sugar will spike. When ingesting fruit, it should be between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. The effect of eating is quite good, but diabetics should not eat too much temporarily to avoid causing blood sugar to spike.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Choose original food: In your diet, try to avoid eating processed foods, because in order to improve the taste, processed foods will add a lot of sugar and other additives, such as pure milk and modified milk, this kind of drink tastes very fragrant. This is because It contains anhydrous cream, and flavoring agents, so diabetic patients must choose carefully.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Avoid refined starch: Refined starches, such as white rice, white bread or noodles , are heavily processed, and their dietary fiber has been greatly reduced during processing, which results in the discoloration of this food. The glycemic index is very high. After eating, such foods will cause the blood sugar level to rise . Therefore, diabetic patients should try to avoid choosing this kind of refined starch when making choices.

As soon as summer comes, it’s the season when watermelons are on the market in large quantities. The streets, alleys, fruit shops, and supermarkets are all filled with watermelons. Whether they are cut into pieces or eaten with a spoon, they are very pleasant, especially after un - DayDayNews. Reduce the intake of oil and salt: Most diabetic patients have health problems such as high blood pressure or hyperlipidemia, so in their diet, try to have as little oil, salt and fat as possible.

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