Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.

2024/05/1720:54:33 regimen 1256

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes , you must pay attention to the glycemic index of food because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits. Do you also have the same trouble? In fact, fruits are part of a balanced diet. If you don’t eat fruits, you will be prone to constipation, your skin will age easily, etc. Today, I will share with diabetics 11 kinds of healthy fruits that can be eaten by diabetics.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

Eleven healthy fruits that diabetics can eat

No. 1, apricots . Apricot grass is a sweet fruit that is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, copper and manganese. It not only satisfies your sweet tooth, but also helps regulate blood sugar levels. Apricot is also a good eye-protecting fruit because it is rich in eye-protecting ingredients, namely lutein and zeaxanthin . Lutein and zeaxanthin are both natural eye sunscreens, which can protect the retina from Sunlight and blue light damage.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

In addition to apricots, dried apricots are also healthy snacks for sugar lovers. Because dried apricots are low-glycemic dried fruits, their glycemic index is 32 and their glycemic load is 9. As long as you control it well portion, it won’t cause a big blood sugar spike. But one thing you have to pay attention to is that the carbohydrate content of dried apricots will be higher than that of fresh apricots, so I advise you to only taste it briefly.

is second, Guava . If you think oranges are the fruit richest in vitamin C, then you must get to know guava. Guava is a common tropical fruit that is rich in vitamin C. Its vitamin C content is four times higher than that of oranges. According to a study from Kendy University, taking about 500 mg of vitamin C twice a day can help patients with type 2 diabetes reduce the possibility of post-meal blood sugar spikes. This shows that sugar lovers can also rest assured Eat guava.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

Guava can also promote gastrointestinal motility, and eating it regularly can relieve constipation. Because it is also rich in dietary fiber, which can delay digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes, guava is also a healthy fruit that sugar lovers cannot miss.

third, strawberry . Strawberry is a heart-protecting fruit, and sugar lovers can eat it with confidence. The reason why strawberries are so bright in color is because they contain a natural pigment, which is pelargonidin. Pelargonidin is the source of pigment in strawberries, and this ingredient is responsible for their bright red color. Pelargonidin is also a heart-protective antioxidant, and research shows that women who eat strawberries at least three times a week can reduce the chance of heart attack.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

Since the glycemic index of strawberry is 43, it is also a low-glycemic fruit. Strawberries are also rich in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid , potassium and manganese. These ingredients can improve blood sugar levels, so sugar lovers can regard strawberries as daily fruit.

fourth, grape glaze . According to a 2006 study, eating some grapefruit before meals can help lower blood sugar levels after meals. Compared with other fruits, grapefruit has a lower glycemic index, with a glycemic index of only 20. Five, so it has the effect of stabilizing blood sugar. Grapefruit is also full of vitamins A and C, both of which and can promote the production of white blood cells. White blood cells clear bacteria from the blood, which helps protect the body from bacterial infections. Therefore, eating grapefruit regularly can improve immunity, thereby reducing the chance of fever and colds. It is undeniable that grapes are sour and bitter fruits. If you don't like to eat them directly, you can mix them into water and try to accept them by drinking them.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

Fifth, peach. Because peaches are a low-calorie and low-glycemic fruit, each average-sized peach has only 18 calories, a glycemic index of 42, and a glycemic load of 5. As long as you don't overeat peaches, it won't cause your blood sugar to spike.Another benefit of peaches is that they can improve intestinal health because they are rich in prebiotics . Prebiotics can nourish the probiotics in the intestines, thereby reducing various digestive problems. Every time you eat a peach, you can also take in fiber and vitamin C. These ingredients help improve blood sugar levels, so peaches are also a healthy fruit for people with diabetes.

is sixth, Apple . Apple is a fruit that everyone can afford, and it is also a healthy fruit for sugar lovers. Because it is a low-glycemic fruit, with a glycemic index of 38 and a glycemic load of six, it will not easily cause blood sugar to spike after a meal as long as you control the portion. Apples are also rich in a variety of antioxidants, including lutein, quercetin and catechins. Lutein is an eye-protecting ingredient, catechin is an anti-aging ingredient, and quercetin is a super anti-cancer ingredient. Eating an apple every day can give you various benefits, including eye protection, Prevent aging and prevent cancer .

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

Apple is also a weight-loss fruit. It is equally delicious whether eaten raw or added to oatmeal for breakfast. However, please note that when eating apples, remember not to peel them, because the skin is the most nutritious part of the apple.

is seventh, cherry . Cherry is everyone's favorite fruit, and it is also a low-glycemic fruit. Its glycemic index is 20 and its glycemic load is six, so it is very suitable for friends with prediabetes or diabetes. Eating cherries regularly can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles because cherries are rich in a variety of vitamins needed by the skin. They also contain tryptophan, which can stimulate the brain to secrete melatonin, thereby helping you fall asleep faster at night. If you want to sleep better at night, you can eat cherries regularly.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

is eighth, pear . Pears are also a healthy fruit that diabetics can eat, and the most rare thing is that they are also low-glycemic fruits. The glycemic index of pears is thirty-eight. The glycemic load is four, which means pears don't cause a post-meal blood sugar spike. Eating pears regularly may reduce inflammation and lower the risk of stroke because it is rich in flavonoids, compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Pears are also a cancer-preventing fruit that women cannot miss. There have been some population studies showing that regular consumption of flavonoid-rich fruits, including pears, may protect against breast and ovarian cancer. If you don’t want to miss out on the various benefits that pears bring, remember to remind yourself to eat some pears regularly.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

ninth, plum . Although fresh pears are sweet and juicy, they are also a low-glycemic fruit. Its glycemic index is 40 and its glycemic load is 2, making it suitable for diabetic friends. Plums can be eaten raw and made into jam or added to salads. They can provide up to fifteen kinds of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These ingredients can reduce the risk of diabetes complications , so people with diabetes can buy and enjoy plums with confidence.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

tenth, avocado . Avocado is a low-glycemic fruit, with a glycemic index of no more than 15. As long as avocado is added to the diet, it can not only prevent post-meal blood sugar spikes, but also help improve waist circumference and weight. Because avocados contain a healthy fat, namely monounsaturated fatty acid , this fat can improve cholesterol and prevent heart disease. In addition to making bread bun sauce, avocado can also be added to salads. It can slow down the process of releasing glucose , which means it can stabilize blood sugar. Therefore, sugar lovers should always add avocado to their daily diet.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

11th orange . Oranges are a favorite fruit for both adults and children. They are rich in vitamin C, which can improve immunity, improve blood sugar and reduce inflammation. In fact, oranges are also rich in citric acid and citrate. These ingredients help prevent kidney stones . Oranges are also a low-glycemic fruit, with a glycemic index of forty and a glycemic load of five. Unless you eat a lot of oranges, oranges have absolutely no impact on blood sugar levels, so they can be said to be a very healthy fruit for people with diabetes.

Once diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of foods because it has a direct impact on blood sugar. Since the blood sugar levels of diabetics will rise and fall sharply after meals, many people with diabetes are afraid to eat fruits.  - DayDayNews

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