Is heart failure serious? How to take care of it on a daily basis? Heart failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Many people know the seriousness of heart failure. All people who have heart failure must pay attention to treatment. What are the symptoms of heart failure?

2024/05/1621:40:33 regimen 1854

Is heart failure serious? How to take care of it on a daily basis?

Heart failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Many people know the seriousness of heart failure. All people who have heart failure must pay attention to treatment. What are the manifestations of heart failure ? Symptoms of heart failure include dyspnea, which is the main symptom of left heart failure, and can manifest in various forms such as exertional dyspnea , orthopnea , paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea , etc. Decreased exercise tolerance and fatigue are manifestations of insufficient blood supply to skeletal muscles. Patients with severe heart failure may develop Cheyne-Staff breathing, indicating a poor prognosis. In addition to the original signs of heart disease, physical examination can also reveal an enlarged left ventricle, alternating pulses, and pulmonary rales auscultation.

Is heart failure serious? How to take care of it on a daily basis? Heart failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Many people know the seriousness of heart failure. All people who have heart failure must pay attention to treatment. What are the symptoms of heart failure?  - DayDayNews

Although the emergence of heart failure will affect everyone's life, as long as reasonable nursing methods are followed, patients can still effectively extend their lifespan, so everyone should not have too much psychological pressure and treat the disease with ease.

For patients with heart failure, daily care is very important. How should patients with heart failure be cared for in daily life? In life, when facing a disease like heart failure, everyone needs to consider the treatment and care of the disease from multiple angles. Only in this way can everyone get good treatment. What patients with heart failure fear most is the recurrence of the disease. Only by providing good care can the recurrence of the disease be prevented. So, how should patients with heart failure usually be cared for?

How to reduce the occurrence of heart failure, first of all, prevent coronary heart disease , start by improving your lifestyle, and don’t eat too greasy things in your diet, such as hairtail, egg yolks, and animal offal and Fatty meat, etc., eating big fish and meat every day is definitely not a good phenomenon. A high-fat diet is an important factor causing the "three highs" ( high blood sugar , high blood pressure , and hyperlipidemia). It should be avoided as much as possible; exercise is important Strengthening exercise, including 30 minutes of aerobic exercise two or three times a week, is very helpful in preventing coronary heart disease; you should be happy but not overly excited, you should always argue with others, be competitive, get angry easily, etc. will lead to a high incidence of heart disease.

In winter, you can’t just focus on demeanor, not temperature. You should keep warm and avoid colds, fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism and other diseases. You must go to the hospital in time to achieve early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment. Don’t stay at home and avoid medical treatment.

Is heart failure serious? How to take care of it on a daily basis? Heart failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Many people know the seriousness of heart failure. All people who have heart failure must pay attention to treatment. What are the symptoms of heart failure?  - DayDayNews

We all know that drinking water is good for health, but patients with heart failure must control the amount of water they drink. Excessive drinking of tea and coffee is absolutely detrimental to heart failure. Heart failure is mainly caused by problems with the pumping of blood by the heart. If you drink too much water It will increase the burden on the heart. If you find that you drink too much water, you need to take some diuretic to expel the water.

Heart failure patients can exercise appropriately and gradually. Patients with severe heart failure should first sit on the edge of the bed, then walk a few steps holding the edge of the bed, then walk to the door of the house, until they slowly walk onto the street, walk to the park, and go to participate in the exercise. sports.

If you want to correctly handle the disease of heart failure, you need to treat the disease from multiple angles. You must also understand the development of the disease. In addition, life care is also an indispensable key step. I hope you will take more care of the disease. Drink water instead of tea all the time, as this has a great impact on heart health.

Is heart failure serious? How to take care of it on a daily basis? Heart failure is a disease with a high mortality rate. Many people know the seriousness of heart failure. All people who have heart failure must pay attention to treatment. What are the symptoms of heart failure?  - DayDayNews

So what should I do if I have heart failure?

Qili Qiangxin is a Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of heart failure developed based on the theory of collateral disease in traditional Chinese medicine. It can treat chronic heart failure caused by various reasons such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, dilated cardiomyopathy, etc. Symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, which are aggravated by movement, inability to lie down at night, edema of lower limbs, fatigue and lack of urination. Blue lips, fear of cold and cold limbs, cough and vomiting of thin white phlegm, etc.

Qili strengthens the heart. Its ingredients include Astragalus , ginseng, Aconite , Salvia miltiorrhiza , Tinglizi , Alisma , Polygonatum , Guizhi, Safflower , Xiangjiapi, Chenpi has the effects of replenishing temperature and yang, activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals, diuresis and reducing swelling.This drug has the advantages of combined treatment of heart failure with diuretics, ACEI (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor), beta receptor blocker , digoxin, etc., and can treat both the symptoms and root causes of chronic heart failure. The symptomatic treatment can improve hemodynamics , while the fundamental treatment can interfere with neuroendocrine activation, delay ventricular remodeling , increase capacity supply, and promote cardiomyocyte reproduction.

Relevant studies have found that patients with heart failure combined with Qili Qilijiangxin on the basis of standard treatment can significantly reduce BNP in patients with chronic heart failure compared with the control group, and can further improve the condition of patients with heart failure.

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