Many people in modern times are under great pressure in life and work, and staying up late is commonplace. In addition, the mobile phone is always in hand, which invisibly deprives people of sleep time and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Everyone knows that staying up late oft

2024/05/1600:11:33 regimen 1187

Many people in modern times are under great pressure in life and work, and staying up late is commonplace. In addition, the mobile phone is always in hand, which invisibly deprives people of sleep time and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Everyone knows that staying up late often does a lot of harm to the body. So what symptoms appear in the body to indicate that it has reached its limit?

Many people in modern times are under great pressure in life and work, and staying up late is commonplace. In addition, the mobile phone is always in hand, which invisibly deprives people of sleep time and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Everyone knows that staying up late oft - DayDayNews

If these symptoms occur, stop staying up late

1, Swollen eyelids

Using your eyes for a long time will cause your eye adjustment muscles to continue to contract, the surrounding tissues will swell, and the blood vessels in the eyes will expand and become congestion, making the entire eyes look red. Swelling again.

2, dark circles

Dark circles under the eyes indicate poor blood circulation, which is one of the symptoms of overworked eyes. If you do not pay attention to rest and protection, the damage to the eyes will be great.

3. Decreased vision

People who stay up late do not get enough rest for their eyes, which will lead to decreased vision. They are also prone to dryness, itching, blurred vision and even high intraocular pressure, giving you headaches and nausea.

4, dull skin

After staying up late for a long time, many people have pale skin, bad skin, poor complexion, and a depressed look. If this is the case for you, you should have a good rest and don't stay up late.

After staying up late, many people will relieve themselves by catching up on sleep. However, catching up on sleep often cannot relieve the symptoms well. Instead, it will disrupt the biological clock and lead to physical exhaustion, slow reaction, decreased immunity, forgetfulness and other problems.

Many people in modern times are under great pressure in life and work, and staying up late is commonplace. In addition, the mobile phone is always in hand, which invisibly deprives people of sleep time and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Everyone knows that staying up late oft - DayDayNews

Why does staying up late hurt people?

"Suwen: Generation of the Five Internal Organs" says: "When a person lies down, blood returns to the liver, and the liver receives blood and can see."

Normal sleep is the best way to nourish blood and liver, and staying up late is the best way to nourish the blood and liver. Forces the liver to release "qi and blood" to maintain your activity.

Therefore, staying up late for a long time is consuming the liver's qi and blood, which can easily lead to insufficient liver yin, resulting in a series of problems.

Remedies for staying up late

1. Get up early

Going to bed late + getting up late = double kill of yang energy! Indulging in sleeping until you wake up naturally will inhibit the growth of yang energy during the day and make people more drowsy.

No matter what time you stay up, make sure to get up before 9 o'clock. While the stomach meridian is still in season (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.), have a serious breakfast, not too greasy.

2. Massage

After waking up, use the belly of your fingers as a comb, and comb and massage from the forehead to the back of the neck 100 times to relieve fatigue and headaches after staying up late.

If you feel a headache at any time of the day, you can use your fingers or a comb with blunt teeth to comb your hair in a place without wind. Spirit.

3, nap

Some people often experience ups and downs in mood after staying up late continuously. They are easily depressed, sad, restless or anxious. This is a symptom of staying up late that is prone to mood swings.

Napping for half an hour every day is the best way to recover and reserve sufficient energy in a short period of time.

Many people in modern times are under great pressure in life and work, and staying up late is commonplace. In addition, the mobile phone is always in hand, which invisibly deprives people of sleep time and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Everyone knows that staying up late oft - DayDayNews

4, Diet therapy

1. Forgetfulness - Peanut and Jujube Porridge

If you feel weak all over, look sallow , palpitated, and tend to forget things after staying up late, then you are probably suffering from the symptoms of staying up late due to qi deficiency.

Peanut and jujube porridge has the effects of nourishing blood, warming and calming the mind, so it is the best to take.

Method: Wash 15 grams of peanuts, millet 30 grams, 10 red dates, and 100 grams of japonica rice and make porridge.

2. Drowsiness - White Duck and Winter Melon Soup

The body is fat, the eyes are swollen, the complexion is dark yellow, and it is easy to be sleepy, lazy and lethargic. Most of them belong to the phlegm-dampness type.

White duck and wax gourd both have good diuretic and dehumidifying effects, and have the effects of calming the mind and eliminating phlegm, dehumidifying and calming the nerves.

Method: one white duck, Poria 30g, Atractylodes 20g, 500g winter melon, adzuki bean 60g, add appropriate amount of water and simmer together for one hour.

3. Pale complexion - Coptis chinensis, donkey hide gelatin, stewed chicken yellow

After staying up late, if symptoms such as pale complexion, palpitations, and dizziness occur, it is likely to be a symptom of staying up late due to blood deficiency.

Drinking coptis and donkey hide gelatin stewed with chicken and yellow soup has the effects of nourishing yin and reducing fire, calming the mind and calming the mind. It can regulate qi and blood, soothe the liver and relieve depression.

Method: Prepare 5 grams of coptis, 10 grams of white peony, 79 grams of donkey-hide gelatin, and 2 fresh egg yolks. First, add water to thickly fry the coptis and white peony into a thick soup, remove the residue, then add donkey-hide gelatin and egg yolks while they are hot and mix well. That's it.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planner: Jiang Zhongxiao

Editor: Yu Yue

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