Thoughts after reading "Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychologist" uu from the "Peanut Mom Salon" reading club. uu Reading - The 15th book "Mr. Toad Sees a Psychologist" is a psychological book by British psychologist Robert Dybord. The book tells the story of Mr. Toad, who fell into depre

2024/06/3012:25:33 psychological 1974

From the "Peanut Mom Salon" reading club "Mr. Toad goes to see a psychiatrist" uu's review.

uu reading - No. 15

"Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychologist" is a psychological book by British psychologist Robert Dybord. The book tells the story of Mr. Toad who fell into depression with the help of his friends and the guidance of a psychological counselor. , the story of finally getting out of depression. If you are interested, you can read it. I will briefly share my thoughts after reading it.

Thoughts after reading

Self-acceptance and acceptance of others

After reading this book, I once again felt that a mature individual needs to go through the process of moving from independence to dependence in order to achieve happiness. It is very important to learn to accept yourself and be able to accept others while putting aside their differences.

Clear yourself and listen to others

In classes where consultation is encouraged, as an observer, I am always attracted by Yingying’s eyes. After reading this book, I know that such eyes mean emptying oneself without presuppositions and listening to the volunteers wholeheartedly. I think only in this way can a trusting relationship be established and the counseling dialogue truly begin.

Switch roles and communicate flexibly

I remember that in "Preparation", when the author communicated with her husband, she would think about which identity of me the other party was speaking to, my wife or Principal Samit? Then, she will switch roles to communicate differently. In this book, Heron will also think about: According to the rhythm needs of the other party, should I adjust to the identity of a teacher or a consultant?

I began to realize that in interpersonal communication, it is actually necessary to switch roles and actively adjust the rhythm. This requires understanding yourself, understanding others, and understanding the situation. Keep practicing on the long road.

# Reflection# #Reading#

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