Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders

2024/06/0211:43:33 psychological 1887

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach the dog a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. The slightest sound or a look from the owner can make the dog frightened. what should I do?

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

Let’s first understand which behaviors of dogs have formed a psychological shadow.

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews. Subconsciously avoiding the owner

If the dog begins to subconsciously avoid the owner's behavior, the owner can recall whether the recent punishment to the dog was too severe, which frightened the dog and left a psychological shadow on the dog. In the future, when the owner wants to get close to the dog, it will subconsciously want to hide.

2. Disobeying the owner’s instructions

Dogs are very loyal. Once they recognize their owner, they will absolutely obey their owner’s instructions. When a dog is severely beaten by its owner and has a psychological shadow, it will begin to disobey the owner's orders.

3. Low spirits

The owner is normally lively and very enthusiastic towards the owner. When a dog is hurt by its owner, the dog will no longer be as happy and show love to the owner as before. It will be depressed and depressed all day long.

4. Easily frightened

Any sudden noise will scare the dog! If the owner speaks a little louder or gives a stern look, the dog will dodge unnaturally. At this time, the dog is really scared.

How to adjust the dog's psychology after being beaten

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews. Stop all beating and scolding behaviors

Under any circumstances, the editor does not recommend using force to solve the problem, especially when the dog has been beaten and has left a shadow. , let alone hit it anymore. Even if you see the dog getting into trouble again, you have to tell yourself to hold back!

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

2. Let the dog realize that it is safe.

If a dog is beaten by someone somewhere, it may have a psychological shadow on the place and people. The owner can take the dog to get familiar with that place and stop doing harm. Its behavior lets the dog know that it is safe and will not be harmed again.

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

3. Don’t do things that startle you.

Don’t speak loudly suddenly, or when the dog is hiding in fear, don’t forcefully hug it, touch it, or scare it. It may be hurt twice. If you want your dog to trust you again, you need to do it step by step and not rush it.

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

4. Interact with it slowly

When interacting with the dog, try to reward, praise and induce it. The owner should treat the dog gently. If the dog starts to accept you, you can spend more time with it, take it for a walk, play some games, and give it some snacks to make the dog trust you again.

What was the dog thinking after being beaten?

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews. A confused face

Dogs usually cannot understand why their owners hit them. They do not know what they have done. Dogs have no logical relationship and will not interpret the results. It is related to the reason why the thing happened. It only knows that the owner hits it, and it may become very sensitive. If the owner hits it often, the dog may think that you are a vicious person.

2. Fear

Dogs will feel very scared after being beaten. Especially some timid or sensitive dogs may start to avoid their owners and dare not approach them. If the owner is too harsh, the dog will have a psychological shadow and become frightened when it sees the owner.

3. Hatred

Some dogs with strong personality will feel unconvinced after being beaten and develop hostility toward their owners. They may be more pampered or even antagonize their owners. If they are beaten frequently, they will establish a passive defense reflex. , attacking the owner.

Dogs are like children. They often make mistakes. It is inevitable that sometimes the owner will want to teach it a lesson, but this leaves a psychological shadow on the dog. A little sound or a look from the owner can make the dog tremble. This But what to do? Let’s first unders - DayDayNews

Therefore, when owners usually educate their dogs, they should not use beatings or scoldings. Not only may the dog be injured, but it may also cause fear of the dog, making it fearful and difficult to trust the owner. Generally speaking, when a dog makes a mistake, it is recommended that the owner not take any attitude. The correct way is to ignore it. The more times the dog makes a mistake, the dog will naturally not do it again.

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