First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental disease. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will have non-organic physical pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, atypical Faci

2024/05/2602:51:32 psychological 1324

Is depression a disease?

First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental illness. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will experience non-organic body pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness and shortness of breath , atypical facial pain, chronic back pain, etc. Experts remind that non-organic body pain should not be taken lightly. You should seek medical treatment in time to alleviate psychological barriers in order to restore your body to health.

First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental disease. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will have non-organic physical pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, atypical Faci - DayDayNews

Is it common?

It is very common
is not "niche"
is difficult to detect

Research points out that the prevalence of this disease, including mild depression, is about 11% worldwide. That is, in an office of 20 people, there may be 1 or 2 colleagues who have suffered from or are suffering from depression, and each of these 20 colleagues may become a depression patient , because everyone is likely to Get depression.

Depression is the number one cause of suicide today. Surveys show that about 10% to 25% of patients with depression in China choose to commit suicide. In China, at least one person with depression dies by suicide every three minutes, and 11 people attempt suicide.

Why is the treatment rate for depression so pitifully low?

The main reason for the low medical treatment rate is stigma

The detection rate of depression among adolescents in our country is on the rise with the increase of grade. Some children are in a low mood for a long time. Children in adolescence are also more emotional, worried and reluctant. Talk to your parents, but parents rarely have the awareness to take precautions.

First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental disease. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will have non-organic physical pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, atypical Faci - DayDayNews

Depressed people need help. Although some of them are angry, some are lonely, some are quiet and withdrawn, and some are withdrawn and closed, they may make people shy away and make it difficult to get close to them, but you have to know that this is the time when they are the loneliest. When help is needed most.

Many relatives and friends of depressed people do not understand them. They often feel annoyed or blame them for their behavior, and do not provide understanding and love. As a result, they lose the opportunity to help them and may deepen their depression. First of all, don't think that depressed people will ask you for help. Just take the initiative to lend a helping hand to them.

How to correctly help patients with depression

Depression is a disease. At least it must be clear that depression cannot be solved by just prescribing. How can
help them? First of all, according to the patient's priorities, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and also remind them to take the medicine on time and in the right amount according to the doctor's instructions.

First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental disease. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will have non-organic physical pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, atypical Faci - DayDayNews

Furthermore, the following seven points are people’s experience and suggestions. Although they are not complete, they are definitely effective.


Accompanying them is a very important help. You don't have to speak or offer advice, and it doesn't matter how they react. Just being there for them will make them feel a lot of warmth, stability and acceptance. In today's world, the time you can give to others is such a valuable help. For patients with severe depression, they also need help in daily life.

Don't express sympathy and pity

They are already in self-pity. Don't express your sympathy to make them fall into self-pity or further cover themselves up. Instead of condemning and condemning, they need consideration, understanding and empathy.

Help them raise hope in their hearts

They are in hopelessness and despair, passive, missing, goals destroyed, focusing on failure and hopelessness, and seeing their situation as darker than it is. Therefore, they need the encouragement of positive energy and positive sunshine, and give them more love, gentle encouragement and strength to help them rekindle hope.

Listen softly and encourage without arguing

Depressed people are very sensitive and emotional, but also very fragile and easily hurt. They are like a thin piece of paper, very easy to be punctured, cracked, and shattered.But when they are emotional and angry, they are so terrifying and can be very damaging to those around them.

They are also prone to developing defensive functions due to failure and negativity, protecting themselves, closing in and retreating. They may be disbelieving, doubtful, or even resentful of your words and faith. Therefore, you need to encourage them to share and talk more, do not argue with them, or rush to give answers and suggestions, and do not be too tough with them. Be considerate, gentle, patient, and gentle. Listen more, encourage more, affirm more.

Help their minds shift away from themselves and onto other things

One of the signs of a depressed person is that they focus on themselves mentally, only seeing their own weaknesses and difficulties. Therefore, they need to be helped to see the need for successful healing and change among people with depression around them.

Try to encourage them to participate in activities.

Help, arrange, lead and support them to participate in activities, sports and ministry that they like. This is very beneficial to their body, mood and maintaining relationships with others. Many depressed people are afraid of the sun, so they need to be specially encouraged to go out in the sun.

Help them gradually return to normal work

This should be done carefully. Too much work pressure may be the cause of depression. But giving them a certain amount of work responsibility will help build their confidence and sense of self-worth, and also give them the application of their attention and energy.

First of all, the answer is yes, and depression is the most easily ignored mental disease. When people are under excessive psychological pressure, they will have non-organic physical pain: such as dull pain in the head and neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, atypical Faci - DayDayNews


It is just a normal disease

It is like a cold of the soul

It is not a scourge

Let us face depression correctly

Cooperate with treatment and actively adjust

Help those who are unfortunate Patients "reborn from the ashes"

out of the haze

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